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DC / Marvel reboots - Yes please.

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Epyk MD

Epyk MD

So DC is completely rebooting ALL 52 titles starting in September (which creates an excellent startingpoint for all you youngens


Marvel 616 isn't rebooting from the looks of it. Which is a shame becuase that shit is crazy hard to Follow/understand as of late.
But Ultimate Comics (Pretty much what all the new movies are based off) is clearing the slate as it were. Ultimate Spiderman is incredibly great, The Ultimates (The Avengers) was pretty decent...everything else...not so much. Last week they killed Spiderman in a permanent Uncle Ben type way. And are jumping the time line on the whole universe forward a bit during the Ultimate Fallout Miniseries, which will be ended with the introduction of the New spiderman. They're also launching 2 other major titles at the same time.

The DC end of all this seems to be getting pretty much everyone hyped.
Marvel fans are a bit split down the middle though.
Mostly due to The death of Spiderman I think (which I though was well done and am glad its not a Superman reborn type deal)

As a fan of both im all for the reboots especially DC's.
What are my fellow comic book readers thoughts on this?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

They killed Spiderman? Huh?

I just started reading Ultimate Spiderman recently with the first two collections. Might continue reading it.

But I am kinda mixed in my opinion on the DC reboot

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Yeah. I can't really feel bad about the suprise. They plastered it every for the last 6 months Razz

But keep going its good shit.

Ultimate comics whated to dring its own game to the table. Best way to do that kill off the most icon in spectacular fashion.

They got wolverine too =*(

With the dc stuff they are keeping the best. Such as the killing joke and death in the family as cannon.
infinate crisis as well.
But doing new origins on some (but not all) and just plain dropping alot of the excess baggage.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

One of the things i am most worried about is what they are going to do with Batman and Robin. I loved seeing Dick as Batman, and Damien as a sadistic assassin like Robin was awesome

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