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Upgrading the old toaster.

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1Upgrading the old toaster. Empty Upgrading the old toaster. 2013-07-17, 23:39



Looking for some opinions on whether or not I should just ditch the old one to get a new comp. It works OK-ish for most things (BF3 is a clear 60 FPS on medium, no drops), but I tried OCing the CPU for Planetside and it played well, but was threatening to crash on me. After some stability issues I reverted it to non-OC.

Current part list as follows:

Q6600 (Core 2 Quad)
4Gs of RAM (1G per stick)

GeForce GTX 560 (MSI brand)

And that's all that really matters, so far. Is the jump to an i5 worth it? Is increasing RAM worth it?

I just don't know, very much on the fence about it.

2Upgrading the old toaster. Empty Re: Upgrading the old toaster. 2013-07-18, 00:06



get the i5 and get 8 gigs. that's pretty much baseline for a modern gaming PC.

 edit: also don't expect to get respectable performance in PS2 unless you SLI two 680s. i had to stop playing that game because i would constantly dip under 30 fps in bigger battles at lowest settings with a 660ti.

3Upgrading the old toaster. Empty Re: Upgrading the old toaster. 2013-07-18, 00:53



yea I heard that game runs like crap on pretty much everything

4Upgrading the old toaster. Empty Re: Upgrading the old toaster. 2013-07-18, 01:05



ps2 is horribly optimized

Granted its fucking huge, but still. It does run like ass on just about everything.

5Upgrading the old toaster. Empty Re: Upgrading the old toaster. 2013-07-18, 11:35



If you consider 30 fps to be decent then it's no problem. I can run it just fine on low settings at least.

6Upgrading the old toaster. Empty Re: Upgrading the old toaster. 2013-07-18, 13:04



I run it on low settings fine... 30fps (which fine to me

7Upgrading the old toaster. Empty Re: Upgrading the old toaster. 2013-07-18, 13:23



after playing bf3 at 60fps for so long 30 is completely unplayable for me. it makes aiming way too jerky.

8Upgrading the old toaster. Empty Re: Upgrading the old toaster. 2013-07-18, 13:26



I guess I'm used to both,I play bf3 on xbox every day still lol

9Upgrading the old toaster. Empty Re: Upgrading the old toaster. 2013-07-18, 15:59



30 FPS makes my head hurt nowadays

10Upgrading the old toaster. Empty Re: Upgrading the old toaster. 2013-07-18, 20:12



On a good say, I can get 60 when doing nothing. Betting into a small battle will drop it down to 30. Bigs are like 20.

The real problem is frame drops that go all the way down to 4.

I get slightly bothered at 25-.

And if your computer is actually good enough, setting some of the settings higher for Planetside will actually be better. If everything is low, your computer doesn't use as much of your videocard, but a lot of your CPU. If your card is up to snuff, you can increase some settings so that the GPU does most of the work.

11Upgrading the old toaster. Empty Re: Upgrading the old toaster. 2013-07-18, 21:20



since PS2 is so cpu intensive would i7 really benefit in that game?

or maybe i5 (2500k is sorta cheap used,but new Haswell is 20% better than it) and overclock it with 212 evo cooler, and like a gtx 760 ( a little better than 660ti,plus has 256 memory bus)

12Upgrading the old toaster. Empty Re: Upgrading the old toaster. 2013-07-18, 21:23



Thought you had a 2500k JR?

13Upgrading the old toaster. Empty Re: Upgrading the old toaster. 2013-07-18, 22:50



nah I got the 3570k for the better integrated graphics if I ever needed it Razz, 2500k was actually more expensive

14Upgrading the old toaster. Empty Re: Upgrading the old toaster. 2013-07-18, 22:57



Ah thats right

My I7 960 is still a beast

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