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So I have a chance to go to Alaska for a job soon. Just....not sure if I want to do it.

Epyk MD
HydrasBreath ♜
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Dropped Da Soap
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Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Its for a seasonal job at a fish processing plant in Alaska. I was told about it MONTHs ago by a family friend, and that it was a 3 month job. They would pay for my flight out there and room and board. I wouldjust have to pay for my own expenses like food and whatnot.

Well they are hiring again and I have an application in my hands. But I was talking to the guy who emailed me the app, and he told me its actually a 6 month job. So now I am confused as to whether or not I should go. Cause 6 months is a long ass time to be moved across the country and work in a whole new area by myself, not knowing anyone or having any friends.

Plus, I don't want to leave right now especially with things between me and my friend Dani. I hung out with her last night, and ended up sleeping over at her house with her(didnt have sex, just slept together and talked). And she seems to think it would be a good thing for me to try.

Not im confused on if I should go or not. I want to, but not for 6 months. And not if I have a chance with her. But I don't NOT want to go, and end up regretting it down the road



Man, fuck Alaska.



I would do it

Thing is the drug test, and well you know....

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

That's a tough one. I personally would do it, I mean new people, new chicks, it could be fun. You're young yet (not 21 I don't think), so it's not like you would be able to do half the things I could. Then there's the constant fish smell. It's a tough decision, but I never regretted when I did all my traveling when I was younger. Sure it messed up a couple chances with a few relationships, but I've had others.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I'd turn 21 while I was there.

But I would miss out on a lot of stuff here. Possibly a relationship with my friend DAni, I would spend Christmas and Thanksgiving alone, spend my 21st alone, and other stuff. Plus that marathon in December I paid for

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

dude, I am one of the most anti-social people you will ever meet. I can count on under 10 fingers the number of friends I have had my whole life.

I highly doubt I would make any friends out there.



I wouldn't do it man,I'm anti social too very very much so in real life lol. Eh really not worth it for just a 3-6 month job,you'd be better off staying where you are



I would do it if I was single

Whats the pay like?

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

MEGA MILK wrote:Man, fuck Alaska.
My initial thoughts but I mean it depends what your current situation is and all. A job paying room and board is pretty sweet but i imagine working in a fish plant to be extremely terrible.

We have a large fishing industry here and there are fish processing and packaging plants here and I've known some people who've worked in them and the general consensus is it's a pretty terrible way to make a buck. But then again they weren't getting paid room and board.

As for Dani...You should never let anyone/anything hold you back from the things you want to do in life because ultimately it is your life. And I didn't want to be a dick in your got laid topic and shit on your parade but I'll tell you this now.

If you fall for this girl she will completely and utterly destroy you. From the sounds of it she's not really looking for a relationship. A big red flag was the whole "her getting rid of guys who are too "clingy" because she drunkenly kissed them or whatever". From the sounds of it she's just looking to have a good time and stay unattached and if you try to get more involved then you might (not 100% but might) blow things with her.

It sounds to me like you guys are just fuck friends and nothing more. Especially since you didn't bone the last time you saw each other.

I've learned from experience in situations like this to just let the other person bring up dating/relationship stuff or some defining tag and until then to just have fun and let it be whatever it will be.

I've blown quite a few situations because I brought up relationship or the fact that the sex "meant something to me".

That's my take on the situation but I could be wring so grain of salt and all that. Just trying to look out for you man.



Soap is going to end up like Francis in Malcolm in the Middle Very Happy



Frostbyrn wrote:Soap is going to end up like Francis in Malcolm in the Middle Very Happy
This is exactly what I was thinking.

I say go for it though. How much are they gonna pay you?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I don't know. definitely over 15 bucks though

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

id do it man, youll have stories to tell for the rest of your life.
"This one time in Alaska..."



I wouldnt do it for anything less than 25 personally


Dropped Da Soap wrote:I don't know. definitely over 15 bucks though
LAWL, stay at home. Thats nothing. Say at least $30-40 and I'd think about it



RStudios wrote:
Dropped Da Soap wrote:I don't know. definitely over 15 bucks though
LAWL, stay at home. Thats nothing. Say at least $30-40 and I'd think about it
Yea no doubt thats what Im saying right above you haha

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I'm only making like 850 now and no one here is hiring


See if it was in or near Unalakleet Alaska, Id say go for it... get some of the eskimo pussy
So I have a chance to go to Alaska for a job soon. Just....not sure if I want to do it.  0001348872_PM_1234344296

haha loved that show Very Happy







I'm going to give you a few pieces of advice.

1. Never, ever let a girl/possible relationship/relationship prevent you from seizing opportunity in your life.

2. It's better to regret the things you have done, than to regret the things you haven't done. When the scales are nearly equal always err on the side of action.

3. Are you guaranteed the job? Because many people just go up there and end up camping out for months with no job, money or food hoping a position opens up and you don't want to do that.

If you're guaranteed a job and there aren't any better opportunities busting down your door then fucking go.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

All that Metal said.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Well,  I think I am going to go.

I WAS talking to her this  morning and found out shes going  on a date in an hour with some guy. So iam thoroughly confused. 

