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Secret of Mana 3 / Seiken Densetsu 3

Ars Diaboli
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Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Secret of Mana 3 / Seiken Densetsu 3 13678910
This is my face, when I think about how some of you have not played Secret of Mana 3.

It's a sad, sad truth. Because it's one of the most fucking fantastic games ever made. I was remembering it yesterday, and it's so damn good. The game was ahead of its time really.

Therefore, I propose to start a witch hunt. Every one of you that have not played it must be burned at the stake. Praise Lord GabeN, it must be done. 

Secret of Mana 3 / Seiken Densetsu 3 Seiken10

Why is it so good? Well...

- Some of the best graphics ever seen in the SNES.
- Action RPG. Not turn based. No random battles. You see an enemy? You may enter battle mode and start to beat the shit out of it.
- Co-op. Fuck yes, you read that right. Cooperative gameplay. In an RPG. In the SNES. And darn good, too.
- 6 characters to choose for your 3 characters party.
- Werewolf dude. On day, he's powerful. On night, he fucks shit up like noone's business. He's most probably just OP.
- 3 different stories depending on the character you begin with.
- 3 different final bosses depending on the story you take.
- Epic boss fights. Some of the best ever done.
- Valkyries. Well, sort of. Point is, you have a hardass Amazon-Valkyrie character that summons nordic gods and fucks everything on the screen.
- Class system. For example, the swordman goes from Fighter to Knight/Gladiator. From Knight to Paladin/Lord, or from Duelist to Gladiator/Swordmaster. Werewolf guy went from Grappler to Monk/Bashkar. From Monk to GodHand/something, and from Bashkar to Rape everything in sight class/Dervish.
-Time. There's a passage of time and the enemies you fight on day are different from the ones at night. Also, seven days a week. Each day gives bonuses to different magical elements. For example, Luna Day makes moon magic stronger, and Salamander Day makes fire magic stronger. Also, the werewolf dude (Kevin) fucks shit up at night so hard.
- You can't just "change class" for the final class. You must get an item for the class change, and you won't have a clue on where the fuck to get it. Getting it without a guide just means that you are a badass.
- Ninjas. Not just that, but MASTER ninjas.
- Did I mention the epic boss fights? These are some of them:
Secret of Mana 3 / Seiken Densetsu 3 5-sd3_10
Secret of Mana 3 / Seiken Densetsu 3 33-sd310

Secret of Mana 3 / Seiken Densetsu 3 Hqdefa10
Secret of Mana 3 / Seiken Densetsu 3 Seiken11

Secret of Mana 3 / Seiken Densetsu 3 Hqdefa11
Yes, that's a giant beast pulling a Kame Hame Ha and owning your ass at the top of a huge ass tower.

Secret of Mana 3 is a relic from the time SquareSoft was the god of all things RPG. When Enix was an amazing company, making sure that the cast of their games were as miserable as possible.

So, if you have not played this, what are you waiting for? You still have a chance to download ZSNES or whatever emulator you like and get the game before the inquisition gets your heretic ass on the stake.

This is one of those games that is so good, that it makes you sad to know that no other modern game will ever come close to its level. You know, kinda like Chrono Trigger.



Secret of Mana is one of my all time favorite games.
It seems like I tried a part 2 (for PSX?), but I don't remember there ever being a part 3.

Was it released in NA?
*Goes looking for a Vita version.



Japan only.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

You know your shit, Metal.

Secret of Mana 3 was released in English by fans. You can get it via emulation, either on a PC (of course you won't) or laptop, or on any mobile you have that supports SNES emulation. Just get the ROM, since as far as I know there is no commercial version available.

I would recommend a laptop, or if you can get a controller for your mobile. I can imagine the frustration of playing it with touch controls.






Havent played it

Wasnt really into RPG's at that age

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Of course you haven't. You filthy, filthy casual.

Seriously though, anyone that likes RPGs needs to play this at least once.

A-and, h-hey Metal, you can buy an Ouya and play it there! It's the perfect emulation console, only $99!



I didn't even know there were 3 of them.

Was the first one about saving some tree? If so then I played that and I remember it being really good, but I thought it was turn based.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Well, yeah. The Mana Tree.

If you didn't know about the third one it's because it was never officially localized. Only way to play it is a fan translated ROM.



Original Secret of Mana was a defining game of my childhood. One of my buddies had a multitap and we would 3 person co-op the SHIT out of it.



