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Metro: Last Light rant

Dropped Da Soap
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1Metro: Last Light rant Empty Metro: Last Light rant 2013-05-13, 20:48



2Metro: Last Light rant Empty Re: Metro: Last Light rant 2013-05-13, 21:27

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Seen it, hes nothing more then a whiny ass tool.

I have not preordered the game at all, but I can walk into Wal-Mart, Best Buy, or Gamestop and pick up a copy and still get Ranger mode. Considering EVERY copy of the damn game is the Legendary edition.

Plus he doesn't even have his facts straight. Ranger Mode WAS NOT, WAS NOT in Metro 2033. It was a DLC add-on pack released 6 months AFTER the game was out.

Right now the game is like Battlefield 3. Until supplies run out, every copy is the Legendary edition. Which means that every copy has Karkand(Ranger Mode)on it.

3Metro: Last Light rant Empty Re: Metro: Last Light rant 2013-05-13, 21:30



I am going to fire it up when I get back from work.

I assume its horribadly optimized that even GTX Titan will chug, but lets see.

4Metro: Last Light rant Empty Re: Metro: Last Light rant 2013-05-13, 21:53

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Also it was announced last year that Ranger Mode would be DLC, and that was by THQ, who is now dead.

Ranger Mode being DLC is not the current publisher or devs fault.

5Metro: Last Light rant Empty Re: Metro: Last Light rant 2013-05-13, 22:20



That is pretty lame that they charge extra for a game mode/make it limited.

Sounds like something THQ would do though. They were kind of whores near their end, apparently with good reason. Although I don't think shit like that is a very good long term business strategy.

6Metro: Last Light rant Empty Re: Metro: Last Light rant 2013-05-14, 00:19



got it preloaded,I'll try it at midnight. I heard it's badly optimized too

7Metro: Last Light rant Empty Re: Metro: Last Light rant 2013-05-14, 06:12

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

The Question wrote:Seen it, hes nothing more then a whiny ass tool.

I have not preordered the game at all, but I can walk into Wal-Mart, Best Buy, or Gamestop and pick up a copy and still get Ranger mode. Considering EVERY copy of the damn game is the Legendary edition.

Plus he doesn't even have his facts straight. Ranger Mode WAS NOT, WAS NOT in Metro 2033. It was a DLC add-on pack released 6 months AFTER the game was out.

Right now the game is like Battlefield 3. Until supplies run out, every copy is the Legendary edition. Which means that every copy has Karkand(Ranger Mode)on it.

A) he's actually a pretty good reviewer. the production values for his review videos are high and he makes good points.

B) pretty sure he did say that ranger mode was a DLC for 2033.

C) its day 1 DLC. it could have easily been in the game. Ranger Mode for Metro 2033 came well after release, not on the day of release. they pulled Ranger Mode out of the base game to make more money, yaaaay! fun for everyone, right?

8Metro: Last Light rant Empty Re: Metro: Last Light rant 2013-05-14, 11:07



been playing it for a few hours,it's cool besides some glitches with shadows that some drivers should fix soon

9Metro: Last Light rant Empty Re: Metro: Last Light rant 2013-05-14, 16:48



I actually prefer Angry Joe to TB

10Metro: Last Light rant Empty Re: Metro: Last Light rant 2013-05-14, 17:49

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I don't mind angry joe too much. He had some good points but the last few minutes of his video he did come off a bit tool like.

11Metro: Last Light rant Empty Re: Metro: Last Light rant 2013-05-14, 21:40



I realized that I cant play until Friday. Its not released until then here...

12Metro: Last Light rant Empty Re: Metro: Last Light rant 2013-05-14, 21:42



Sym wrote:I actually prefer Angry Joe to TB

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