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Had to kick some ass at 5am, on my way to work -_-

Ars Diaboli
The Adli Corporation
Keyser Söze
14 posters

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A co-worker showed me a faster route home from work yesterday so I decided to take the same route to work today. I'm not really familiar with this part of the city so I asked a few people for directions to the right bus stop.

As I'm standing there, trying to get my bearings, I see some suited up white guy walking in my direction. People like this usually know their way around the city so I tried to catch him and said "excuse me, do you kno-" Dude just chuckles and walks past me. Naturally, due to being spurned by the white man as usual, combined with the frustration of being lost while trying to get to work, I'm immediately staring a hole in the back of his head and contemplating beating the ever-living shit out of him. Luckily, I'm a generally non-violent person unless I need to be different.

I brush it off for the most part, it's nothing I don't deal with on a regular. A few paces behind this guy is another white guy in a suit so I go to ask him for directions and he does the exact. same. thing. So I shout "Are you fucking kidding me?! You assholes can't stop for one second?!" Then this dude stops next to the other guy, says something to him, looks back at me, shakes his head and laughs.

Now I'm just enraged and I walk up to them and say that they're lucky I'm trying to get to work and don't have time for the bullshit. I guess mother fucker #1 felt comfy in numbers because this dude tries to get big and bad with me. That quickly escalated into shouting, then he shoved me, and yeah... it got bad. Got to work 12 minutes late and the adrenaline is still keeping me infuriated. Just needed to vent it out somewhere.

That was my morning, how was everyone else's?  



Whelp we had a good run. NSA inbound in 3, 2, ...

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I waked and baked as usual.

I wish your morning was more like mine Shinma...


I woke up, looked at my PS4 and told it i loved it.



My Xbone tells me it loves me every morning and I wish it would stop...


I just got it yesterday <3


Your lucky you didnt get the shit kicked outta you lol



Weird I never have a problem asking White people in suits for directions Very Happy

Also you just had to mention they were White didnt you racist Very Happy



Please tell me you knocked at least one of them out.



Ante wrote:Please tell me you knocked at least one of them out.
Yeah because that would end in his favor

Who are the police likely to arrest the two white guys in business suits or the black guy who I assume wasnt wearing a business suit





Just leaving this here for no reason at all...

Had to kick some ass at 5am, on my way to work -_- A3Y1WRN_460sa



RStudios wrote:Your lucky you didnt get the shit kicked outta you lol
Nah, I can handle myself. I beez from da streetz.

Had to kick some ass at 5am, on my way to work -_- Tumblr_mj49kvCSKl1rdw5v1o1_250

No, but seriously...

Frostbyrn wrote:Also you just had to mention they were White didnt you racist Very Happy
You damn right, I did afro 

Ante wrote:Please tell me you knocked at least one of them out.
I didn't go too hard because the last thing I wanted to do was get shot 73 times by the cops afterwards, but they didn't get up the entire duration of me waiting for the bus. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that; the stop I was looking for was a few feet away, around the corner from where this happened. It all could've been avoided had these assholes taken a second to try to assist me.



I probably would have punched dude

But then again maybe not....he would have gotten words at the min



Just so you guys know im not racist

My mouse cursor is Black



I despise bigots



Sym wrote:I despise bigots
There are two people in this world I cannot stand

People intolerant of other peoples culture

and the Dutch

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

love it frost.



Frostbyrn wrote:
Sym wrote:I despise bigots
There are two people in this world I cannot stand

People intolerant of other peoples culture

and the Dutch
Dutch Oven?



The Adli Corporation wrote:love it frost.
Its from Austin Powers I cannot claim credit

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:
The Adli Corporation wrote:love it frost.
Its from Austin Powers I cannot claim credit
i know it is, i was applauding the reference Razz



The thing is I know quite alot about Black people culture

I have watched a documentary on it quite a few times

I love Soul plane



Frost just wants a Dutch Oven from a fat dude




Ps Arielle Kebbel is Hot Very Happy

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Why do you automatically assume it's a racism thing?

Is the U.S. that fucked up despite being a first world country, or are people just scarred from the old days, and end up turning everything into some racial/gender/etc. problem? I just see this happen all the time, and I really don't know if it's real or if people are just overreacting. I've just never experienced something like that, ignoring your everyday twelve year old (and in some cases, actual grown men) in Xbox Live

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Shit, I'd be inclined to help Shinma whoop these fuckers if this whole thing happened in front of me.

