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Comic book storage?

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1Comic book storage? Empty Comic book storage? 2013-09-15, 00:48



I've been accruing a little comic collection lately and it's gotten to the point where I need a solid storage solution. I spent the last few days researching quality storage options on a budget and decided on this...

Are the mylar bags worth it? I see some people say current comics don't hold value well enough to justify the price, but I don't really like the standard bags they ship the comics in. I also wanted to go with a binder to store it all in but I heard they're really not good for long term storage so eh....

I have no idea if anyone else here collects comics, but if anyone does input would be appreciated.

2Comic book storage? Empty Re: Comic book storage? 2013-09-15, 00:50



As your lawyer I must warn you that at some point Metalzoic will enter this topic and yell NERD! then leave

3Comic book storage? Empty Re: Comic book storage? 2013-09-15, 00:51



Comic book storage? 6qCySwd

4Comic book storage? Empty Re: Comic book storage? 2013-09-15, 00:51

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

To be honest, simple bags and bored are all you need. 

And right now the name is on the tip of my tongue, but look for those white boxes. Most comic stores sell them for really cheap. Those are all you really need.

5Comic book storage? Empty Re: Comic book storage? 2013-09-15, 00:52



Question been seriously answered? Yes

Engage derailment program

Come on Ante everyone knows the Peregrine is the sexiest of all falcons

6Comic book storage? Empty Re: Comic book storage? 2013-09-15, 00:53


Comic book storage? Harry-potter-book-burning

7Comic book storage? Empty Re: Comic book storage? 2013-09-15, 00:54



Fuck you Kestrels are so damn FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE

also thanks soap

8Comic book storage? Empty Re: Comic book storage? 2013-09-15, 00:54



RStudios wrote:Comic book storage? Harry-potter-book-burning
Thank you for using Nazi Party Book Storage

9Comic book storage? Empty Re: Comic book storage? 2013-09-15, 00:56



Also Ante its the fastest animal on the motherfucking planet

Come at me bro

Oh wait you cant you just got fucking Dive bombed to death!

10Comic book storage? Empty Re: Comic book storage? 2013-09-15, 00:58

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah that first link Ante, in one of the attacted pictures it shows a white box, with the several of the linked product inside it. That is the box I am talking about. I have a 3 foot long box, and it fits neatly under my bed, and holds SEVERAL comics. Like I have atleast 150+ in one and its a decent 3/4s full. 

Plus they keep everything organized. Like I have tabs and crap to alphabatize them

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