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Nintendo officially shuts down Wii console production

Artimise Flare
Green bean Specialist
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Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist



good riddance to that gimmick lol



And no fucks were given

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Oh come now, it wasn't that bad. There were a few really good games on there from what I've heard, Zelda for example.

Considering how successful the Wii was when compared to the Wii U, Nintendo had to have been doing something right in the end.



Children made the wii



Sym wrote:Children made the wii
And nintendo turned a cold shoulder towards the older generations and long time Nintendo fans, making everyone very frustrated. After the first year or two the Wii just kind of sucked.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

If I can get some of the old school games on the Wii U, I may pick one up eventually to be honest.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I enjoyed my Wii to be honest. Brawl, Capcom vs Tatsunoko(sp?), Zelda, Mario Kart, Resident Evil, and many others. There were certaintly a lot of gems on the Wii.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Monster hunter Very Happy



2nd best system in the history of forever. The only system better was the Vectrex.

-And all the little children said "Amen".

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

It certainly wasn't the best, but it had a lot of hidden gems. Muramasa: The Demon Blade was awesome. And then there were other more known games, like Brawl, Metroid and Zelda. The Metroid Prime games are just awesome, and Twilight Princess was ok even if it didn't live up to expectations.

And really, guys. I find it funny that anyone calls it a "children's" console, or something among those lines. We are all big boys, so we play with our big boy toys, right? Only mature games in mature consoles for mature gamers such as ourselves.

Sym wrote:Children made the wii
Do you mean the workers in China that armed all consoles? Or the userbase? If the latter, I'm not sure if there was a typo and you misspelled Xbox 360. Fuck I couldn't stand half of the cunts I met online.

BmmFlash wrote:And nintendo turned a cold shoulder towards the older generations and long time Nintendo fans, making everyone very frustrated. After the first year or two the Wii just kind of sucked.
That doesn't make sense. People have being bitching at them since the GameCube, maybe even the N64.  It's just irrational hatred, I see people moaning about their consoles not getting "mature" games and when they do, they bitch at them too or ignore them. See: The recent Bayonetta 2 shitstorm.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I enjoyed the wii for what it was.



Ummmmm like 95% of the software was childrens shovelware......



My only problem with Nintendo is that I don't want to buy a system that is a generation (or more) behind the curve.

If the Wii U was about as powerful as the X1/PS4 I would have bought it day 1.
If the Wii had been about as powerful as the 360/PS3 I would have purchased a ton of games for it (instead of about 3 or 4)

As it is the Wii U is the first console system ever that I didn't buy on the launch day. I don't give a shit what games they have, if graphically it is a decade behind then I don't want it.



I enjoyed like 4 games on wii ( even though I own one )

Mario Galaxy 1and 2

Donkey Kong

Zelda Twilight Princess




Mario Galaxy was awesome. Problem was that it was just so ugly I had to quit playing and get rid of it.

I love Zelda, but I thought Twilight Princess was bad. Same with Wind Waker. I haven't tried Skyward Sword.



I didnt try Skyward Sword either

Ill probably wait till its available on emulator lmao, without the cheesy motion controls.

I liked TP as the dungeons were just freaking awesome

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I don't understand your reasoning, Metal. A generation is not decided by graphical prowess. If you care that much about it (which as it is, the Wii U isn't a 'decade' behind), you are wasting your time in consoles when a PC shits all over them.

And Sym, 90% of shit in any console is shovelware. Instead of 90%, the Wii had perhaps 5% more. And I still don't understand your "children" point. What IS children's shovelware? I consider Call of Duty and Battlefield a kid's wet dream, yet I enjoy Battlefield. I'm not sure if you looked hard enough if that's all the games you liked.



Not really

Have you ever looked at the game aisle for wii at a store?

Half that shit is like Barbies Dream House or Elmo shits a brick

Im just saying. The wii was home to TONS of childrens games, and the adult geared titles were few and far between. I guess Madworld was pretty cool, forgot about that. Were there exceptions? Sure, but there is always exceptions to any rule. I dunno it just seems like Nintendo gave their main consumers the finger for the wii and focused it on kids.

The first party titles were alright though

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I agree that looking for the games at stores was hard. I had to get shit online because shops stocked up on crap, but it had a lot of good stuff.

The first party games were good, and third party was all right, but most of the good ones were just hidden for some reason, drowned by whatever Ubisoft shat out.



There was that one FPS that was sorta alright....damn what was it called....The conduit? Yea

Also House of the Dead OVerkill was superb

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Man, I really did like Twilight Princess, but it could have been so much more... it lacked something that made Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask some of the best games ever. Not sure what it was.

I have high hopes for the Wii U Zelda, even if I risk having them crushed and spat on. I want that console soon, it will have a big enough library in about 6 months.