You don't treat people like that, even complete strangers.



Ars Diaboli wrote:Why do you automatically assume it's a racism thing?

Is the U.S. that fucked up despite being a first world country, or are people just scarred from the old days, and end up turning everything into some racial/gender/etc. problem? I just see this happen all the time, and I really don't know if it's real or if people are just overreacting. I've just never experienced something like that, ignoring your everyday twelve year old (and in some cases, actual grown men) in Xbox Live
I'm not saying it's pure racism, but whether or not it was, you just don't do that. Either way I'd be willing to bet that had I looked differently, I would've gotten a better response. They took one look at me and said "lol nope". It might not have had anything to do with race, but I've encountered it enough to know the difference. This is a non-stop occurence for me and I've become jaded by it.

I was just searched by two cops on monday out of nowhere. You know what I was doing prior to that? I was resting in the passenger seat of a car, in my friend's driveway while he was picking up dinner from his mom. It's 4 in the afternoon and I had a long day at work so I closed my eyes for a couple of minutes. I opened my eyes to see what all this whispering I hear next to me was and I see a cop with his body half through the driver's window and another cop watching me from my side. I hadn't even shook the sleep off of me before they asked my name, my address, and what I was doing there. I could literally start a topic a day about shit like this.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

That's fucked up...



Yeah a lot of cops have a prejudice against anyone who isn't white, that's for sure. Most places white people can drive up to 10MPH over the speed limit, driving right in front of a cop. Other races can't do 1 over. And also can't drive in the suburbs at night, period.

Whether or not what you experienced has to do with race, those guys sounded like they needed a facepunch. You don't just completely ignore someone asking for directions.



You know there's a problem when it's a cultural thing to have fear and hatred of the people who are supposed to protect you.



Side thought: is it just me or do Asian cops not exist outside of predominately Asian areas?



Shinma wrote:Side thought: is it just me or do Asian cops not exist outside of predominately Asian areas?
Can't say I've ever seen one.

Except for Jackie Chan in Rush Hour.


Asians are too smart to be police officers Very Happy



the cops did me dirty on a dr's appointment while I was waiting for my taxi and I truly believe if the color of my skin wasn't white I would of been could tell they were trigger happy thugs. They dropped me off in the middle of nowhere by this Neches river. It was the kind of rinky dink town that would hate obama just for his skin color, aka redneck wasteland

my week has been shit, windjammer internet blown out, century link being hooked up shortly though

I was losing what little sanity I have left with no internet haha Razz



We do not really have a problem with Cops in New Zealand

All of them are nice and because the police force is so mixed most of them are not racist



As Ive said a million times on here

Police = domestic terrorists



You guys have Cop problems Very Happy



I dont trust them as far as I can throw em

And considering alot of them are fat slobs thats not very far



I wanted to be a cop when I was a kid and would always greet every officer I saw, but that shit changed once I got old enough for them to see me as a threat, which was like... 10 Evil or Very Mad   



Im a white dude and even I hate cops



All cops in Seattle are Asian. Except for this one dude named Phil.



Had to kick some ass at 5am, on my way to work -_- IJEzFQL



On topic with "fuck the police", yesterday was the anniversary of the deaths of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark; two Black Panther leaders who were assassinated by the FBI.

Had to kick some ass at 5am, on my way to work -_- Tumblr_mxakbqBsH71s8cfqqo1_500





Look differently as in not black or less... I have no idea what you look like. Because you don't look like mainstream America?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Had to kick some ass at 5am, on my way to work -_- HBB37AA4A


That is awesome adli.



It's true though. I don't like cops even looking in my general direction. I would never ever ever ever ever ever want to try and play a joke on one. That's just asking to get arrested, shot, or beaten.

sheep wrote:Look differently as in not black or less... I have no idea what you look like. Because you don't look like mainstream America?

I pray this response was not a serious one... It would not surprise me in the slightest if it was.


She's a racist texan now.



Pft. Was so racist before I moved here.

Yeah. Re-reading that it didn't come out right. Less mainstream. As in subscribing to an alt. lifestyle type dress (like goth or whatever). I'm just curious if that could have been a factor or if it was just because you're black.

Cause I can't imagine that reaction happening for no reason. Some sort of bigotry had to play a part.

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