She knows I really care about her, and I know really cares about amd worries for me. And we have slept together twice, and ive slept overnight in her bed with her twice. And we have talked a  LOT. And we both know more about each other, and told each other things that no one else who knows us knows.

So im horribly confused. I mean shes the best friend I  have ever had. but I  don't know what to do...



The distance may give you some clarity on that.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

HydrasBreath wrote:
MEGA MILK wrote:Man, fuck Alaska.
My initial thoughts but I mean it depends what your current situation is and all. A job paying room and board is pretty sweet but i imagine working in a fish plant to be extremely terrible.

We have a large fishing industry here and there are fish processing and packaging plants here and I've known some people who've worked in them and the general consensus is it's a pretty terrible way to make a buck. But then again they weren't getting paid room and board.

As for Dani...You should never let anyone/anything hold you back from the things you want to do in life because ultimately it is your life. And I didn't want to be a dick in your got laid topic and shit on your parade but I'll tell you this now.

If you fall for this girl she will completely and utterly destroy you. From the sounds of it she's not really looking for a relationship. A big red flag was the whole "her getting rid of guys who are too "clingy" because she drunkenly kissed them or whatever". From the sounds of it she's just looking to have a good time and stay unattached and if you try to get more involved then you might (not 100% but might) blow things with her.

It sounds to me like you guys are just fuck friends and nothing more. Especially since you didn't bone the last time you saw each other.

I've learned from experience in situations like this to just let the other person bring up dating/relationship stuff or some defining tag and until then to just have fun and let it be whatever it will be.

I've blown quite a few situations because I brought up relationship or the fact that the sex "meant something to me".

That's my take on the situation but I could be wring so grain of salt and all that. Just trying to look out for you man.
 Also, I just saw this post. but thanks man.

And the only reason we didn't do anything together last time was because of my rotator cuff. She was terrified of doing anything to make it worse. Even though she made a point of saying how much  she wanted to have sex.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

MissSym wrote:The distance may give you some clarity on that.
Maybe.  I  don't know though. This is the first girl I have ever truly have fallen for.

And what's even more confusing is she wants me to go. Thinks it would be a great thing for me, and she doesn't want me to not go and regret it later in life.
She said she would miss me terribly if I did



I dont know man

Why dont you tell her how you feel? If she still dates other dudes then you have your answer.



As stated before, don't let her (or anyone else) hold you back from this experience.

Yes, she may miss you but, its better for her to miss you than for you sit by and miss what could be a great experience in life.

And its FAR better than sitting by and having your heart ripped out your chest. Which is where this may go if you stick around and watch her date other guys.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Sym wrote:I dont know man

Why dont you tell her how you feel? If she still dates other dudes then you have your answer.
 From what I understand she doesn't go out on dates to go on dates. She even pays for her own stuff so the giy doesn't get any ideas of it being a date.

Hell last Sunday she cancelled a date just to hang with me.

and apparently last time I was drunk with her, something brought up relationships. And I said something along the lines of how I wish it could be her I  was in one with. And she said something along the lines of how she wishes for the same  thing, but that she isn't ready. but one day might be, then she kissed me



Dude she sounds like she has no idea what the fuck she wants

I never could stand chicks like that haha

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Soap, you lost your V-Card to this chick. Doesn't mean it's going to last or things are meant to be. Don't fall for the first piece of ass you get because it won't be the last either. Sure you may have feelings for her, but you can't let that dictate your future and what's best for you in the end. Follow your heart on this one and do what it tells you to do. If that's going to Alaska, then go, if it's trying to get something to work/happen with this chick, then do it. In the end it doesn't matter what anyone else says.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah,  I know man.
its just so confusing. 
I know she cares about me, and I know she knows I care about her. 

But its just confusing how she is so willing to tell me shes going on a date. All I could do was say "Well have fun."

Like what else am I supposed to do.
my friends all tell me to tell her im going on a  date and see what she does. but that won't ever work, she knows me too well to know that im anti-social and shit



Dropped Da Soap wrote:Yeah,  I know man.
its just so confusing. 
I know she cares about me, and I know she knows I care about her. 

But its just confusing how she is so willing to tell me shes going on a date. All I could do was say "Well have fun."

Like what else am I supposed to do.
my friends all tell me to tell her im going on a  date and see what she does. but that won't ever work, she knows me too well to know that im anti-social and shit
Tell her you're going to Alaska and see what she does.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

MissSym wrote:
Dropped Da Soap wrote:Yeah,  I know man.
its just so confusing. 
I know she cares about me, and I know she knows I care about her. 

But its just confusing how she is so willing to tell me shes going on a date. All I could do was say "Well have fun."

Like what else am I supposed to do.
my friends all tell me to tell her im going on a  date and see what she does. but that won't ever work, she knows me too well to know that im anti-social and shit
Tell her you're going to Alaska and see what she does.
She's one of  the few who  knows about it.
And is pushing me to go



Dropped Da Soap wrote:
MissSym wrote:
Dropped Da Soap wrote:Yeah,  I know man.
its just so confusing. 
I know she cares about me, and I know she knows I care about her. 

