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Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1

Ars Diaboli
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1Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 Empty Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 2013-09-13, 12:55


PlayStation 4 is currently around 50 per cent faster than its rival Xbox One. Multiple high-level game development sources have described the difference in performance between the consoles as “significant” and “obvious.”

Our contacts have told us that memory reads on PS4 are 40-50 per cent quicker than Xbox One, and its ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) is around 50 per cent faster. One basic example we were given suggested that without optimisation for either console, a platform-agnostic development build can run at around 30FPS in 1920×1080 on PS4, but it’ll run at “20-something” FPS in 1600×900 on Xbox One. “Xbox One is weaker and it’s a pain to use its ESRAM,” concluded one developer.

Microsoft is aware of the problem and, having recently upped the clock speed of Xbox One, is working hard to close the gap on PS4, though one developer we spoke to downplayed the move. “The clock speed update is not significant, it does not change things that much,” he said. “Of course, something is better than nothing.”

Even this close to launch, “the hardware isn’t locked,” said another source. Sony and Microsoft are each still working on the graphics drivers for each console, and Xbox One is lagging behind in this regard – Microsoft “has been late on their drivers and that has been hurting them,” said one source. Another described Xbox One’s graphics drivers less charitably as “horrible”. Both consoles’ graphics drivers will continue to improve right up to – and beyond – launch, which will even up the difference in performance a little.

Xbox One does, however, boast superior performance to PS4 in other ways. “Let’s say you are using procedural generation or raytracing via parametric surfaces – that is, using a lot of memory writes and not much texturing or ALU – Xbox One will be likely be faster,” said one developer.

Both platform holders are, of course, encouraging developers to take advantage of each console’s unique features (the DualShock 4’s touch pad and Kinect, for example) but there’s little enthusiasm for either among the developers we spoke to. “They really want us to make use of platform specific stuff to give their version a leg up over the other,” said one source. “But unless there’s a good design reason or incentive we rarely do.”

Indeed, despite that gulf in speed, the differences between cross platform launch window games will be negligible; with tight deadlines to meet, it’s more expedient for developers to deliberately create near-identical versions.

“The poor [graphics] drivers have made it difficult to push either of them, and the developers aren’t familiar with the hardware yet,“ said one source. Another stated that we’ll begin to see far greater use of each platform’s unique features once we’re past the first wave of releases, when developers have more time and experience with each console’s quirks.

One source even suggested that enforcing parity across consoles could become a political issue between platform holders, developers and publishers. They said that it could damage perceptions of a cross platform title, not to mention Xbox One, if the PS4 version shipped with an obviously superior resolution and framerate; better to “castrate” the PS4 version and release near-identical games to avoid ruffling any feathers.

This claim was later countered by a contact at a different studio. “It would be totally fine for us to make one version prettier without any political difficulties but it usually doesn’t make financial sense,” they said, “unless it’s a very simple tweak.”

The difference between cross platform launch window games will be small, and improved graphics drivers plus the power of the cloud might yet tip the balance in Xbox One’s favour. Nonetheless, at launch, PS4 will be the more capable console.

This was pretty popular on GFAQS but i thought we've known this for awhile? Maybe just confirmation?

2Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 Empty Re: Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 2013-09-13, 13:07

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Pretty much what I expected. I just hope that Microsoft doesn't do any stupid crap like they did last gen, where a game that was released in the 360 couldn't be released anywhere else first, or be better, or whatever. That could really fuck up some things. Or like the article said, if the PS4 version is better because of the hardware, I hope they don't bitch about it and fuck the developer.

3Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 Empty Re: Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 2013-09-13, 13:20



Article is a big ol' citation needed. Why do they need anonymous sources to talk about known hardware specs?

I also don't get why they think that suddenly developers are going to start gimping the PS4 versions to make cross-platform games look the exact same. There has been notable differences in every single generation...

4Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 Empty Re: Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 2013-09-13, 13:39



fuckin shit >_> I heard the ps4 was stronger but not THAT much would it really be? Don't they have the exact same fucking AMD 1.6ghz 8-core cpu ,the only difference is Xbox will have HD7790 GPU and PS4 will have HD7850GPU, 7850 being better at 60fps, 7790 dipping into the 40s in many games but still decent

5Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 Empty Re: Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 2013-09-13, 15:37



LOL at the bone

Poor M$

Its gonna be Sony this gen for me for sure

6Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 Empty Re: Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 2013-09-13, 16:11



afro afro afro afro afro afro

7Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 Empty Re: Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 2013-09-13, 17:32

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Wasn't the PS4's CPU clocked @ 1.8 GHz?

Either way I don't particularly care about either at the moment. Maybe PS4 in 1-2 years.

8Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 Empty Re: Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 2013-09-13, 17:32



I think they are 1.6 ghz

9Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 Empty Re: Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 2013-09-13, 20:46



I'm guessing it will actually be closer to a 30% difference realistically (which is what most other sources are guestimating).

It will be interesting to see just how noticeable a difference between them is graphically. Especially with how many people don't seem to see a big difference between this gen and next for graphics anyway. The difference between the X1 and PS4 will probably be unnoticeable to them.

The Xbox was far, far more powerful than the PS2, but it didn't really make that huge of a difference to the average gamer when it came right down to it. Casual gamers didn't even seem to notice a difference even when it was painfully obvious. I think it is really all of MS's PR blunders that are going to hurt them, not the power gap.

Still, moronic for MS to let Sony get the jump on them like that.

PS2:   292 Mhz - 32m Ram - 6.2 Gflops
Xbox: 733 Mhz - 64m DDR Ram - 21.6 Gflops

10Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 Empty Re: Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 2013-09-13, 21:54

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I think the differences will only be noticeable in about 2 or 3 years. But the Xbone will get either lower resolution or 30 FPS, and most consumers won't notice the difference so it really won't be a big deal.

11Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 Empty Re: Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 2013-09-14, 01:05



yea most games this gen were sub HD anyway and just upscaled. On console COD looks horrible,I couldn't believe how good it looked on pc watching Black Ops 2 gameplay

12Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 Empty Re: Seen this on GFAQS PS4-X1 2013-09-14, 01:18


There are ways to fix this, even without changing the hardware. Just look at how xbox360 and ps3 games got better over time (partly because of new coding/gfx techniques). The hardware IS capable of ALOT, and definatly ALOT more than the software houses have access to right now for a new system / API.

What will happen over the years is better interfaces for the software houses to integrate with, and eventually they will get full low level access to the core of the system which will give them access to the full power of the hardware. But on a new system they wont get this, they have to work with the toolkits provided by MS/SONY right now.

MS's way outta this could be to give the dev teams full low level access to the system but i doubt they will, and even if they did, it would take months if not years to implement it.

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