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Dont you hate when...

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1Dont you hate when... Empty Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 19:31



You're texting someone and they stop replying without saying bye? It really gets on my nerves sometimes. Or when you're talking and they bring something up, so you try to talk about it and they say"I don't wanna talk about it" or "I'm not telling you". Then why bring it up if you had no intentions of talking about it.

2Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 19:34



They usually say they don't want to talk about it, because it's either:

A.) Hiding an inner feeling that you do.
B.) They really don't, but they think you're going to try to make them.

I don't a cell phone though, so I don't much about texting etiquette though.

Btw, Dark. One more dogtag, and you'll have the number of dogtags as the year it is! Very Happy

3Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 19:41



Btw, noticed you subscribed to my music channel, thanks! I have a whole FOUR subscribers now! FUCK YEAH! xD

4Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 19:42



Well I would expect my closest friend to be able to tell me her feelings.

Ya I did but I haven't had time to listen to any really. Cause I wanna do it on the computer but I only use it when my patents aren't home cause otherwise I feel like I have no privacy. It's not like I'm doing anything bad though, I just like privacy.

Last edited by xsilentshooterx on 2010-10-19, 19:45; edited 1 time in total

5Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 19:44



xsilentshooterx wrote:Well I would expect my closest friend to be able to tell me her feelings.

It's ironic...sometimes it's harder to tell people that you've known for a long time how you feel, because you're worried that what they'll think of you afterwards. She may have feelings for you, or something may be going on, but she doesn't want to tell you, because she cares about you so much.

6Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 19:47



Well this is the girl(Audrianna) I have talked about so it kinda annoys me Casie she always will say she doesn't wanna talk about it.

7Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 19:50



It's the way you have to ask her, and the timing. Unless she's just impossible to get to talk about something, but usually that's not so.

8Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 19:55




9Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 19:55



Well when she says something is wrong I will ask what is it but she usually says she doesn't wanna talk about it. So I usually just so ok I understand and drop the subject.

10Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 20:01



Well, if you really want to know, you're going to have push a little bit to get her to tell you (inb4innuendos). If you just want to respect her privacy, that's perfectly fine, but if you want to know, you can't just drop it.

11Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 20:04



Yes I know but I don't like to try to force people to tell me stuff they don't wanna say. Makes me feel like a dick.

12Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 20:12



I feel the same way often; just do what you think is right. If you think it would be wrong to keep questioning her, then you should keep doing what are you doing, even though you'll never know. If you think that it will be beneficial for both of you in the long run to know about what's bothering her, then you'll have to nicely coax her into telling you, and maybe you can help her. If you decide to do that, just tread very carefullly about the way you do it.

13Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 20:19



I always want to try to help people with their problems they may have. Mainly cause I know from experiance that's it's not good to keep them bottled up inside.

14Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 20:20



Then maybe you should help her. Very Happy

15Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 20:23



I have tried but like I said, she never wants to talk about anything.

16Dont you hate when... Empty Re: Dont you hate when... 2010-10-19, 20:32



Well, there may be a time someday. Just wait until you feel that it's the right moment, then ask; you'll know when. Smile

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