I think the most annoying part of Twilight Princess to me was that damn annoying little fairy

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Midna? She was awesome dude, she was funny.



Yea her haha

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I'll take Midna over Navi.



Ars Diaboli wrote:I don't understand your reasoning, Metal. A generation is not decided by graphical prowess. If you care that much about it (which as it is, the Wii U isn't a 'decade' behind), you are wasting your time in consoles when a PC shits all over them.
Sure it is. Every generation brings better graphical fidelity, except in the case of the Wii which basically stayed the same and simply changed the controller. It didn't even make the jump to HD which was a crime against humanity.

Now they have done the same thing with the Wii U, supposedly a next-gen system but only as powerful as the 360/PS4 which are on the way out. So it basically came out of the gate a generation behind. Why would I want to buy or play something new if it is really old tech? Especially when there are 2 alternatives that aren't stunted and behind.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

It is not. A generation is a simple number in a time line, something living at the same time. You don't get to arbitrarily decide what is and what isn't a generation.

Graphics tend to be part of a new generation, but it's not written in stone that they HAVE to be. And no, the Wii U is not as powerful as the 360/PS3. It's about 4-5 times more powerful if I recall correctly. I don't remember the exact GPU and CPU, so it may be a bit less or a bit more.

And why are you going to buy a PS4/X1 then? They are 2-3 years old tech, the Wii U being the same with maybe an extra year.



Ars Diaboli wrote:It is not. A generation is a simple number in a time line, something living at the same time. You don't get to arbitrarily decide what is and what isn't a generation.

Graphics tend to be part of a new generation, but it's not written in stone that they HAVE to be. And no, the Wii U is not as powerful as the 360/PS3. It's about 4-5 times more powerful if I recall correctly. I don't remember the exact GPU and CPU, so it may be a bit less or a bit more.

And why are you going to buy a PS4/X1 then? They are 2-3 years old tech, the Wii U being the same with maybe an extra year.
Oh snap

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Gameplay/fun factor > hardware in most cases I feel. The Wii's graphics were okay, not the best by any mean, but it was way more affordable than the other consoles and was very multiplayer friendly. It was a great system if you had a bunch of friends hanging out at your house and just wanted something a bit whacky to play with.

That in itself I think is what made the system a great console. So while you lose out on next gen graphics, you got something fundamentally different IMO.

It depends on what you value more. If Nintendo was asking the same price for the Wii as say the 360/PS3 back then, of course if say they can suck my yellow Asian balls.

However, that wasn't the case, and let's face it, how many of you own a Nintendo DS or 3DS? The graphics in those handhelds are many years behind what the PSP and PS Vita is capable of, yet I don't hear any crying over that.

Graphics isn't everything IMO, the graphic whores I swear can be just as bad as the PC elitist crowd.



My general issue with the Wii was that didn't release anything remotely NEW. And now the WiiU is doing it too, as far as I can tell.
What did we have to look forward to upon release of the Wii?
Mario Kart
Super Smash Bros
Legend of Zelda
Super Mario
Insert other classic titles here
If you are a Nintendo fan already, this is great! These games will always be fun no matter what, at what age.
But where was the innovation? Why spend all that money on a system and only plan on releasing first party games that we ALREADY know and I love? Dammit I wanted to see what the Wii was going to do when it first came out. I was super excited for the motion controls, thinking that third party devs would release the most fun games ever on it. But where were the third party games? Nintendo did a piss poor job of marketing them if they were released, and working with devs to even make them on the Wii.

Personally I think that Nintendo can do without console systems. Instead of wasting their money, they should put it all into hand-helds. The DS and 3DS are still in worlds of their own compared to the PSP and other handhelds.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Last I knew, many developers didn't want to develop games for the wii due to coding difficulties. If I recall, this was a major hurtle even back when the N64 was out, the console was just very difficult to develop games for.

I could be wring of course.



yeah I heard gamecube the problem was the tiny discs which couldn't hold much, n64 being not disc at all and small capacity as well as being 64bit when ps1 was 32bit I believe.

I never got into the zelda's, finally sat down and played OoT and got stuck in that desert mountain place, I wanna say the Goron's village or something. idk. puzzles just confused me, could of just looked up a walkthrough but to me if you have to do that the game is too hard/confusing

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I actually didn't have too much trouble with it. The game is pretty accessible from my understanding, however some people are just not good at puzzle games.

My Uncle for example is terrible at them.



I think OOT has the easiest dungeons

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

It is also, however, the most epic. Oh gawd, OoT is so fucking awesome.

And Majora's Mask gives me boners. Majora's was a really unique game, it had all this slightly obscure shit going on beneath that mask of silliness that you didn't catch as a kid.



Ars Diaboli wrote:It is not. A generation is a simple number in a time line, something living at the same time. You don't get to arbitrarily decide what is and what isn't a generation.

