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[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL

Ron Swanson
6 posters

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1[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 08:33



Was really annoyed that the server switched me from the other team, since I was running with them for a good few games where we tore everything apart.

But, I ended up stopping them as an opposing force. By tank whoring. LoL

2[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 10:26



[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 505skilledit

Broke 500 skill. Thanks to some tank whoring. LoL

I doubt I will keep it this high, and probably have to work on it for a long time if I want to push it further.

3[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 14:03



4.32 kd?

What is this shit?

You scrub

4[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 14:15

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

4.32 isn't even that good.

I mean if you cut it in half, then minus another .2 then I'm practically better than him lol

5[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 14:21



My KD is not so good right now lol

I havent been able to play to get it fixed grrr

6[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 14:29

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

My K/D is actually 1.98 right now, but I bought the game last night and only played 3 games.

I've been over at my buddies house playing under his GT and I've been pulling about a 1.7 or so over the last week. Its the only reason his k/d is over 1.0

7[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 15:18

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Nice tank whoring.

My k/d is always kinda low when I start out a game and slowly goes up as I learn the maps better...for the first 6 months or so on BF 3 it was around 1.4, now its at 2.19(2.75 over the last 6 months). I'm just average(maybe slightly above average) when it comes to straight up firefights, but knowing the maps and anticipating where my opponents are coming from and what they are going to do is my strong-point.

Last edited by Bama Psycho on 2013-11-09, 15:19; edited 1 time in total

8[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 15:19



Yea I always start kinda slow as I learn maps too

9[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 15:48



I prefer to start high and then go higher until I am at the tippy toppiest.
Then I take a poopy.

...or something like that.

10[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 16:13

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Meh, I'm hovering at 1.8KD slowly improving it. But my SPM is pretty low (only 353 at the moment), need to improve that honestly.

Still getting used to the maps and learning where to go.

11[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 16:20



I've dropped from a 2.25 down to a 1.7 and now I'm back up to a 1.94 so don't feel bad.

KD doesn't really matter much though especially with the objective being so much more important in BF4 compared to BF3.

I had a match last night where my team was down to 36 tickets or so and the had over 200, but we nabbed all the flags and beat them with about 8 tickets to spare.

12[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 16:42

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

yeah, frankly as long as I'm breaking even, I'm okay. More than anything I just like being in the upper portions of the score boards (kind of hard to do that as a Recon with BA's, still learning and still improving). So long as I can help my squad and keep capping flags, I'm happy.

Definitely miss playing with ya'll though, I've been thoroughly spoiled by having competent team mates in my squad.

13[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 16:50

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I would go 0-10 so long as it means I helped get the win.

I hate losing Razz 

14[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 16:51



Dr. Spaceman wrote:I would go 0-10 so long as it means I helped get the win.

I hate losing Razz 
Ha! yeah.
I only play with randies so I always want to win, but all I really care about is that I'm 1st place overall even if we lose.

Last edited by Metalzoic on 2013-11-09, 16:51; edited 1 time in total

15[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 16:51

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Dr. Spaceman wrote:
I HATE losing Razz 
This is me. To clarify, I hate losing BADLY, as in we get stomped because of stupid team mates refusing to push up or what have you.

If the enemy team has an Ace pilot or something, then I can understand, the best rounds typically are the ones where you lose but only just barely IMO.

16[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-09, 16:56

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

My K/D in any FPS shooter I've played the last few years has never actually been my real K/D.

That's what happens when you let your noob stoner friends play BF live with your account.

Maybe this is why I've never really paid attention too much attention to stats.

17[BF4] Tank whoring. LoL Empty Re: [BF4] Tank whoring. LoL 2013-11-10, 00:58



Artimise Flare wrote:So long as I can help my squad and keep capping flags, I'm happy.
Basically how I feel most of the time.

Its actually why I started playing and loving BF franchise.

You don't have to be that guy going pro all the time. You can be a supportive role and that in itself means something.

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