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Nintendo 2DS coming out,and Wii U price drop

Cardboard Fox
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Nintendo needs to do something drastic to ever win me back



I've had a 3ds I've played a total of maybe 1 hour on lol.



I played mine for about ten hours



What games do you guys have?

I've clocked quite a bit of time just on EO4 and SMT4.



I just have Fire Emblem Awakening,mostly got it for RPGs,meant to get SMT 4,haven't even looked at a review for it yet actually 0__o . With my backlog on pc might take a break and play rpg on it

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Animal Crossing is the only 3DS game I actually own at the moment and I've spent a lot of time playing it.



I had Zelda OOT, Pilotwings and shit....what was it......



Oh and Star Fox

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Good for me. Makes my future purchase easier. At the moment I'm interested in the new Smash Brothers, Bayonetta 2, that X game, and what I saw of Zombie U looked good for at least 1 playthrough if I can get it at $20. Really want a new StarFox and Metroid, too...

Not sure why you guys don't use your 3DS more. Just including the DS library, there's a shitton of stuff to play. I'm interested in getting Fire Emblem and all the Castlevanias I possibly can, among other random games that have gotten my attention over the years. It's a good platform unless you are only into First Person games.

Last edited by Ars Diaboli on 2013-08-28, 22:54; edited 1 time in total



I played my Vita more than my 3DS

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

What have you played on the Vita? I've not paid enough attention to it. I'd go for it just for Dragon's Crown if I didn't have a PS3.



Animal Crossing:New Leaf, Pokemon Black, and Fire Emblem: Awakening are the only games I have for my 3DS. I do not regret my purchase one bit.



Also have Devil Summoner and some other stuff.

Monster Hunter I can't play on 3DS, it's too different for my hands.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Ante wrote:Animal Crossing:New Leaf, Pokemon Black, and Fire Emblem: Awakening are the only games I have for my 3DS. I do not regret my purchase one bit.
Dude. New Pokemon soon. I'm not sure I will hold the awesomeness. Just from the DS, I want to play the Gold/Silver remakes, they look sweet.



I sold my Vita and 3DS fwiw haha



part of me is waiting for some of the games to get cheaper, at 40 bucks a pop that adds up quick for 3ds games Razz, I'm already so used to cheap pc games.

I wouldn't get this 2ds, used regular 3ds would be better to me, or they had official refurb 3ds xl the other day I saw on cheap ass gamer's twitter, for like $135

I want to get a bunch of rpgs for it, heard Devil Summoner is good,as the Devil Survivor,might as well wait for the other "Overclocked" version to come out,it's supposedly better than regular ds version,not sure how much though.

for vita,eh,I really didn't feel it. Maybe down the road one day. Winded up getting rid of mine soon after I even got it.



I haven't even turned on the 3DS since last Christmas when I gave my daughter Adventure Time.
It's actually her system or I might play it more, but overall it just isn't graphically impressive enough to make me want to play it.

On the flipside I play my Vita nearly every day and have purchased over 62+ games for it, plus I have many more from PS+.



The 3DS has been my most played system lately. Etrian Odyssey 4 and Shin Megami Tensei 4 are keeping me busy, and I still have Fire Emblem that I need to play. The new Etrian Odyssey and Pokemon is gonna make October an awesome month for me and my 3DS Smile

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