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So in a girlfriend....

Keyser Söze
Ars Diaboli
HydrasBreath ♜
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Ron Swanson
16 posters

Religious GF

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1So in a girlfriend.... Empty So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-23, 19:00



Do you consider her being religious a bad thing?

And I mean she actually does the religious things of her own accord not just because her parents are around.

2So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-23, 19:01

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

bad thing for me because I know it would be an issue. I mean if she was fine with my stance on that whole matter then it would be ok

3So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-23, 19:02



Yeah honestly it feels like sooner or later one of you is going to have to convert

4So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-23, 19:04

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Doesn't matter to me as I can corrupt the best of them.

5So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-23, 19:10

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I voted bad thing because most of the one's I've dealt with were christian "don't do that or you'll go to hell types"

I don't handle being preached at well. Although I've had some positive experiences with a couple hindus (and no they were not of Indian descent).

6So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-23, 19:12

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I like the ones that try to preach at me. Makes it more of a challenge to get the gold.

7So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-23, 23:41



bad. for many obvious and simple reasons.

8So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-24, 00:00



Bad. I won't date anyone that is even a little religious.

9So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-24, 00:05



Good, because most of you picked bad.

10So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-24, 00:18



Metalzoic wrote:Good, because most of you picked bad.
I have a hard time imagining you with a pious No-Sex til we Wed Christian girl Very Happy

11So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-24, 00:35

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Actually, Metal has only ever done it to procreate. It's common knowledge that sex without the intention of making children is a sin.

12So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-24, 01:25



Depends on the person, the religion, and a million other things really. Like anything else.

13So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-24, 01:48

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

sheep wrote:Depends on the person, the religion, and a million other things really.  Like anything else.

Unless the guy is really devoted, such as becoming a priest or something like that, I don't see it being hard for a female to corrupt a guy. Flash some ass and titties in his face, and any guy will melt.

14So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-24, 03:39




15So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-24, 03:48



Ars Diaboli wrote:Actually, Metal has only ever done it to procreate. It's common knowledge that sex without the intention of making children is a sin.

Its common knowledge Metal is only married because he forgot to wear protection

16So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-24, 07:57

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Mostly bad.

17So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-24, 10:22



For a serious relationship it means incompatibility. Most serious religious people will only date inside of their religion. I've had to friend zone a few church girls because they don't know that I'm not really into the religion my facebook says for my family's sake.

18So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-24, 11:48


I don't care, the best girl i was ever with was religious. But she wasn't overly crazy religious.

19So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-24, 15:50



sheep wrote:Depends on the person, the religion, and a million other things really.  Like anything else.

20So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-24, 17:10




21So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-25, 00:16



I think that's crap. Men are just as capable of controlling themselves as women. It's not like we don't also get urges, and horny, and enjoy looking at a nice piece of flesh. It all depends on the person and their ability to control themselves.

Also, not all religions are hard core about no sex before marriage, so I don't view that as the only factor. And if you love someone, why not be willing to wait with them if that is their preference. Just too many factors to say good or bad without background knowledge.

22So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-25, 01:05



It's the fact that religion is bad.

23So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-25, 01:11



sheep wrote:I think that's crap.  Men are just as capable of controlling themselves as women.  It's not like we don't also get urges, and horny, and enjoy looking at a nice piece of flesh.  It all depends on the person and their ability to control themselves.

Also, not all religions are hard core about no sex before marriage, so I don't view that as the only factor.  And if you love someone, why not be willing to wait with them if that is their preference.  Just too many factors to say good or bad without  background knowledge.

We all know we're talking about judaism/christianity/islam here. They're pretty much the only religions in the western world.

I think it really depends on the extent that the person is religious. You have people that will identify as a religion because that's what they were raised as, even though they don't really embrace many of its beliefs or go to church etc. I could see a relationship going ok with someone like that even if you are not part of their religion, because when it comes down to it, they aren't really part of it either.

But someone who is genuinely practicing a religion... These people are usually advised not to even have friends outside of their religion (I'm speaking from experience here). They embrace an entirely different way of life. If they are in a relationship with you, their primary concern would be to get you to convert because they'd be concerned for your soul. Not to mention that their religion is half of their identity; refusing to believe in their god would be akin to refusing to meet their parents. Then would come the concern of how to raise the kids.

Most of my family is this kind of religious. I find it hard to even be around them at all secretly thinking it's all full of shit and they're my family. Telling them that I don't believe in it and then living with them is like not an option.

24So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-25, 03:49



Duck wrote:
sheep wrote:I think that's crap.  Men are just as capable of controlling themselves as women.

We all know we're talking about judaism/christianity/islam here. They're pretty much the only religions in the western world.

I think it really depends on the extent that the person is religious. You have people that will identify as a religion because that's what they were raised as, even though they don't really embrace many of its beliefs or go to church etc. I could see a relationship going ok with someone like that even if you are not part of their religion, because when it comes down to it, they aren't really part of it either.


To Sheep: Well neither of us has the whole perspective sheep, I cant definitively say that Males have stronger urges than females since I havent felt a females urges myself to compare them

Also Duck, Yeah I was speaking about those 3 in Particular

And if you read the Second sentence it does say practicing of her own accord not because of Familial pressure

I had a Muslim friend whose Husband converted to Islam to marry her and even then her Dad wasnt happy about it (I suspect because he was white) Very Happy

Although she was kind of weird she didnt drink or eat non-halal meat but she didnt pray to Mecca and she definitely wasnt a virgin

25So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-25, 10:09



Duck wrote:
But someone who is genuinely practicing a religion... These people are usually advised not to even have friends outside of their religion (I'm speaking from experience here).  

I'm a Christian and this has not been my experience at all. I've never heard anyone I've met saying something like that. Also pretty much all of my friends are atheists.

26So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-25, 11:31



Kyuubey wrote:
Duck wrote:
But someone who is genuinely practicing a religion... These people are usually advised not to even have friends outside of their religion (I'm speaking from experience here).  

I'm a Christian and this has not been my experience at all. I've never heard anyone I've met saying something like that. Also pretty much all of my friends are atheists.

I think this may be a regional thing. There are groups and churches (catholic/christian) who try to steer you away from making friends or dating those who do not share your beliefs system because it will 'compromise' your beliefs. Or they try to tell you that it won't work out because you don't have the same beliefs.

On a slightly different note, I find organized religion to be a crock.

27So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-25, 12:38



Kyuubey wrote:
Duck wrote:
But someone who is genuinely practicing a religion... These people are usually advised not to even have friends outside of their religion (I'm speaking from experience here).  

I'm a Christian and this has not been my experience at all. I've never heard anyone I've met saying something like that. Also pretty much all of my friends are atheists.

It's a quite common sentiment around here, among hardcore christians. mostly because the bible is full of it.

28So in a girlfriend.... Empty Re: So in a girlfriend.... 2013-07-25, 12:51

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

"Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” "


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