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[BF4] Introducing the Battlefield 4 Top Issues Tracker

Artimise Flare
8 posters

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DICE wrote:We at DICE have a long tradition of supporting our games and our community well after the release of a title. While millions of players are enjoying Battlefield 4, we are aware that some players are experiencing issues with the game.

If you are one of them, this Battlefield 4 tracker will give you the latest updates in regards to some of the top issues we are going to fix and fan feedback we’re implementing in the game. We always work with trackers for our games internally which enables us to track and fix bugs as quickly as possible. We’ve never made it external before, but this seems like a great way to keep you constantly updated on how we’re progressing.

Before we dive into the tracker, please keep in mind this is not a comprehensive list – we’re working on some smaller fixes as well. Each of the issues in this tracker will have one of three statuses. We’re commited to fixing all issues in this tracker (and more.)

Bug accounting for a quarter of the crashes on PS4
Platform(s): PS4
Status: Fix live

EMP blur effect
Platform(s): All
Status: Fix live

One-hit kill bug where players sometimes take damage twice from the same bullet
Platform(s): All
Status: Fix live/in next patch

Loss of SP progress that can happen after quit and restart on PS4
Platform(s): PS4
Status: Fix live

Game Mode ribbons are counted twice
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing

4X damage from miniguns when using Defensive specialization
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing

Players sometimes get stuck in kill cam after revive
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing

Bug accounting for a majority of crashes on next-gen/PC
Platform(s): PC, PS4, X1
Status: Fixing

Players sometimes become spectators while still alive in Defuse mode
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing

Players sometimes get stuck in revive screen
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing

Desynchronized game world where objects have different states for different players
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

Join queue disabled on consoles
Platform(s): All consoles
Status: Investigating

Bug accounting for a large amount of crashes on X360
Platform(s): X360
Status: Investigating

Squad spawn sometimes positions you under the terrain
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

Hit markers and crosshairs sometimes disappear
Platform(s): PC
Status: Investigating

Rubber banding issues for some players with solid Internet connections
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

Some instances of no hit effects and no damage to opponent in your sights
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

Damage received is sometimes delayed by a few frames
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

Incorrect matchmaking on Xbox One
Platform(s): X1
Status: Investigating

Server browser filters are not fully functioning
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

Sudden frame rate drops during certain in-game events
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

The "Sound Loop Crash"
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

Statuses explained
INVESTIGATING means we are aware of a specific issue and working to reproduce it. Often, getting a solid reproduction is what actually allows us to eliminate a bug in the end.

FIXING means that we have been able to reproduce an issue and are working on a fix. This might be a simple line of code or a larger task. Once we have the solution, we code, test and get it live. An issue with the label FIXING is on its way to being resolved.

FIX LIVE means that we have fixed the issue in a patch that has already gone live. For example, we had a bug that accounted for a quarter of all crashes on PS4. That issue was fixed in the latest PS4 game update that went live Dec 5. Many other issues are already addressed.

You can always find the latest information on game updates in the Battlefield 4 Control Room at []


Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Some of these I didn't know about, but you know what, I'm just glad they're fixing them. It took a load of nerve and stones to announce that they were halting DLC development to try and fix this mess of a game.

Shouldn't have been launched in the first place in the state that it was in, hopefully the sharp drop in EA's stocks will send a strong message to them (probably won't).



They really didn't lose in stock prices. The negative impact was not big enough to actually affect overall performance.

Anyway, I have not had as many issue with bugs lately, but with hackers. It was not a fun game playing in Paracel Storm when a guy is hacking with whatever tool he is using and instantly killing anyone in sight with minigun on RHIB(sp?). Aimbot or/and damage hack probably (as aimbot alone can't kill that fast at such distance as there is weapon spread).



Hmmm... It doesn't look like they're fixing the one where all your teammates are morons though.
Or the one where DICE is completely useless.



dear god I must say this has been the WORST launch of any game I've ever played.

what has gone wring to where the game thinks I don't even have 512mb of memory on my gpu when I have 3gb?

haven't seen tom post much on it anymore, I think he was having the most problems out of anybody. poor guy...I would of gave up

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Metalzoic wrote:
Or the one where DICE is completely useless.

Wouldn't that be impossible? I mean if they are in fact useless then they wouldn't be able to correct that because the fact alone that they are able fix it would make them useful and thus negate the original uselessness itself.

Or in other words them being able to fix anything is a paradox to them being useless.



Do you guys ever have an issue with sound? Like when you're in a vehicle and you don't hear it running, or when you're walking/sprinting and you don't hear the noises from the ground?

