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SSD coming in, going to see if it lives up to the hype :P

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got rid of the funky ps vita, I didn't care for handheld gaming I guess... anyway, got 250gb Samsung 840

tests on the life rate it at like 75 years, over 700tb written to a few years when 1tb ssd's are like ~100 it'll be a mute point

going to put BF3,Civ 5, Starcraft 2,and prob Skyrim on it and my OS. Could have went 120gb but eh. ha.

The read speed is fast, like 95,000 i/o , the write is lower but still the same as the old mainstay ssd the crucial m4, about 45,000 i/o

looked up the stuff to do like make sure TRIM is on, turn off super fetch and pre fetch, turn off hibernation, turn power settings to high and make sure the SSD never turns off, and shrink page file to like 500mb-1gb. I have 8gb ram anyway.

It's nice this cooler master case,all the HDDs bays have 2.5 holes already in them so I didn't need to get one.

could get a cheap 64gb one for my laptop to breath new life into it



be sure to put it in a sata 3 port and turn on AHCI.



Actually, you do not have to worry too much about SSD as long as you are using Windows 7 and up.

Most settings are set automatically, and this whole scare of your SSD dying prematurely is just boogeyman theory. Many warnings only apply for ancient SSDs. Currently, even with even heavy use, SSD will probably out last HDD as HDD will fail mechanically first before SSD will fail due to unable to change its data. And to do that, you have to do some ultra heavy useless work to test out the SSD limit.

As mentioned by Tom, just make sure you have it set to AHCI in BIOS. Thats pretty much it. But you have to fresh CLEAN install your windows for it to properly setup SSD.

Disabling hibernation and stuff are just for free space saving.



yeah it's set to AHCI,my motherboard is a pretty recent one,the asrock extreme 4m z77

since my laptop sucks for gaming anyway,I could get a cheap sandisk 64gb for it lol. Then again,probably best to just get a new laptop,it's only a single core >_> with hd4200 ati graphics



8)8)8)8)Cool it's lovely



My OS is stupidly snappy



man it takes me longer to type in my windows password than it does from powerup to the desktop,it's crazy fast now lol. damn......I could never go back to just HDDs only now,feels so sluggish



If you want to, move your personal folders to secondary drive (ie downloads, my doc, etc). It's another free space saving method.



I just did that ha. Just streaming my mp3 music off winamp from the 1tb HDD. It's stupid it made me import my library again even though everything is still on the HDD. I don't feel like organizing all the songs again....thinking about just deleting a bunch I never listen to lol.

I put sc2,bf3,and civ 5 on it. at 164gb left,and those are the only games I would care to put on it.

Now to figure out how to play my large steam library from the actual HDD,maybe I need to open steam from the 1tb HDD itself.

it was agonizing how long civ 5 would take to load on regular hdd >_>

will probably just move the chrome cache to HDD. I tried firefox the other day,it was my fav before but it just seems very sluggish compared to chrome.

turned page file off,no problems yet,if it ever says low memory I can just add 1-2gb page file easy.

really liking how snappy it is



I would advise to turn on page file, at about 512mb~1gb (I have it at 1gb). Even if you do have more than enough actual ram, windows and other programs like to utilize it from time to time. And if they find that you don't have one, it affects speed a little.

People removed page file mainly due to fear, not for free space, but as I have mentioned before it is boogeyman theory.



Ive only got 11 gigs free on my SSD



it kept telling me it wanted to make an over provision partition of 30something gb.... I was like err nooooo lol. I heard with modern ssd's it really doesn't matter.

in a few years when 1tb ssds are cheap it won't even matter ha.

it was pretty simple just getting stuff to play from my HDD, I actually had to pin another steam.exe to the taskbar from my 1tb HDD and it opened my big library I had. On the other steam.exe it only has the ones I put on the ssd.

just now windows had 106 updates it said it failed to configure and just took me to the desktop,guess there were too many, it totaled 300mb lol, it got overloaded I guess.

low and behold,my system hasn't locked up anymore,even with comodo dragon (had to find an old version to download, fuck the look of the new version). I should have gone with the wd black hdd instead of the cheap seagate 1tb lol



You can set custom amount of page file, if you do not know I can help you with some screen shots.

As I said, some programs rely on page file to run optimally, regardless of adequate RAM.



I set a 1gb page file on the HDD Razz, wonder if it would be smart enough to use it from the HDD



Have a read on this DuckieHo wrote:
Should the pagefile be placed on SSDs?

Yes. Most pagefile operations are small random reads or larger sequential writes, both of which are types of operations that SSDs handle well.

In looking at telemetry data from thousands of traces and focusing on pagefile reads and writes, we find that

Pagefile.sys reads outnumber pagefile.sys writes by about 40 to 1,
Pagefile.sys read sizes are typically quite small, with 67% less than or equal to 4 KB, and 88% less than 16 KB.
Pagefile.sys writes are relatively large, with 62% greater than or equal to 128 KB and 45% being exactly 1 MB in size.

In fact, given typical pagefile reference patterns and the favorable performance characteristics SSDs have on those patterns, there are few files better than the pagefile to place on an SSD.



ah nice, I just made a 1gb pagefile on the ssd, the samsung ssd software makes it really easy with shortcuts in the software for it lol Razz

good grief chrome cache fills up fast and huge,I have it on the HDD and the speed for the browser is still the same. From last night till now it's about 500mb already. It still randomly had an internet explorer cache even though I don't use it, when I check CCcleaner



Just don't worry about it too much. I would suggest just installing frequently used ones on SSD, and using secondary for storage and infrequent usage programs.

Out of curiosity, did you update firmware on your SSD before installing windows?



nuh uh, I didn't even think to. The read and write are advertised,but i/o is about 66,000 for read, the write i/0 is 60,000

looked it up online, and they say that really depends on the cpu, and they say i/o doesn't matter, the thing that makes ssd so fast is the 0.1 seek-time lol.

I have the newest firmware now though.

which one do you have, kingston ssd?



I have OCZ Vertex 3 240gb.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah putting your OS on an SSD is the shit. Boots in seconds. I haven't put any games on my SSD yet though. I'll probably stick BF4 on there once that comes out cause BF3 can take a long ass time to load a level.



well what do you know, my system hasn't froze or anything since I've gotten the SSD, think that seagate is going bad,should have spent the extra money for a WD Black HDD,those things are quality.

I guess I'll just use the seagate till it breaks.

I'm so used to the speed of the ssd now it's great, it really is worth the money, I would never have a pc without it at least for the OS,even a cheap 64gb one.



Once you get used to SSD enough, even the clicking of HDDs are going to get extremely annoying; provided that you have no other mechanical device producing noise apart from fans.

I recently have taken apart my old external enclosure and shoved it into my machine. Since, my machine is at near desk level, its quite noticeable when the HDD is being accessed. And its quite annoying... Its probably the loudest component in my machine, apart from trying to run my fans at 100% speed.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I don't think i could go back to a HDD for my OS after this.

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