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FOV in games

The Adli Corporation
6 posters

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1FOV in games Empty FOV in games 2013-05-02, 13:27

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

2FOV in games Empty Re: FOV in games 2013-05-02, 14:04



I checked it out, I'm glad that I'm not effected by FOV based motion sickness. I like my monitor not looking like a fisheye lens.

Either that or having a 22" monitor a couple feet away is good enough for me.

Last edited by Chewy on 2013-05-02, 15:00; edited 1 time in total

3FOV in games Empty Re: FOV in games 2013-05-02, 14:54



Good watch. Thumbs up

I generally play FPS games at a 93-95 FOV. Other first person games (skyrim, minecraft) I usually play at around 85. I used to get massive headaches playing the 360 versions of MW2 and BC2 on my monitor because it was so close to my face and their FOVs are so low.

4FOV in games Empty Re: FOV in games 2013-05-02, 14:58



I have to use 90 or higher or I get mad headaches

5FOV in games Empty Re: FOV in games 2013-05-02, 16:00

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I have never had issues with FOV in games effecting me adversely

6FOV in games Empty Re: FOV in games 2013-05-02, 16:02



Dr. Spaceman wrote:I have never had issues with FOV in games effecting me adversely

Well you play on console soooo.....

7FOV in games Empty Re: FOV in games 2013-05-02, 18:36



in the games I've played there hasn't been an option to go higher than 90,but I always put it at the highest (90) and it just looks better to me

8FOV in games Empty Re: FOV in games 2013-05-02, 18:47



Console gamers would not have issues with FOV since you sit so far from your TV

9FOV in games Empty Re: FOV in games 2013-05-02, 19:41

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Dr. Spaceman wrote:I have never had issues with FOV in games effecting me adversely

you play on console, the video explains why you wouldnt often have issues with it.

10FOV in games Empty Re: FOV in games 2013-05-03, 08:39

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I used to play my xbox on a pc monitor like a foot away from my face... I never had any problems.

11FOV in games Empty Re: FOV in games 2013-05-03, 08:57

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

But yeah interesting video.

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