Graphics tend to be part of a new generation, but it's not written in stone that they HAVE to be. And no, the Wii U is not as powerful as the 360/PS3. It's about 4-5 times more powerful if I recall correctly. I don't remember the exact GPU and CPU, so it may be a bit less or a bit more.

And why are you going to buy a PS4/X1 then? They are 2-3 years old tech, the Wii U being the same with maybe an extra year.
My point is that from a hardware standpoint the Wii and Wii U are a generation behind. The U is supposed to be a bit more powerful than the current gen, but you wouldn't know that from looking at the actual games. Why would I want to invest in something that is already that far behind the curve compared to its direct competition? I want a new and better, not something that feels old-hat the second I take it out of the box.

Yes the X1/PS4 are old tech, but we're not talking about tech in general, we're talking about consoles and as far as consoles go they are actually making a fairly big jump.



I agree and disagree with you metal

As a PC gamer I obviously love tech. I enjoy high fidelity games, and thats never gonna change.

But at the same time, I appreciate old games, and play them all the time on my PC even though they look like shit.



Sym wrote:I agree and disagree with you metal

As a PC gamer I obviously love tech. I enjoy high fidelity games, and thats never gonna change.

But at the same time, I appreciate old games, and play them all the time on my PC even though they look like shit.
Exactly. You play them on your PC even though they look like shit. So why does Nintendo release a console just to make remakes of old games that look slightly better than shit? Make something that can good, cutting edge games, and then give us retro remakes as added incentive instead of the selling point.



I just think since Metal is suck a tech whore he should be gaming on PC, but then again, you know....drivers.



Sym wrote:drivers.



BmmFlash wrote:
Sym wrote:drivers.
He hates them with the fury of a thousand suns



Sym wrote:I agree and disagree with you metal

As a PC gamer I obviously love tech. I enjoy high fidelity games, and thats never gonna change.

But at the same time, I appreciate old games, and play them all the time on my PC even though they look like shit.
Same here. My issue isn't with the graphics, it's the difference in hardware power that was my point, I just used graphics as the most obvious measurement.

Here's a better (bad) analogy:

Jesus of Nazareth wrote:You have your gaming PC and you've been dying for new hardware for years. A new generation of PCs are finally out and it's time to upgrade.

2 are a huge leap over your current machine. 1 is only a little bit more powerful than your current gen PC, but does have a touch monitor.

Which are you interested in? Which actually feels like it's next gen? Which feels like new, better, exciting hardware?
That's what I was getting at. That's why the Wii U is the first console since the Atari 2600 that I didn't buy on the launch date.

Oh and drivers: I must type drivers to often because a Youtube ad tried to sell me some new drivers a couple days ago.Mad

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Metalzoic wrote:
Sym wrote:I agree and disagree with you metal

As a PC gamer I obviously love tech. I enjoy high fidelity games, and thats never gonna change.

But at the same time, I appreciate old games, and play them all the time on my PC even though they look like shit.
Same here. My issue isn't with the graphics, it's the difference in hardware power that was my point, I just used graphics as the most obvious measurement.

Here's a better (bad) analogy:

Jesus of Nazareth wrote:You have your gaming PC and you've been dying for new hardware for years. A new generation of PCs are finally out and it's time to upgrade.

2 are a huge leap over your current machine. 1 is only a little bit more powerful than your current gen PC, but does have a touch monitor.

Which are you interested in? Which actually feels like it's next gen? Which feels like new, better, exciting hardware?
That's what I was getting at. That's why the Wii U is the first console since the Atari 2600 that I didn't buy on the launch date.

Oh and drivers: I must type drivers to often because a Youtube ad tried to sell me some new drivers a couple days ago.Mad
Unless you're talking about golf clubs, or taxi cabs/limo's, computer hardware "drivers" are 100% free. Rolling Eyes 



Yea I was wondering about that haha



I don't know. It was in one of those little rectangular ads that pop up blocking your video.
Told me to click here to update my drivers at etc...

It made me chuckle. I should have screenshot it for you guys.

I also see why you thought I was just talking about graphics. Earlier I said I got rid of Mario Galaxy because it looked like poop.

That's not really why I got rid of it (I actually thought it was damn impressive for a Wii game). I got rid of it because my daughter never wanted to play it. She always wanted to either play Viva Pinata or a Kinect game when we played together. It was going to waste so I traded it off.



that's why I got rid of pretty much all my xbox games except bf3. they were collecting dust. At least I know now not to get anything until it's very cheap or when bf5 is coming out Razz



See another benefit of PC

Dont have to worry about games collecting dust, they just collect virtual dust .



Sym wrote:See another benefit of PC

Dont have to worry about games collecting dust, they just collect virtual dust .
Ha! If only the "you" of a year ago could hear you say that now.

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