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GTA V online is getting pretty stupid.

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Me and a friend were racing and some random guy tried to kill him, so we stoped and killed him and my friend blew his car up.

He became the "bad sport" and they put a dunce cap on his character, which was pretty funny but.. for 48 real life hours he can't play with other people who aren't "bad sport" status which is pretty fucking ridculious that a game that is supposed to be off the wall punishes you for blowing up other peoples personal vehicles.



He can play with Soap Very Happy

But you need to destroy something like 20 personal vehicles to get stuck in that lobby Very Happy


I've read stuff about people having tanks and blowing up a bounties car and getting bad sport status.

The singleplayer is great and all but the multi player is a fucking mess.




Plus the only way to earn money now is racing

Which is not what I enjoy doing if it was I would have brought Forza or something


I actually love the racing in this, but then again i only do it with friends so there's usually a lot of laughs involved there.

We did a race that had a cap of 8 people and it took about 3 minutes to complete and first place got like 10k, and it slowly went down from there. Pretty damn good.



Thats my point

You get more from racing than from actually committing crimes

You get paid more from Racing than breaking into a US Marine base blowing up some jets and stealing a Helicopter

All for a lesser time investment


Yeah, when you put it that way it sounds pretty bad lol. I don't mean to be hoping on the bandwagon here but it really seems like they're doing everything in their power to make people buy their "rockstar bucks" as i call them.

Tho since my friend was on bad status we raided the military base and i stole a tank.. Guess what? You can't take it out of there.. Well maybe with a cargobob but i mean.. You have a whole shitload of people shooting at you.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

I managed to steal a tank from the airbase using a Cargobob. There was a small issue with the NPC inside the tank firing shells off everywhere as we were flying and throwing me off balance which meant I had to drop him. Then he shot me down.

I can't try that again because my level is too high for the Cargobob to spawn.

Also I haven't played recently because my XBL is messed up.



Plus Grey picked a fucking Horrible Crew symbol Very Happy

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Frostbyrn wrote:Plus the only way to earn money now is racing
Do missions not give money any more?



Frostbyrn wrote:Plus Grey picked a fucking Horrible Crew symbol Very Happy
What is it?



Sym wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:Plus Grey picked a fucking Horrible Crew symbol Very Happy
What is it?
They cut the payouts by half dude so now its pretty much not worth the time to do them

GTA V online is getting pretty stupid. Emblem_128

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Isn't that the default emblem? We should replace it with SeC-man or whatever his name was.



Grey needs to step up his game



I want something I would be proud to put on the front of my car

Like some sort of Fiery Phoenix or a Giant Purple Dildo

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

Frostbyrn wrote:I want something I would be proud to put on the front of my car

Like some sort of Fiery Phoenix or a Giant Purple Dildo
GTA V online is getting pretty stupid. Secman






SeC Man is the hero we need, not the one we deserve.



MEGA MILK wrote:SeC Man is the hero we need, not the one we deserve.
Why do we need him!

What can he actually do! Very Happy

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Hey I am no longer in the dunce lobby frost!

Bout time too, got tired of being spawncamped by pricks in tanks every lobby.



Will you stop destroying the Swagasaurus Rex?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Maybe. In moderation. I have a rep to uphold



While you have been gone ive been cruising in the Poon Patrol anyway

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Poon Patrol? 

Ok this sounds like something I have to blow up



Why must thou be a hater Soap! Very Happy

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I have to see it to hate!

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