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Only sound issue I've had was in campaign where the sound of my guns stopped working, still could hear my running, ai squad chatter, it was just like my guns had a super advanced silencer on them.



on many of the big outside maps like Railway and the Dam map and even Resort the sound will cut out randomly. Guess they haven't fixed the glitch where if you shoot the silenced QBU 88 sniper it blows the sound out for the whole server lol

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

BmmFlash wrote:Do you guys ever have an issue with sound? Like when you're in a vehicle and you don't hear it running, or when you're walking/sprinting and you don't hear the noises from the ground?

I've had this happen. Only really notice it in vehicles.

Metalzoic wrote:Nice.
Hmmm... It doesn't look like they're fixing the one where all your teammates are morons though.
Or the one where DICE is completely useless.




BmmFlash wrote:Do you guys ever have an issue with sound? Like when you're in a vehicle and you don't hear it running, or when you're walking/sprinting and you don't hear the noises from the ground?

Yes and it happens quite a lot on PS4 as compared to X1 or 360.

It happens constantly in fact. Sound effects are always cutting out and not just vehicles.

Enemies can sprint right up to you and you cannot hear their footsteps or voice. Tanks and other vehicles can roll right up behind you with no sound at all etc...

Fucking lame.



Ha. They literally patched it just now and fixed that audio bug. I just downloaded it.

DICE the scumbags wrote:
We are rolling out a new game update on PS4. You might need to restart the game to have the update install. Change notes below. We are already working on the next update based on your feedback.

Dec 11 PS4 Game Update Notes  
-General stability fixes that should remove a large amount of the client crashes we are currently seeing on the PS4

-Fixed the audio drop outs that could occur when playing on large maps. Typical map affected was Golmud Railway in Conquest with 64 players. Ambient sound would sometimes cut out, like foley sounds from player running, vehicle engine sounds, vehicle movement sounds, and map ambient sounds

-Removed the blur effect on soldiers that appeared when Commanders were using EMP attacks

-Further reduced the probability of getting a corrupt save file by doing miscellaneous changes to the save file system. These include removing the save file saving again when quitting multiplayer

-Fixed multiple crashes that could occur when bringing up the in-game Battlelog during round transition

-Fixed a crash that could occur when using the BattleScreen

-Fixed a random crash related to destroying vehicles

-Fixed minor destruction issues in the terrain



Metalzoic wrote:Ha. They literally patched it just now and fixed that audio bug. I just downloaded it.

DICE the scumbags wrote:

-Fixed the audio drop outs that could occur when playing on large maps. Typical map affected was Golmud Railway in Conquest with 64 players. Ambient sound would sometimes cut out, like foley sounds from player running, vehicle engine sounds, vehicle movement sounds, and map ambient sounds

Thank. Fucking. God. I am so sick of the audio dropping!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah i saw the audio bug a few times from watching my flatmate, mainly in boats when it was super-obvious that it was happening.



Don't think its mentioned up there, but I am getting really annoyed by a bug that "jams" burst fire from time to time. This is preventing me from using burst weapon reliably, and I think I will have to use something else for now to avoid this bug. I would really like to start using M16 & M4, now that I am more confident with my shooting, but this "jam"ming just gets in my way.



what do you mean by "jam". Like strawberry jam got in the barrel?
Lol but really, what happens?



When you rapid fire burst weapons, sometimes you will not have the next burst fire (or will only fire 1 or 2 rounds then will have a long pause before you can fire again). It seems to always happen in the launch period of any BF game ever since BF2 (the first one to introduce burst weapon to the franchise). There was this problem back in BC2 as well, but it was fixed later on, iirc.



Huh. I don't really use burst mode, so I can't say much on it  Razz 

However, I did download the patch for PS4 and it fixed 99% of the sound bug. I still had one instance out of like 2 hours of playing, but it went away fairly quick.



I haven't used burst fire much, the bullet velocity seems very low for me to be effective doing it

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Don't think its so much bullet velocity rather than ROF Jr. Anyway? I believe that "jam" or "stutter" is to prevent people spamming the weapon, much like the DMR's would stutter if you clicked too fast. You have to develop a "rhythm" when clicking semi auto or burst fire weapons if I recall.

I never had issues with burst fire weapons personally, though I am anxious to unlock the M4 and see how it fairs against other guns in the game.

Hardly have touched the Assault class, really don't like being defenseless against vehicles.



M4 is great, except for the jamming. So, I just use something else.

I find MTAR to be the best for its intended ranges, though.

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