I think I got it awhile back and got the patch to translate it, along with even the 2nd game, since I believe only the 1st was in english,and very under the radar, I remember a unique thing about them being co op. I'll probably play it one of these days, I look through my library and see nothing else to do till bf4 comes out really Razz

although I want to finish ff6, then start chrono trigger,then onto this. I missed alot of the good stuff growing up, got into rpgs mostly with legend of dragoon then went to ff7

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


this song is my ring tone.
get on my lvl ars.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ante wrote:

Original Secret of Mana was a defining game of my childhood. One of my buddies had a multitap and we would 3 person co-op the SHIT out of it.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

You guys bring tears to my eyes Sad

Jr, definitely play those. They're all excellent games. Chrono and FF6 are top of the line RPGs. Also give a shot to Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, it's fantastic.

Another very good RPG from the SNES I remember is Bahamut Lagoon. Think of it as turn based strategy game + pokemon. But with Dragons. Not as many dragons as there are pokemons, but the dragons have a lot of evolutions/mutations. I remember not finishing it because it got pretty hard, but I got very far in. I have to play it again and finish it.



Ars Diaboli wrote:Of course you haven't. You filthy, filthy casual.

Seriously though, anyone that likes RPGs needs to play this at least once.

A-and, h-hey Metal, you can buy an Ouya and play it there! It's the perfect emulation console, only $99!
I would play it (or a remake) on a handheld, but I never, ever go back to play old shit on console.

For example I already consider GTA V old because it exists in a dead console generation.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I've actually played this!

When I was younger I found an translated version as a ROM of it somewhere and I played through it as the theif (there are 3 characters) and I got about halfway through as the centurion (or whatever they call him).

Fucking great game. I would go so far as to say its the "best" secret of mana game.



Metalzoic wrote:
Ars Diaboli wrote:Of course you haven't. You filthy, filthy casual.

Seriously though, anyone that likes RPGs needs to play this at least once.

A-and, h-hey Metal, you can buy an Ouya and play it there! It's the perfect emulation console, only $99!
I would play it (or a remake) on a handheld, but I never, ever go back to play old shit on console.

For example I already consider GTA V old because it exists in a dead console generation.
Yet another check mark for pc gaming

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Dr. Spaceman wrote:I've actually played this!

When I was younger I found an translated version as a ROM of it somewhere and I played through it as the theif (there are 3 characters) and I got about halfway through as the centurion (or whatever they call him).

Fucking great game. I would go so far as to say its the "best" secret of mana game.
This is why you are TEH Terry May.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

I didn't even know there was a 2nd or 3rd one Sad. I've payed the first on multiple occasions though and it's the shit.

Is the 2nd one on SNES as well? I'm guessing it must be...I'll have to hunt down some roms for it and the 3rd one.



Honestly Ive never played any of the classic JRPG's

None of them



Sym wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:
Ars Diaboli wrote:Of course you haven't. You filthy, filthy casual.

Seriously though, anyone that likes RPGs needs to play this at least once.

A-and, h-hey Metal, you can buy an Ouya and play it there! It's the perfect emulation console, only $99!
I would play it (or a remake) on a handheld, but I never, ever go back to play old shit on console.

For example I already consider GTA V old because it exists in a dead console generation.
Yet another check mark for pc gaming
That's a really good point man.
Nothing is ever really old because PC is (nearly) always forwards compatible.




you know you wanna try pc metal Razz there's no longer the problems of back in the day,and the games are so damn cheap

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

You could probably just win one in an office drawing.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

He would end up with some shitty prebuilt with a PSU that wouldn't even support a mid range card, and the nightmares would come back to haunt him. For a truly good computer, you do it yourself or have an IT friend do it for you.



JrTapia1991 wrote:there's no longer the problems of back in the day
We have a pretty small community here of (at a guess) 40 or so regular posters. Probably half of those are PC gamers.

For such a small pool we sure do have a lot of PC problem topics.

I also don't want to be forced to use mouse/kb to be competitive.



You will still have issues in PC gaming though, just not nearly as much as you used too.



Sometimes in the middle of the night I still scream out DRIVERS.

And break out in a cold sweat.



Its not for everyone

But fwiw drivers have been smoothed out to being pretty much irrelevant at this point.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Drivers are rarely an issue nowadays. I don't think I've had driver issues for quite a while, just follow the golden rule to wait a week or two when a new version is out (in the case of GPU drivers), let somebody else beta test it, and then apply the update yourself. 

The real pain in the ass is making your first build ever. You have no real clue on where to even start to troubleshoot if it doesn't go 100% smoothly.



Then why do drivers keep getting brought up in these PC problem topics?

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

It's like checking that your computer is connected to a power outlet before you bitch to tech support that it doesn't turn on. It's rarely the problem, but you have to check it because if you didn't update them you just end up looking like an idiot.

Sometimes if you have a damn old driver version and you want to play a current game, it may give you issues. So one of the first things you do when you have problems is check what driver version you have, see if it's recent, and see if that particular version had issues.

Like I said, as long as you update your GPU's drivers, but wait a week or two after they are released, they are non-issue.



Ok, that makes sense.


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