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Anyone go camping?

The Adli Corporation
9 posters

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1Anyone go camping? Empty Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 12:50



I'm gonna be going on a little camping adventure and was looking for some tips/advice from the SeC Smile

2Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 12:52

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

bring a tent.

3Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 12:54



I'm gonna make a debris hut Very Happy

4Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 12:55

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

bring debris.

Very Happy

5Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 12:57



Lol What a Face

6Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 13:05



anti-sea-bear equipment!

7Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 13:11



I've done quite a bit of camping myself.

Not sure how much luck you're gonna have with a debris-hut, especially if it ends up raining. If you're planning on ghetto rigging something you should at least bring a tarp and a rope, so you can tie the rope to two trees and drape the tarp over it and use that as shelter.

Make sure to bring extra socks and a flashlight.

Where are you going camping at? A campground or just in the middle of the woods somewhere?

8Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 13:14



Im going in the middle of the woods haha. It's kind of by a river too. And debris huts are good for protecting against rain I thought?

9Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 13:16



I mean if you're really good at building them probably, but it would be pretty easy to have plenty of leaks in them.

10Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 13:17



yeah as long as there arent any holes or gaps in them... which i think would be pretty hard to do

11Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 13:20



I'm gonna be spending a long time on it though lol. I'm gonna make it go up to at least my chin to make sure there are no leaks.

12Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 13:24



Honestly dude if this is your first time camping I'd bring a tent. It'll make life a lot easier.

13Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 13:25



Well if you know what you're doing. I've never made one myself though, I usually just roll with a tent.

14Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 13:26

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

maybe put a tarp on top, then build another rough one on the top, so it looks like one debris hut, and you can still look pimping.

15Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 13:38



I know how to build them, I actually know a lot about like survival stuff but I was just wanting some random tips like don't eat the yellow snow but more... helpful lol. Like something that you would have liked to know the first time u went camping.

16Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 13:40



well all in all seriousness, hide your food better than you'd think. raccoons will tear through a cooler

17Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 13:46

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Hide your food up high, and away from your campsite. You don't want to attract any animals. bring warm clothes, if you DO get wet you will want something else to wear. Don't go to far, in case your hut doesn't work out you need to be able to reach somewhere safe.

I live in the mountins in montana. I camp a little

18Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 13:51



Yeah like Terry said hide your food up high, put it all in a garbage bag and tie it to a tree or something.

19Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 13:53



Damn campers... get out there and help your team wtf!

Oh sorry, wrong camping...

20Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 14:03



Is there anything to keep ticks out of your tent/shelter?

21Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 14:05



umm besides keeping it sealed? maybe bug repellant?

22Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 14:08



Would smoke keep them out like it does other bugs?

23Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 14:10

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

maybe roll the edges of the groundsheet back on themselves and weight them wit rocks. then the small ground bugs wont be able have an edge to crawl easily along.

might not work but its an idea

24Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 14:14



If you have the camp in an open area you should be good. Where the ticks come from is the high grass/foilage areas. Just make sure to where longpants and boots and such when you go through them and make sure to check yourself or have someone check you for ticks.

25Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 14:21



I doubt there will be ticks out at this time a year luckily but I just want to be safe. I hate ticks lol.

26Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 14:25



Bring bug spray and sunscreen. Bring a sharp utility knife, if you've taken survival courses before then you know that's your life line and you can basically do everything with it. You can cut down a tree with up to a 2.5" diameter just using a sharp knife. Just grab the tree and bend it over, at the point of the main bend put the knife at a 45 degree angle. Now as you push on the tree push down on the knife, you should be able to carve right through it. Hard to explain in text...

Bring a lighter and tinder/old shirt/newspaper/etc. for starting a fire. You can actually make tinder if you want its actually quite easy, I was gonna write it all out but just found this site: that explains it pretty well.

I have more but I gotta get a shit ton of stuff done today at work.

27Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 14:31



I'm bringing cotton balls dipped in petroleum jelly for something to easily take a flame and stay on fire. I have a lot of matches and I know how to start a fire with four friction techniques. I'm gonna be bring a saw lol. I'm also bringing a crowbar in replacement of an axe cause I don't have one. And I have like 5 knives I'm bringing and I also know how to flintknap to make a knife. Smile

28Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 14:33

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

we have an EPIC 15 inch handsaw made by wilkinson, it flicks out of the handle like a flick-knife and can saw through a considerable sized tree branch pretty quick. its great for chopping tree limbs for firewood

29Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 14:36



I'm gonna definitely need a saw because I plan on eventually making an elevated hut off the ground and in a tree, or across a couple trees.

30Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 14:49

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

SOmebody watch the Man Vs. Wild marthon apparently lol. Have fun Bla. I have a couple uncles (twins) who like to go out in the wild for a week at a time, with just a few supplies and they love it. I don't camp nearly as much as I should.

31Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 14:51



The Terrinator wrote:Hide your food up high, and away from your campsite. You don't want to attract any animals. bring warm clothes, if you DO get wet you will want something else to wear. Don't go to far, in case your hut doesn't work out you need to be able to reach somewhere safe.

I live in the mountins in montana. I camp a little

this only reinforced my image of Terry as being a big gruff stoner mountain man living off the land, going out and chopping wood every evening.

32Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 14:53



I haven't seen man vs wild in like a year lol, they still making it? Anyway, bear grills didn't know much about building a shelter. They aren't supposed to be super roomy, they are supposed to be small so your body heat isn't wasted and so it stays in and doesn't dissipate. You always see him say how he was so cold at night, I wonder why! He had enough room for another 3 people in his shelter!

33Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 15:00



yeah if you want real survivalism info from the Discovery Channel, watch Survivorman, not Man vs. wild. he doesnt actually have a camera crew follow him around everywhere.

34Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 15:02



Both of them give good info and stuff but neither are perfect.

35Anyone go camping? Empty Re: Anyone go camping? 2011-03-18, 15:04



Yeah bear grills sucks... Survivor man however is the badass of tv

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