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WTF!? Camping Infestation BFBC2...

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Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Seriously. WTF!? I had an assault squad mate camping in a building or by one all the time in conquest. Even after I C4'ed his cover he found a new place. A medic (red hat) who kept picking up sniper rifles and turned into a Wookiee. Those two along side your average everyday crappy Wookiee just pissed me off. I literally was the only one capturing flags in Arica Harbor conquest and never did my team push to capture all 3 bases. I would capture two flags and they'd just camp at Bravo.

We were up during the game and then went downhill a bit until I mega raged. We barely won by 5 tickets too.

I would've enjoyed a close match, but that was close because of stupidity.



I just back out when this happens. When I play with randoms, I expect to have a hooooorrible team. When I join a game with randoms I go through these steps...

1. Join game. Check if attack or defense. If attack, go to step 2. If defense, step 3.

2. Spawn, check tickets remaining. If tickets are below 30, back out. If tickets are above 30, proceed to step 4.

3.Check what base we are at. If at last base, back out (especially when it's down to the last mcomm and it's armed. Wtf Dice?). If at any other base, spawn and proceed to step 4.

4. Check surroundings, check class composition of teammates. If 50% or more are wookies, back out. If not, proceed to step 5.

5. Begin systematic destruction of enemy team. Loot, rape, pillage, destroy regardless of attack or defense. Cover mcomm, but never suicide run to arm (will suicide run to disarm). In general, play the match for 5 or so minutes. You can tell within that time period if you can carry your team to victory or not. If not, back out. If victory possible, WIN. (A couple nights ago I joined a game of Valparaiso on attack. We had 8 tickets left when I spawned in. I decided to stick it out for a minute to get a kill or two and stormed their base in the bradley. As I approached, I saw the mcomm had a sliver of health left. I took a couple pot shots at it and managed to take it out with 3 tickets left. The game was won 5 minutes later. I felt like Superman.)

TLDR, this post was a bitch to type on my phone...



It happens sometimes in all games. Put on a team that either doesn't want to win, or doesn't seem to know what to do.

Watch those Black Ops vids that T-800 put up... Domination & Cap the Flag and the guy playing didn't do shit to help his team with the objective. Just ran around shooting people.

They need to make the points you get for the objective so high that even the most hardcore KDR whore will go for it. For example: Make it so that just grabbing/planting bomb/capping flag gives 15x's the points you get for a kill.



All that would do is give more people a reason and desire to boost, though.



I want you to go play Medal of Honor and tell me camping is bad in BC2.



T-800 wrote:I want you to go play Medal of Honor and tell me camping is bad in BC2.
So how is MoH anyway, in terms of camping?



StormEye wrote:
T-800 wrote:I want you to go play Medal of Honor and tell me camping is bad in BC2.
So how is MoH anyway, in terms of camping?
Very bad since the maps are designed in a way where there is no possible way to flank a camper so you will almost always die when you try to kill him.
(with him dying ~60% of the time)



So no grenade/special-grenade to give advantage?



StormEye wrote:So no grenade/special-grenade to give advantage?
Grenades are crap where they have to land at there feet to kill like in BC2. Most camping spots are where you are standing on a small box to avoid this or they kill you rigth when you have line of sight to throw the grenade. The smoke grenade is very interesting because most of the time they can actually see your outline or fire randomly into to the smoke until you are dead. With camping being this powerful it leads to the standoffs I described in my review.



Use the Carl G.

no more camping

though I switched to the RPG lately and that thing is annoying as hell to try to kill people with ._.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

JDM_Jev wrote:Use the Carl G.

no more camping

though I switched to the RPG lately and that thing is annoying as hell to try to kill people with ._.

Except they're my teammates. I would have done something if it was Hardcore or if I found the time to C4 a building. The other team was doing something, but mine was doing nothing.



it's more annoying in CQ since you can't one-man base grab.

In Rush one guy can win the game anyway so it's not a big deal. I wish we could friendly fire sometimes.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I was tempted to leave and join the other team to take his dog tags. I probably should have because my team would've lost without me and I'd still get a win.



How exactly would you make yourself join the other team?

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Look at recent players met and then go to there gamer profile and join session. I heard you could do it from the scoreboard, but I haven't tried.



Ha. I should have thought of that. That's how I used to follow boosters from game-to-game in MW2... Very Happy

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