But its just confusing how she is so willing to tell me shes going on a date. All I could do was say "Well have fun."

Like what else am I supposed to do.
my friends all tell me to tell her im going on a  date and see what she does. but that won't ever work, she knows me too well to know that im anti-social and shit
Tell her you're going to Alaska and see what she does.
She's one of  the few who  knows about it.
And is pushing me to go
But does she really think that you'll do it?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

she's pushing me to, and I  have expressed interest in going many times



Then go.

Don't wait around for something that may not happen.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I've had chicks push me to do things, even though they never wanted me to.



Ok, on topic. Soap, you've got a decent opportunity potentially, but not enough information. Hound this guy for information. Pay, accomodations, everything. You wanna know what they have in plan for you, exactly how they intend to deliver, and what you'd be doing there. If it ends up amazing, then go for it. If this thing with Jeff the Ki- Dani is really something that is "meant to be" (as stupid as that idea is), then itll wait. If she forgets about you over six months, then she's not the one mate. But in the end, you'll have to choose for yourself, just remember to consider everything. Don't follow your heart. Hearts are stupid as fuck. Follow your mind, and you'll be better prepared for everything. Whatever happens, remember that this is the age of the internet. For god's sake, if you want you could skype this ladyfriend every night.

Now off topic. 
I have a document that I've carried over for years on my various computers, called my Life Book. It's a word file, containing important experiences others have related, advice and just general things I have read that stood out to me, that I needed to save. Kalei, Hydra, and Metal, you are the first secers to be quoted in it.



Soap its funny how similar of a situation I am in right now. Pretty much identical except i didnt lose my virginity to her

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Pariah wrote:Kalei, Hydra, and Metal, you are the first secers to be quoted in it.
Word yo.... I think....


The thing is you don't know what's going to happen with this girl, love is an amazing feeling for sure, but this is a girl who isn't even your gf and the way she acts it doesn't sound like she wants anything serious i am pretty sure she said that to you?

But honestly you should be happy with that, you got to experience a few things with her and you had some fun it's better than a girl who will lie to you and tell you she wants something more when really she doesn't which isn't all that uncommon.

It sounds like this alaska thing would be good for you because you'll be getting more experience seeing new palces etc etc..

It could last for the rest of your life or a couple weeks if you do actually date.



Um. I think she's being pretty obvious in what she wants. TO HAVE FUN. Being in a committed relationship with you is not the fun she is looking for. Honestly, it kind of sounds like she's stringing you along. The friendship might be real, and the feelings may be real, but she's not interested in pursuing a relationship it you - yet she's kind of keeping you on the back burner for when she wants some male attention.

Alaska is pretty neat. I've been there. Lots of dirty melting snow and drunken eskimos. But it is also a lot different than anywhere else in the states and you'll get to see and experience new things. If you definitely have a job and the pay is good, do it. Even if you aren't pulling 30 bucks an hour, you make up the difference in free room and board. Plus its somewhere new and they have really cool parks up there (just watch out for the bears, and the moose... and the pedophiles).

I think even if you don't go, you need to get away from that girl and put some distance between you two. Because something just isn't right there.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

sheep wrote:I think even if you don't go, you need to get away from that girl and put some distance between you two.  Because something just isn't right there.
That's what I've been kind of thinking from how things have been sounding too. I'm sure there is an attraction there, but don't be an option. You're better than that.



Sorry bout the Neg cred Gil I was highlighting Text like a Spaz while I read and accidentally hit the button

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i gave you some AC since frost misclicked.



I've been too lazy to read through everything but I just did,and to me I agree with the others who said she just sounds like one of those chicks who can't make up their mind, and I can't stand those type either lol. Sounds like she's just a sex buddy, and it's fucked up she has you emotionally tied around her finger and just tells you she's going out with other guys and shit >_>

Alot of girls are fucked up and like to fuck with guy's heads/emotions,and I think this is one of them. I'm not saying go to alaska,lol, I don't think that's worth it, but.....from experience with too many bullshit girls I don't think this is going to work out.

sorta similar to this one chick who told me she loves me and all this bullshit one day,spending the night at my place a bunch,then I get a text like the next day saying she isn't ready for a relationship right now...I say ok..... (depressed as fuck because of it but don't really tell her)... THEN A FEW DAYS LATER, she has some other bf,and not even a month later she ends up preg by him, then she's texting me telling me how she hates him because "he's a whiny bitch". I just kinda laugh and don't write her back.

I chalk it up to being in a horrible area, but, back to the point, alot of people just like to fuck with your mind



I knew a girl who used to spend like an Hour on foreplay then just blueball you

I swear to god I came this close to taking her against her will one day

I didnt and I havent talked to her since

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

so  I hung out with her for a little bit tonight, since I had a doctor appointment I got out of and was near her college.
Told hee I made up my mind and that I might be flying out in under a week or so.

she seemed both upset and excited for me and asked when I finally made my decision.

told her I made it yesterday because I realized that there was no reason for me to stay. she kind of agreed, though I think it was because she felt she had too, but spent  the next several minutes in silence. 

She seemed upset when I said  that. 
I did tell her that out of everyone, I would miss her the most

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