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anyone have experience setting up a VPS?

Ars Diaboli
Epyk MD
7 posters

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Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I was using a host based version before. But it was rather expensive. And my other option feel though recently.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Where are you setting it up?

I've personally never really needed to so I don't know much, I just either use a server of my own, or I'm working in localhost anyway.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I was working on a shared server before. But it got slow as fuck.

The vps I was paying for was close to that sucked balls. But I can get a vps for like 10 a month. But I'm not familiar with how to set one up.



Ask RStudios, he would definitely know.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah i think R cna help you out there. i think he ran Zapto on VPS for a while.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Yeah about that. You all ran him off.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Sounds like a run of the mill virtual machine so that you set up your own stuff. A friend of mine configured one a bit in Rackspace, using CentOS 6.X

Do you have any particular OS you want? Are you using any technology in particular, or just PHP and MySQL?

Edit: RStudios ran off? Wut?

Also, what host are you using?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Epyk MD wrote:Yeah about that. You all ran him off.
pretty sure the only person who got mad at him was Sym, unless a bunch of others took it to PMs.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I was using dreamhost. Nothing ATM.

I just need a basic SQL/php I think. Just something to run a forum software off of.

I don't any particular s or even the basic jist of it.
And I don't want to start a bighoopla about it in this topic either.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

All right. According to Vanilla Forums documentation:

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.2.0 or newer

    • PHP Config (php.ini): file_uploads = on
    • PHP Data Objects module installed (
    • PDO_MySQL module must be enabled (
    • GD version 2.0 or newer (optional, but required for profile pictures)
    • cURL (to allow plugin sandboxing)

  • MySQL 5 or newer
  • Apache 2 or newer

    • AllowOverride = All (optional, but it allows friendly urls)
    • mod_rewrite (optional, but it allows friendly urls)

Any standard setup should work. If you don't have a host, where did you get that $10 a month price?
I have PHP working in my Windows machine, so it should be simple enough (albeit using the command line) to set up a Linux server. Could take me a bit of time just to get the commands ready, but not too much.



on the record, I was supporting him, I thought that whole deal was idiotic.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

The quote did something funny to my text <_<

Anyway... copy+paste

Any standard setup should work. If you don't have a host, where did you get that $10 a month price?
I have PHP working in my Windows machine, so it should be simple enough (albeit using the command line) to set up a Linux server. Could take me a bit of time just to get the commands ready, but not too much.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I have a link at home for a 10 gig for 7.99 a month.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Also ars if you're offering your services in this I Would literally pay you tens of dollars.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I'm not looking to get money out of this, I just like learning Razz And it's not some incredibly hard job either, so no problem. Should be done in a weekend or so.

Anyway, send me or post the link when you can, so I can check up the host and see what they offer.

I'm guessing the process will be like:
Get server with X OS. > Install everything needed, including MySQL, PHP, Apache, and whatever else it needs. > Download and instal Vanilla Forums.

Sounds easy enough. I've only worked with IIS, and very, very little with Apache, so I will stumble here and there, but that's about it I think.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I should be home in about half an hour and I'll pm you.


Ars, if you have any problems PM me and I'll help you on Skype or something.

You will likely have to change the version numbers, and setup the Iptables. Also the conf for apache can be a pain in the ass on a VPS


Also use wget from the command line instead of trying to upload via FTP or SCP, infact FTPD most likely wont be installed on a fresh VPS. And use nano for config editing.



I don't even know what a VPS is. Sorry.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

RStudios wrote:Ars, if you have any problems PM me and I'll help you on Skype or something.

You will likely have to change the version numbers, and setup the Iptables. Also the conf for apache can be a pain in the ass on a VPS
RStudios wrote:Also use wget from the command line instead of trying to upload via FTP or SCP, infact FTPD most likely wont be installed on a fresh VPS. And use nano for config editing.
All right, thanks man Very Happy

I'll be sure to give you a message if something goes wring. The deal Epyk had found was temporary so we're shit outta luck and looking for another host. Until then, no configuration will be done. These were some of the ones I found, but we're looking for something cheaper.

Epyk is trying to get something at $10 per month, or less. Not sure how easy that will be to find without it being complete and utter shit.

Anyway, I'll try to do it all on my own, but at the very least it could be helpful that you give it a check once I'm done.



Just make a Facebook page. That would be free wouldn't it?


Rackspace are expensive, and keep the hell away from godaddy lmao



What's wring with GoDaddy? I like big titties.


have a brose around here

They have coupon codes for the VPS's too, but be selective on what you get, some are shit Very Happy


Metalzoic wrote:What's wring with GoDaddy? I like big titties.
They like to run business in a shady way. By a domain from them and they technically own it, not you.... as for there servers, they are over crowded and over sold too.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

I know GoDaddy is terrible, but for small sites they are all right as far as I've seen.

Thanks for the link, I'll give it a browse later.


I do have access to a shit ton of very high powered servers. (Like $500+ a month) but i think my boss will notice if i drop a forum on it haha, although, i could ask him nicely Very Happy



Metalzoic wrote:I don't even know what a VPS is. Sorry.
Virtual Penis Sucker

The Oculus Rift opened doors and Panties Very Happy

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Occulus Rift virtual reality porn when?



I dont know but I bet it does Exist Very Happy

Or is in production



RStudios wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:What's wring with GoDaddy? I like big titties.
They like to run business in a shady way. By a domain from them and they technically own it, not you.... as for there servers, they are over crowded and over sold too.
You just reminded me that they send me a bill every 6 months (or is it a year?) for Kari's Nintendoll domain she never used.



Yea Go Daddy sucks

!&1 is the best

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