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Super meat boy.

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1Super meat boy. Empty Super meat boy. 2010-10-20, 20:21



My god am I loving this game it is like n+ but better graphics and tighter controls. The one thing that will turn a ton of people off is the difficulty. This game is really hard and you will die A LOT. Now excuse me while I go play some more super meat boy.

2Super meat boy. Empty Re: Super meat boy. 2010-10-20, 20:34



Really hard? I'll have to try it then. Thanks!

3Super meat boy. Empty Re: Super meat boy. 2010-10-20, 22:42



Metalzoic wrote:Really hard? I'll have to try it then. Thanks!
if dying 491 times for the first world counts as hard then yah it is. Razz

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