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Best looking games?

4 posters

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1Best looking games? Empty Best looking games? 2012-12-28, 14:00



For xbox, I'd go with Resident Evil 5-6
Forza 4
Gears of War 3
Halo 4


not sure list some:). I know a few older ones like Crysis 1-2,and Witcher 2. Metro 2033

Dunno for PS3, Uncharted and Killzone series? Demon's Souls?

2Best looking games? Empty Re: Best looking games? 2012-12-28, 14:07



Forza 4 for sure,

Halo 4,

Far Cry 3,

Assassins Creed III (it was beautiful)

thats all I can think off

3Best looking games? Empty Re: Best looking games? 2012-12-28, 15:10



Far Cry 3
Halo 4
BF 3

4Best looking games? Empty Re: Best looking games? 2012-12-28, 17:28



Metro 2033
Planetside 2

5Best looking games? Empty Re: Best looking games? 2012-12-28, 17:29



It is still sad that after 5 years, Crysis with mods still wins this award.

6Best looking games? Empty Re: Best looking games? 2012-12-28, 17:30



Tom wrote:It is still sad that after 5 years, Crysis with mods still wins this award.

I still think TW2 with ubersampling looks better

7Best looking games? Empty Re: Best looking games? 2012-12-28, 18:00



I'm gonna get Witcher 2 pretty soon,it looks so sexy. Also want to get dragon age and get HD texture packs

8Best looking games? Empty Re: Best looking games? 2012-12-29, 01:30



Skyrim. And here's why:

When someone says "best looking" the first thing I think of isn't "oh fuck check out that sexy engine running those amazing uber-detailed images", I think "that level design is beautiful, those areas may be rough but they're visually striking"

And nothing I've played has been as visually striking as Skyrim. Yes, the dungeons were like someone drilled a hole through a shit pile, and yes, the graphics were rough as hell sometimes (spoken from xbox perspective btw, the principle is the same though). But my fondest memory in all of gaming was at one point, I just walked out of a forest and saw this gigantic, amazing plain, with mountains and scattered trees and stars overhead. And the aurora, and the flying dragon in the distance, and the fires of Whiterun burning far away. And I honestly loved it.

9Best looking games? Empty Re: Best looking games? 2012-12-29, 03:11



Forza 4 = Beautiful, detailed cars, driving (my opinion) best in any racing game like it)

Halo 4 = Great Level Design for the most part (MP/SP/SO), also amazing looking, and good game mechanics....still hate abilities.

ACIII =Everything was awesome.....everything....

Far Cry = Great to look at, and awesome landscape

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