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[BF4[ Lvlcap 3:50:00+ uncut Paracel Storm gameplay

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Kind of funny how he made a lot of the other players his personal bitch IMO. Mytumtum, Whiteboy  being his most common targets along with a few others that seem to have slipped my mind.

Though he does get knifed quite a few times. The Helicopter segments were pretty painful to watch as he kept firing off missiles and failing to realize he needs to keep his lock on the boats in order for them to hit.

Still though, the game looks amazing, despite some very clear issues with hit detection and animations (the tourrettes *sp were very strong in this one)

The gun play looks good, and I'm liking the recoil patterns of the guns and the maximum accuracy/effective range of most if not all the weapons thus far.

Damage models seem to be similar to Alpha BF3 (as in much higher) but this is debatable since hit detection appeared to be hit or miss sometimes.

At the start, it looks like Lvlcap was struggling pretty hardcore with the controls and the sensitivity as he stated in a previous video.

Good stuff all around, really is getting me pumped for BF4. Open beta comes out soon too Very Happy



Here's another vid. Notice the new teabagging animation!

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lol Metal wtf? ... 

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Haha been awhile since that happened. I approve.



i knew it was some fuckery but i didn't know it was THAT fuckery.

i was rickroll'd in 2013. i need to get that on a bumper sticker...

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ante wrote:i knew it was some fuckery but i didn't know it was THAT fuckery.

i was rickroll'd in 2013. i need to get that on a bumper sticker...
I'm missing something here, can you clarify please?



Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ah, I'm still not too savvy with all the internet memes and whatnot. Pretty funny nonetheless




Ahh... feels good man.

I'm going to believe that I also got most of the other 40 viewers as well.



to me the sound effects and everything sound better in bf4, more beefy. I'm sure later tonight I'll watch the whole vid Very Happy

wonder how big the beta download will be,probably not much,think it was only 1.4gb back on xbox 360 for bf3

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

JrTapia1991 wrote:to me the sound effects and everything sound better in bf4, more beefy. I'm sure later tonight I'll watch the whole vid Very Happy

wonder how big the beta download will be,probably not much,think it was only 1.4gb back on xbox 360 for bf3
Yeah I totally meant to say...the sound in BF4 is goddamn amazing. The fucking explosion effects man...fucking awesome on my studio cans.



Very Happy I'm only on these sorta cheapo turtle beach x12s.

I heard really good headphones are better than actually getting a soundcard now days? Since they said you can only do so much with sound technology, it would depend MUCH more on a better set of headphones. Although I generally like these with the bass boost turned on, stuff sounds pretty beefy I guess you could say.

chewy sent me a soundcard awhile back, BUT, sadly my god damn $135 z77 asrock motherboard doesn't have a regular PCI

it can do 3-way crossfire,and has an OLD pci connector,that small one. I have seen SOME soundcards that still use that tiny connector though.

all in all,I could have gone with a cheap non-overclock motherboard, this i5 has been really solid.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Well, yes and no. Headsets IMHO will never outperform a solid sound card and surround sound, the tech just isn't there (yet). I'm running 5.0 TB Z6's and while they're nice, I find true surround sound just seems better.

Probably has to do with how the speakers are setup in the cups, they just aren't large enough to really take advantage of the 5.0 systems.

Could be my headsets though, I can't vouch for other brands. They're comfortable to wear at least.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

JrTapia1991 wrote:Very Happy I'm only on these sorta cheapo turtle beach x12s.

I heard really good headphones are better than actually getting a soundcard now days? Since they said you can only do so much with sound technology, it would depend MUCH more on a better set of headphones. Although I generally like these with the bass boost turned on, stuff sounds pretty beefy I guess you could say.

chewy sent me a soundcard awhile back, BUT, sadly my god damn $135 z77 asrock motherboard doesn't have a regular PCI

it can do 3-way crossfire,and has an OLD pci connector,that small one. I have seen SOME soundcards that still use that tiny connector though.

all in all,I could have gone with a cheap non-overclock motherboard, this i5 has been really solid.
Um dude you should be able to plug the sound card in a 16x slot since they accept things that are 1x, 4x, 8x and 16x



I thought about that but it probably would of snapped it,since I would of had to take off the metal backplate that screws into the case itself, it would of just been the card sitting there on it's own weight,having to plug stuff in and out of it, it would of been recessed sorta deep by about 2-3-4 inches inside the case....I stayed up for awhile one night trying to get it to fit but it was just too short lol

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

JrTapia1991 wrote:I thought about that but it probably would of snapped it,since I would of had to take off the metal backplate that screws into the case itself, it would of just been the card sitting there on it's own weight,having to plug stuff in and out of it, it would of been recessed sorta deep by about 2-3-4 inches inside the case....I stayed up for awhile one night trying to get it to fit but it was just too short lol
This doesn't even make're trying to plug it as far against the back of your case as you can right?

Like the end of the slot that has a little notch a little ways down. It basically shows where the 1x part of the slot ends.



yeah the metal backplate on the soundcard was too long/big and kept scraping my actual motherboard, plus it falling short of the slot/hole where you screw it into the case like a graphics card. With my 7950 having dual fans sucking in, that sound card right below it would probably obstruct the airflow too,not sure how much though

pretty much no way it would of worked sadly, I sat there for a few days trying to fit it,but short of taking the backplate itself off it wouldn't of worked, plus then it would of been too deep in my case to hook a headset to

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

JrTapia1991 wrote:yeah the metal backplate on the soundcard was too long/big and kept scraping my actual motherboard, plus it falling short of the slot/hole where you screw it into the case like a graphics card. With my 7950 having dual fans sucking in, that sound card right below it would probably obstruct the airflow too,not sure how much though

pretty much no way it would of worked sadly, I sat there for a few days trying to fit it,but short of taking the backplate itself off it wouldn't of worked, plus then it would of been too deep in my case to hook a headset to
That's fucked up...weird.



yup lol. I was just laying around thinking about it too, I traded it to my friend way back for these platonics gaming headset,pretty comfy although I use my turtle beach, the ear cushions on the platonics is like soft velvet even though I know it must be some cheap riffoff material, it never hurt my head.

well my friend I traded it to, his pc was a prebuilt one from cyberpower pc with a pretty low end b75 ivy bridge chipset but it actually had a regular PCI slot, the soundcard fit fine and he said it was really nice. He goes and get a 650ti BOOST, shortly after, the pci express slot on the b75 for the gpu blows he's looking for a decent z77 motherboard, I recommend mine since it has crossfire with pci 3.0, but told him the soundcard wouldn't fit.....sure enough even in his mid tower cyberpower pc black/red case, the soundcard doesn't fit either, too short I guess since the PCI express slot sits much farther back than a regular PCI does.

he was looking at the z77 extreme 3 pro or extreme 4 pro, it had 8gb ram free with it but he didn't think it would work well since one slot was pci 3.0 and the other 2.0,thought it would be funky in SLI which he really wants to do (get another 650ti boost on sale or whatever)

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