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COD Ghosts Trailer

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1COD Ghosts Trailer Empty COD Ghosts Trailer 2013-09-10, 16:11

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

> ballistic projectile weapons in space (bad idea)
> anti-helicopter dogs (err.... wut?)

COD is becoming a parody of a parody of itself.

2COD Ghosts Trailer Empty Re: COD Ghosts Trailer 2013-09-10, 16:26




3COD Ghosts Trailer Empty Re: COD Ghosts Trailer 2013-09-10, 17:41

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

That was a terrible trailer.

4COD Ghosts Trailer Empty Re: COD Ghosts Trailer 2013-09-10, 17:43



FPS in space oh my god

5COD Ghosts Trailer Empty Re: COD Ghosts Trailer 2013-09-10, 17:50



this looks ridiculous but i'll probably get it anyway. i usually enjoy CoD campaigns.

6COD Ghosts Trailer Empty Re: COD Ghosts Trailer 2013-09-10, 17:52



Ill buy it on sale for the SP eventually

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