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Marvel Heroes is out today

2 posters

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1Marvel Heroes is out today Empty Marvel Heroes is out today 2013-06-04, 18:35



F2P on Steam

Its an action RPG like Diablo/Torchlight

I played the beta and it was pretty fun. Interested to see how the full game turned out

2Marvel Heroes is out today Empty Re: Marvel Heroes is out today 2013-06-04, 19:10

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

im checking it out now. $80 dlc concerns me.

3Marvel Heroes is out today Empty Re: Marvel Heroes is out today 2013-06-04, 19:15



Yea lol

I saw that too......

Made me scratch my head to say the least

The beta was solid so here hoping they dont butcher it with micro transactions

4Marvel Heroes is out today Empty Re: Marvel Heroes is out today 2013-06-05, 04:45



I'm gonna try it out

5Marvel Heroes is out today Empty Re: Marvel Heroes is out today 2013-06-05, 20:20



Pretty solid

6Marvel Heroes is out today Empty Re: Marvel Heroes is out today 2013-06-05, 20:27



The cash shop is ABSURD!

Holy hell

Man too bad the actual base game is pretty fun, but I doubt Ill put any money into this....

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