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IGN is stupid

Cubist Castle
The Adli Corporation
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1IGN is stupid Empty IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 19:09



Good Lord this article is beyond stupid. How do you guys feel? Ill make my feelings known if I get some responses.

2IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 19:10



I stopped reading at hardcover book and CD.

3IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 19:41



Khfan60 wrote:I stopped reading at hardcover book and CD.

Yeah same here.. I don't think books are going to go out lol.

4IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 19:43



Yea this guy is an idiot. Read some of the comments, they are hilarious. DD is getting bigger sure, but the day there is no longer physical copies of games is the day Im done gaming.

5IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 19:44

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

newspapers, book and CD's are on the way out huh?

yeaaaah.... about that....

6IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 19:44



Eh I thnk it'll end up happening in the next 5-10 years (downloadable games out competing hard copy games)

7IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 19:48



I thought it made some good points. I highly doubt we're going to see the end of physical discs anytime soon, though.

8IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 19:49

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Newspapers are on the way out. Don't know about the rest of that stuff. I think it'll be a long time before the world is done with books.

9IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 19:52



Yeah they won't disappear, but I do think gamestop and other dedicated game vendors' days are numbered.. (sadly)

I bet you'll still find hard copy's at big box stores like walmart and target for a while though

10IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 20:20


Meh, I don't think discs will ever be outdated. Look at vinyl. There's no practical reason to buy it, yet many people, myself included, still buy it. Same with CD's, same with books. People like physical copies.

11IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 20:28



they would be stupid to make DD only....many people can't afford fast internet to make downloading games feasible.The average connection in america is 3mb internet,idk about the upload speed or whatever.

I agree,I'll be done.I feel burned out as hell on the current gen anyway and even when new systems come out I won't get em for a couple years till the price point is reasonable.

I know this gen is starting to look dated,but,the economie's horrible

12IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 20:29



I like having a physical copy of the things I own. Like books and music and games.

Can't has those? Don't want. kthnxbai

13IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 20:36



i think that ign needs to face palm after that article

14IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 20:56



Yea if everything becomes DD I will not be a happy camper. I like my CD's, dvd's, blue rays etc.....My fiance has a Kindle, and I do not like it. I would rather read a physical book or magazine any day.

15IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 21:00



I don't think books and hard-copies of things will be out. It is far easier to destroy digital data than physical, and it just feels better to read a real book. Also, books have usually have a rather nice smell that you get when your read. Smile

16IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 21:29



Very Happy I like the smell of books and when you get a new game

17IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 21:42



sheep wrote:I like having a physical copy of the things I own. Like books and music and games.

Can't has those? Don't want. kthnxbai

Same thing here. I would rather spend an extra $10 on something I can hold and know it's safe, compared to something that one minor computer error could have it lost forever.

18IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 21:53


You guys would really give up one of your hobbies if this became the norm?

There are benefits to this idea (for both consumers and the companies), and hopefully both methods are available for people in the future.

19IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 22:01



If I at least don't get a physical manual so I can read when I'm bored I will quit.

20IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 22:04



I would continue playing games/reading, but I still think it would be pretty stupid if everything went digital. I even hate paying money online, and being paid with credit cards/checks and such; I accept it, but it naturally frustrates me.

21IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 22:06


I think it's fine if people like it, but I would much rather stick with physical copies of everything.

22IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 22:09



If it because impossible to own a physical copy of a game, I would think about quitting, yes. I already despise the current practices going on in the industry as it is( locked DLC, first day DLC, well DLC in general, online passes etc...) Companies like Capcom and EA can suck a fat nut. Like someone else mentioned, I will not rely on a computer to keep track of my games, when one little thing could wipe it all out, and then geez I have no games. Also, if this becomes the norm, you can forget borrowing games from friends or anything similar. I do not like this...

23IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-03, 23:08

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

You know, they have safeguards against that type of thing, Sym. For example, I bought copies of Fallout 2 and Arcanum on If my hard drives ever die on me, or I have to reformat or whatever, I can re-download anything I've already paid for, for free.
I'm sure the big names are going to go this route soon, and when they do, they'll be ready for situations like that. Otherwise they'd have a fuckton of pissed off customers on their hands.
Shrug. I'm indifferent. If it's a system of purchasing that they want to stick with, then it'll only improve over time.

24IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 00:14


Exactly Cram. That's how all stuff purchased on XBL is already for the most part anyways, I doubt any place is making users repay for previously downloaded stuff.

25IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 00:21



But I want to touch my stuff!

That sounds bad.

I still like physical copies damnit.

26IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 00:22


Physical copy lovers, do you guys skip XBLA titles?

27IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 00:41




I only buy DLC, some little games (like cloning clyde and feeding frenzy) off the live marketplace. If I'm buy a big (main, whatever) game/title, I want my damn plastic packaging, shiny disc and, cover art and booklet.

28IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 00:46



Well. Some of my bought XBL games have disappeared from my game library. Like Doom and Yaris.

29IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 00:49



HAL 9000 wrote:You know, they have safeguards against that type of thing, Sym. For example, I bought copies of Fallout 2 and Arcanum on If my hard drives ever die on me, or I have to reformat or whatever, I can re-download anything I've already paid for, for free.
I'm sure the big names are going to go this route soon, and when they do, they'll be ready for situations like that. Otherwise they'd have a fuckton of pissed off customers on their hands.
Shrug. I'm indifferent. If it's a system of purchasing that they want to stick with, then it'll only improve over time.

What if their Network gets Hacked and all the personal Data gets wiped so they cant tell who downloaded/Brought what

And dont say it cant happen just look at what happened with PSN

30IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 00:49

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

It's a waste of resources. Digital just makes sense. Besides, who needs clutter, and... things? You still get the only thing that matters about the game--the only thing that gives any value to the packaging and storage medium at all: the game itself.

31IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 00:51



I need things.


My clutter included. 'Cause they are mine.

I really don't sound like a sharer do I? Good. 'Cause I'm not. Mineminemine.

32IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 00:54

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Frostbyrn wrote:

What if their Network gets Hacked and all the personal Data gets wiped so they cant tell who downloaded/Brought what

And dont say it cant happen just look at what happened with PSN

Fuck it, I'll quit gaming? Class action lawsuit? Who knows?
Companies have a responsibility to their customers, and if they didn't have backups of that kind of information, then I'm sure they'd find some other way to compensate them. Even so, if they go this route, I'm sure they'll be prepared... it's not like they weren't aware that PS3 got hacked.

33IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 01:00


Rainbow War wrote:Well. Some of my bought XBL games have disappeared from my game library. Like Doom and Yaris.

I lost Doom aswel.. No idea how, i think they took it off the marketplace and said "Fuck you" to everyone.

34IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 01:01



Plus your Forcing People to go Digital

I mean if People want Hard copys even if Digital Download becomes more popular what right do you have to stop them

In the End it comes down to personal preference and i personally believes its never right to take away choices from people

35IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 02:52



I'm prone to lose/scratch up my games so I prefer digital. Never have to deal with discs, and never have to re-buy a game because you can't "lose" it. This really only applies to PC games for me right now, but if I ever upgrade my 360's HDD, I'll lean more towards digital there as well.

36IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 04:39



It looks like were split on this one. But what REALLY irks me about the article is how they talk about future developers sending out games in DLC installments like that is a good idea. To me that is a bad thing waiting to happen, and would probably be abused from day 1. Hell its already happening. We are already getting reamed to death, and if games become reliant on DLC and episodic content were all fucked.

37IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 05:14



Yeah I think that that would really diminish the quality of games.

38IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-04, 10:30

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

clutter and things is good.

and i like my books as books damnit! if its not in a book form its not a damn book!

39IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-05, 00:32



I've been looking forward to total digital download for a long time now.

I can't wait for systems to come out (probably next gen) that let you download all titles and not just dlc, arcade or older releases. The day I never have to buy another physical copy is the day I never buy another physical copy.

I don't care if physical copies exist for those of you that prefer that, but you better believe that this industry is going to push towards complete digital download as quickly as possible. They would be stupid not to.

-They keep nearly 100% of the money their product generates.
-They gain nearly 100% of the game rental market (700 million annually)
-They lower manufacturing costs and overhead.

If they market it right they can probably sway the majority of those that hate the idea.

Just sitting here I can think of several ways to make buying DD instead of physical the better alternative.

-Release the DD version the day the game goes gold. Physical version releases 1 month later.
-Realease the DD version for $10 less than the physical version.
-Early DLC access for the DD version.
-DD rentals that cost less than the average physical rental.
-If you rent a game via DD and decide to buy it, money you already spent on the rental is applied towards the purchase of the full game.
-Give pre-order bonuses only for the DD version.


40IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-05, 00:39



Metalzoic wrote:I've been looking forward to total digital download for a long time now.

I can't wait for systems to come out (probably next gen) that let you download all titles and not just dlc, arcade or older releases. The day I never have to buy another physical copy is the day I never buy another physical copy.

I don't care if physical copies exist for those of you that prefer that, but you better believe that this industry is going to push towards complete digital download as quickly as possible. They would be stupid not to.

-They keep nearly 100% of the money their product generates.
-They gain nearly 100% of the game rental market (700 million annually)
-They lower manufacturing costs and overhead.

If they market it right they can probably sway the majority of those that hate the idea.

Just sitting here I can think of several ways to make buying DD instead of physical the better alternative.

-Release the DD version the day the game goes gold. Physical version releases 1 month later.
-Realease the DD version for $10 less than the physical version.
-Early DLC access for the DD version.
-DD rentals that cost less than the average physical rental.
-If you rent a game via DD and decide to buy it, money you already spent on the rental is applied towards the purchase of the full game.
-Give pre-order bonuses only for the DD version.


