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[BF4] Dec 16th patch broke multi-GPU setup

The Adli Corporation
Artimise Flare
Ars Diaboli
12 posters

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People are reporting that the newest patch broke multi-GPU setups with flickering textures. And I can personally confirm that its doing on my system, and its flippin annoying.

Apparently, some non-multi-GPU rigs are experiencing the issue as well.

Anyway, if you want a temporary solution for now, check out the link below.


It does make the image quality worse (the scenery changes quite a bit) and framerates drop considerably, but at least the flickering stops. If you can stand the flickers, then you can play as is, but it really annoys me, so I had to use this temp fix.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli


Would they not suck if they were with another publisher?



At first I read "multi-display", but then I sighed apathetically as I realized what was going on.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Ars Diaboli wrote:DICE.

Would they not suck if they were with another publisher?

I suspect that would likely be the case, how much better I don't know. It takes them an awful long time to balance things, but on the other hand when they do get it down finally their games are quite fun. BC2 and BF3 were really well balanced for the most part in their twilight days if memory serves. BC2 was especially well refined at the end IMO.

Thompson was my best gun back then Very Happy, oh how I miss that gun.



I actually sucked with the Thompson in bc2,never used it much lol. AN94 all day with mag ammo Razz

played some bc2 the other night and I got chumped lmao, couldn't kill anybody due to the fact of being lvl 1 with no mag ammo.



TTK even with mag ammo was pretty high in BC2. I honestly loved the damage model of that game. Didn't the F2000 do something like 11 damage a shot? Crazy.


I miss BC2 Sad

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Ante wrote:TTK even with mag ammo was pretty high in BC2. I honestly loved the damage model of that game. Didn't the F2000 do something like 11 damage a shot? Crazy.

yeah the F2000 did so little damage. it really needed the high ROF lol.

i loved the M14 with a 4x scope + M93r. so hilarious. long range = pew pew, short range = dump entire mag in half a second and obliterate things.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

You know what this update didn't do? Mess up consoles.

Check. Mate.



Dropped Da Soap wrote:You know what this update didn't do? Mess up consoles.

Check. Mate.

Can't break something that's already broken! OH.

[BF4] Dec 16th patch broke multi-GPU setup 7Z0J5w1

jk i love you

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Dropped Da Soap wrote:You know what this update didn't do? Mess up consoles.

Check. Mate.

hows that glorious next-gen 720p at 30 fps?

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I don't know, you tell me. I still have a 360!

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Dropped Da Soap wrote:I don't know, you tell me. I still have a 360!

[BF4] Dec 16th patch broke multi-GPU setup H2D42A954



I still have 360. Sitting in my closet, in fact.


They should leave, and rename themselves "ICE".

EA, no longer giving us the D



Whatever you guys were complaining about went out the window when Adli said the Raffica was good in BC2

I cannot believe any of you did not call him on that utter Bullshit

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

EA is no longer giving us the D? That's all they've done for the last few years. We are all full of dicks up our pooper.

And the burst was ass in BC2. It was glorious in BF3 though, even after its nerf.



The BC2 Raffica absolutely mauled people in CQC if you were accurate. It had the fastest TTK out of every automatic weapon in the game. It was just crazy inaccurate and had horrible range making it a very niche in its uses. It was my go to sidearm towards the end of my BC2 play time.

Now it's just straight up beastly in BF4 no questions asked.



I could sooner drown people with a targeted stream of piss than kill them with the BC2 Raffica



I thought Raffica was decent in BC2, but there were much better alternatives. M1911, even after nerf, was way too beasty to use anything else (it was godly in pre-nerf state).

In BF4, I am still suffering from "ping driven burst bug" so I am trying to stay away from burst weapons at the moment. But, I might give it a new try at a near future.



Oh yeah but the M1911 got even more nerfed near the end

Which I do not think you were around for

The best pistol options tended to be the Grach or the M9

Unless you were a REX fan which I wasnt really



Frostbyrn ♚ wrote:Oh yeah but the M1911 got even more nerfed near the end

Which I do not think you were around for

The best pistol options tended to be the Grach or the M9

Unless you were a REX fan which I wasnt really

Yup, I wasn't there in the end of time for BC2. It got nerfed further? How was it in the end?

M9 was pretty decent in BF3, but I can't recall how I liked it in BC2. M9 is obsolete in BF4, though. P226 is basically same with better characteristics.

I have second most kill with REX, for pistol category, in BC2. I guess I was semi-REX fan. Its funny I despise revolvers in BF3 and 4, though.



Ars Diaboli wrote:DICE.

Would they not suck if they were with another publisher?

Of course they would still suck, they've proved that over and over and over now. It's what they do best.



M1911 had a smaller Clip if I remember correctly

Just a slightly higher DPS,Worse Irons and more Recoil if I am remembering right

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn ♚ wrote:Whatever you guys were complaining about went out the window when Adli said the Raffica was good in BC2

I cannot believe any of you did not call him on that utter Bullshit

it was amazing. at 1 ft range. which is all i used it at Razz

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

You guys ever had to pee and have your pee stream split into two separate streams missing the toilet entirely?

That was the Raffica in BC2

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Dropped Da Soap wrote:You guys ever had to pee and have your pee stream split into two separate streams missing the toilet entirely?

That was the Raffica in BC2

thats why you shoot people from 1ft away Razz



It seems that last patching of Battlelog also broke the weapon customization sync for the China Rising DLC.

All of my DLC unlocks are reset to default when I change the setting in the Battlelog. But when I change settings in the game, it shows it has been reset on battlelog (but it works in-game). Now if I decide to change anything using Battlelog and have DLC weapon as primary in any class, that gets reset...

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