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Tank Guide

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1Tank Guide Empty Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 17:29



This guide was posted by cupAsoup on the Homefront forum and I thought it was pretty damn good and worth sharing!

Ok, so I consider the best use of 2000 BP to be the main battle tank. I'm going to post up what i've learned whoring a tank in the two months I have played Homefront Multiplayer. This is by no means a comprehensive guide, nor is it a guaranteed blueprint of success. Of course, anyone is free to add/debate/detract from what I am saying. Once again, this is what has worked for ME.
I should note that I almost exclusively play BCGC on Xbox360, so any applications in TDM, or any other game mode/platform, may not be applicable.
I devote the first few minutes of every game (excluding infantry-only maps) to the pursuit of 2000BP as fast as possible. This does 2 things....
1. The faster I get my tank, the more likely It will be effective (the absence of other vehicles).
2. The quicker the enemy team will spend the BP they have been saving to counter my tank, reducing the chance that they will have a vehicle/airstrike to counter me. ( I do this by simply capping 2 points and trying to defend one of them, and of course killing as many people as possible along the way).
Once I spawn my tank, I will announce on voice that I am bringing up a tank (even a crap gunner is better than no gunner).
My loadout on tanks is Speed Boost, Gyro, Faster Reload. I also have my infantry class equipped with an RPG. Purchase your RPG BEFORE you hop in the tank.
Capping points
Outside of very few, almost every single point can be capped with a tank. If you have a gunner, it is in effect 2 people on the flag. Some difficult points to cap would be C on angel island, you have to move the tank up to the door of the point until you see the cap marker moving. You have to sit still while you do this as there is a very small space. WARNING: you are extremely vulnerable when you do this. I suggest using missle defeat as soon as you see the flag moving.
If at all possible, do not sit still. Even moving the tank back and forth or pivoting can make a rocket miss you.
Later in matches, when the enemy has more BP, I will move onto the flag till it moves, then back off of it. This will....
1. alert the enemy that you are on their point.
2. They will likely think stationary target and may launch an airstrike on you.
Once I move the flag a bit, back off and watch your mini map. If you see an airstrike crosshair on you... move. Once it is gone, or if nothing happens, cap the flag.
Vehicle on vehicle combat

-Humvee's are one shot. Don't miss.
-APC's require 2 or 3 shots. Use missle defense when engaging an APC because the turret missles hurt almost as much as a tank shell.
-Other Tanks depend on your situation.

Taking Fire:
-The armor system is layered, meaning once you take a hit in a spot, a subsequent hit in that same spot will damage you more than the first. it is best to keep moving.
-Pivoting your tank is the best way to do this. For example: if your right side is facing the tank, you wil take a shot in your right side. Pivot clock wise. The next hit should hit your front. Keep pivoting. The 3rd shot should hit your left side. You have essentially minimized (not eliminated) the damage of 3 tank rounds. If you have faster reload, you will be able to deliver 4 rounds in this time span.
-The most vulnerable spot on the tank is the top. If you are playing a map with elevated terrain, try to stay as far away from it as possible.
-The best time to use missle defense is after you have taken 1 rpg. The player has 2 more. If you can counter 2 rpg's with your defense, you have used it wisely.
-C4, don't drive over it. Ever. Under any circumstances.
Delivering fire:

One thing I use with almost every shot is zoom (left trigger on 360). It allows you to make a more accruate shot, as well as slows your crosshair down.
-Try to shoot the rear, or if you have elevation, the top of any vehicle.
-If you have to shoot fron or sides, try to make your follow up shots in the SAME EXACT location.
-There seems to be little to no drop in the rounds, so engage as far away as possible.
-Pay attention to the direction your turret gunner is firing, he likely sees something you don't.
-If you purchased an rpg BEFORE you spawned your tank, this can be used to deliver one last blow if your tank is about to be destroyed. Hop out, fire a rocket, hop back in if your tank has not been blasted. You will more often than not die in the process, but I have taken plenty of vehicles with this simple trick.
Other bits and pieces
-Save your boost for when you can move in a straight line for a period of time, nothing ruins a good boost like running into a fence.
-Save your boost when you think an airstrike is coming. You can often get out of the way of a cluster bomb, or only catch part of it.
-In BC, your tank will repair to full health at 2 and 4 star threat levels. Plan accordingly. If your tank is almost dead and you only need 1 kill to get to 2 or 4 stars, hang back a bit and try for an easy kill.
-USE MISSLE DEFENSE. It only works for a short 5 seconds but it can extend the life of your tank. I don't know how many pieces of hate mail I've gotten from people saying I was hacking because my tank took too much damage. I was simply using the missle defense effectively.
-Use splash damage against infantry. Your shot only needs to be in the vicinity of infantry to kill them. If they are hiding behind a wall, shoot the ground as close as possible to them. This will kill them or force them to move. Also, if there is an object behind them, shoot that as well.
-Most importantly, STAY MOVING. You sit still, you die, it's that simple.
Sorry for the long post, but I hope this helps. Feel free to agree/disagree.

2Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 17:34

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

nice post Very Happy

ive experted CB so i have different things to spend my BPs on Smile

3Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 17:35




4Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 17:37

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

very sound guide. I do almost all of these except for use missle defense. Does it defend you from RPGs? or is it just lock on rockets i.e. the rhino. Because I thought it only defended you from the rhino drone

5Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 17:40



I have no idea, but I'll ask on the Homefront forums. I don't use the tank much......

6Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 17:41

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

CB = Cluster Bomb

im that lazy Embarassed

7Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 17:43

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Terry the tank whore. Whenever my team isn't helping me crush my opponents I cust out the tank. I've been making myself use th other veicles like the scout and chimera even though the tank is just better

8Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 17:43



Damn lazy brit!

I havn't seen you on the Homefront forum lately Adli.

9Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 17:44



I've used the Chimarea to take tanks out sometimes. Its speed and rapid fire cannon does a pretty good job.

10Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 17:44

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

kinda dropped the ball on that one DL Razz

ill check tomorrow, i promise Very Happy

11Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 17:45



Meh its all good what forums you visit. Its just nice to have an ally when the trolls show up.

12Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 17:48

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

a chimera might be able to take out a tank 1v1 because the tank MG is terrible. but I can get a lot more kills and hold down checkpoints with a tank. the heli can get kills but you still rely on teammates to take checkpoints.

13Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 17:50



I use the chimera because I feel like most tank drivers suck. HAHA

but but but the little bird is so damn fun with its mini guns!

14Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 17:50

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

the scout is so funny. i always end up buying it RIGHT at the end of a match.

i havent got a single kill despite buying 4 of them so far lol!

i keep missing since i cant see crap on my SDTV, and i cant tell when the guns are firing or over heating since the sound gets drowned out and i cant aim and look at the HUD at the same time Razz

i LOVE the chimera on the otherhand. so much fun Very Happy

15Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 18:05

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I do enjoy the Scout. its fun to fly and to wee people dashing for cover from my miniguns, it just doesn't last long. The only time I got up to three stars was on Angel island basically because every was to busy sniping to shoot me down.

16Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 18:08

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i took two scouts down with the Scar-H on Green Zone in one match.

needless to say teabagging occured. if your chopper is smoking or on fire you are going DOWN Very Happy

17Tank Guide Empty Re: Tank Guide 2011-05-12, 18:18

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

two proxy launcher rockets with boomer and blastwave.

thats all it takes. the scout is the Humvee of the skys

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