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are shotgun slugs bugged?

Epyk MD
8 posters

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1are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 16:21

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

because i feel like im causing a lot more damage than i should.

2are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 16:24



nah bro slugs are just god tier

3are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 16:25



I went from using the 870MCS with slugs to the sniper m40 with I can quick scope with it in BF3 now haha...well when I last played... that is what I would roll with haha

4are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 16:52

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

granted im using the doa, but i can snipe someone across the board in 1 hit.

5are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 16:57

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i also asked, because this guy kept telling me that slugs were i kept shooting his face in.

6are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 17:00



people get mad at slugs, ESPECIALLY in close range maps.

7are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 17:01

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

why? i figured requiring me to aim, would make people bitch less?

8are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 17:03



because internet

9are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 17:14

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i understand now.

10are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 17:19



Internet is obviously the correct answer

11are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 17:31



.net is the answer. .COM is also correct.... so is the following



12are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 21:10



I always use the cheapest weapons on noshar deathmatch for the lulz and have never gotten hatemail on that map surprisingly,I guess they expect it....dao12 with slugs is nasty on hardcore lmfao Very Happy

13are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 21:24



More of a Saiga guy myself.

14are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 21:25



DAO is pretty bad ass

15are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 21:33



on xbox I was pretty good with the pump shotguns but on pc I'm the worst person ever with them,and don't even try to use slugs on them lol. I beasted with the saiga the other day on pc it's good, and the m10104 (semi auto benelli)

16are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 21:34



870 is pretty alright

17are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-27, 21:53



the benelli M4 is probably my favorite shotgun, IRL. it's decent in BF3 i guess.

18are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-28, 05:04

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Simply law of gaming.

I was killed by "x" therefore it must be overpowered and must be nerfed OR I was killed by "x" person with "y" gun, he/she/it must be a haxing POS!

19are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-28, 07:51



and then there's the feeling of extreme humility and embarrassment when you get killed by the PP19.

20are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-28, 12:23



Ante wrote:and then there's the feeling of extreme humility and embarrassment when you get killed by the PP19.
That's my most used SMG. It has absolutely zero problem killing on console. In fact it's possibly my favorite.

21are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-28, 16:11



Metalzoic wrote:
Ante wrote:and then there's the feeling of extreme humility and embarrassment when you get killed by the PP19.
That's my most used SMG. It has absolutely zero problem killing on console. In fact it's possibly my favorite.
It's literally the worst primary in the game. Doesn't mean it isn't usable, but it's horrible compared to any other gun. 16.7 max damage is awful, and it drops to 12.5 at 40 meters.

22are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-28, 17:31



Ante wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:
Ante wrote:and then there's the feeling of extreme humility and embarrassment when you get killed by the PP19.
That's my most used SMG. It has absolutely zero problem killing on console. In fact it's possibly my favorite.
It's literally the worst primary in the game. Doesn't mean it isn't usable, but it's horrible compared to any other gun. 16.7 max damage is awful, and it drops to 12.5 at 40 meters.
Maybe, but like I've said before any difference stat/balance wise between weapons is so minor it's almost meaningless.

23are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-28, 23:45



Metalzoic wrote:
Ante wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:
Ante wrote:and then there's the feeling of extreme humility and embarrassment when you get killed by the PP19.
That's my most used SMG. It has absolutely zero problem killing on console. In fact it's possibly my favorite.
It's literally the worst primary in the game. Doesn't mean it isn't usable, but it's horrible compared to any other gun. 16.7 max damage is awful, and it drops to 12.5 at 40 meters.
Maybe, but like I've said before any difference stat/balance wise between weapons is so minor it's almost meaningless.
You are wring Metal.

Even a 0.0000001 second TTK will separate a shit weapon from an OP weapon. Everyone has perfect accuracy and all fights take place in perfectly fair conditions, after all.

24are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-29, 00:28



MH wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:
Ante wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:
Ante wrote:and then there's the feeling of extreme humility and embarrassment when you get killed by the PP19.
That's my most used SMG. It has absolutely zero problem killing on console. In fact it's possibly my favorite.
It's literally the worst primary in the game. Doesn't mean it isn't usable, but it's horrible compared to any other gun. 16.7 max damage is awful, and it drops to 12.5 at 40 meters.
Maybe, but like I've said before any difference stat/balance wise between weapons is so minor it's almost meaningless.
You are wring Metal.

Even a 0.0000001 second TTK will separate a shit weapon from an OP weapon. Everyone has perfect accuracy and all fights take place in perfectly fair conditions, after all.

Haha, what the hell? When did I even begin to imply that?

As it stands the P90 does more damage, has better range (although a SLIGHTLY lower minimum damage,) higher bullet velocity, and matches the PP19 in hipfire/ADS accuracy. The only thing the PP19 has on the P90 is 5 extra rounds per magazine and a slightly lower non-empty reload speed.

The gun is bad. Stacked up against any other weapon in the game, there's no argument to be made. It literally does nothing better than any other PDW (or any automatic weapon.)

I never said that someone can't do well with the weapon or that it isn't fun to use, but anything you can do with the PP19 you could do much better with the P90.

25are shotgun slugs bugged? Empty Re: are shotgun slugs bugged? 2013-09-29, 02:00



why is the quick reply box on this site broken for firefox?I have allowed it in ghostery/adblock plus, completely took away no script,was breaking more sites than it would ever fix.

anyways, PP19 is pretty fuckin deadly on hardcore with suppressor and 3.4x scope lmao!

it's ok on regular,I haven't even used it on pc, good with a kobra and laser and hipfire it when you can,took flash suppressor totally off,swear it must lower damage

edit: Ghostery add on is what is breaking this site for me, I'll need to find a way to whitelist it...I've always just used the quick reply box 99% of the time haha

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