Give this man a medal. afro

41IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-05, 00:43


Metalzoic wrote:I've been looking forward to total digital download for a long time now.

I can't wait for systems to come out (probably next gen) that let you download all titles and not just dlc, arcade or older releases. The day I never have to buy another physical copy is the day I never buy another physical copy.

I don't care if physical copies exist for those of you that prefer that, but you better believe that this industry is going to push towards complete digital download as quickly as possible. They would be stupid not to.

-They keep nearly 100% of the money their product generates.
-They gain nearly 100% of the game rental market (700 million annually)
-They lower manufacturing costs and overhead.

If they market it right they can probably sway the majority of those that hate the idea.

Just sitting here I can think of several ways to make buying DD instead of physical the better alternative.

-Release the DD version the day the game goes gold. Physical version releases 1 month later.
-Realease the DD version for $10 less than the physical version.
-Early DLC access for the DD version.
-DD rentals that cost less than the average physical rental.
-If you rent a game via DD and decide to buy it, money you already spent on the rental is applied towards the purchase of the full game.
-Give pre-order bonuses only for the DD version.


I agree with this and it would be awesome but next gens harddrive has to have a good amount of memory to accomplish that. But then again there is the offline gamers who don't have the option.

I wouldn't be surprised if they did try to put something like that into place as long as it's not a complete rip off like games on demand. "But it's 5$ in store. OH WELL YOU'LL PAY 35 EXTRA FOR CONVIENCE YOU SONOFABITCH." I wonder how many games on demand even sell.

Also it effects jobs aswel which i am all for the advancement of technology i mean who isen't? But then again i guess if those stores are taken over then it'll just produce different jobs.

42IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-05, 00:58



Lover de la Chunk wrote:I agree with this and it would be awesome but next gens harddrive has to have a good amount of memory to accomplish that. But then again there is the offline gamers who don't have the option.

Hard drive space increases dramatically normally. Plus you can always delete older games you don't plan on playing in awhile and just download them again later. Cloud streaming could also be used alongside HDD data.

Offline gamers simply buy/rent a physical copy.

53 Chunks have been Loved wrote:I wouldn't be surprised if they did try to put something like that into place as long as it's not a complete rip off like games on demand. "But it's 5$ in store. OH WELL YOU'LL PAY 35 EXTRA FOR CONVIENCE YOU SONOFABITCH." I wonder how many games on demand even sell.

That's why I said "if they market it right". They need one full gen with both DD and physical available and at every opportunity make the DD version the superior choice.

43IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-05, 10:52


Metal knows what's up.

44IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-05, 18:01



Again- you guys are totally missing the point..

45IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-05, 18:03


Now we're not. Some think it's an ok idea, others don't.

46IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-05, 18:05

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I guess I am missing the point. I don't see what the big deal is.

47IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-05, 18:09



I would only like to see DD if it was something where I still had a physical copy. Like when you order a new computer, you can get the OS disc with it too. Or you could buy something via DD and have a physical copy shipped to you for insurance. I would not enjoy an exclusively DD world. I like having that physical copy and not just the assurance that I have files on my hard drive.

48IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-05, 18:14



Symbolic wrote:It looks like were split on this one. But what REALLY irks me about the article is how they talk about future developers sending out games in DLC installments like that is a good idea. To me that is a bad thing waiting to happen, and would probably be abused from day 1. Hell its already happening. We are already getting reamed to death, and if games become reliant on DLC and episodic content were all fucked.

This was my main point, which only Zillah addressed. Just quoting in case you missed it. This is my main concern with the article. DD would still suck for me, but I could deal I think as long as they really safeguard the shit out of it.....the PSN thing has left me a little untrustworthy.

49IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-05, 18:14



I like DD,I hope the next XBox has a huge harddrive available.I'll download everything if the games are available online the day they're released in stores.

50IGN is stupid Empty Re: IGN is stupid 2011-08-05, 18:24


Symbolic wrote:
Symbolic wrote:It looks like were split on this one. But what REALLY irks me about the article is how they talk about future developers sending out games in DLC installments like that is a good idea. To me that is a bad thing waiting to happen, and would probably be abused from day 1. Hell its already happening. We are already getting reamed to death, and if games become reliant on DLC and episodic content were all fucked.

This was my main point, which only Zillah addressed. Just quoting in case you missed it. This is my main concern with the article. DD would still suck for me, but I could deal I think as long as they really safeguard the shit out of it.....the PSN thing has left me a little untrustworthy.

I saw that and ignored it because the "we're all ****ed" was a bit dramatic for me. In the case of PSN it was the ultimate example of "You get what you pay for" imo.

I understand your apprehension on the matter, but I think ultimately it would be a good thing and as mentioned, with the proper safeguards it would be fine.

I personally can't wait for the day that I can have all of my games on my harddrive, would make taking my gaming with me much easier.

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