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[Bf4] Ugh...xmas newbies or something.

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I'm about ready to give up.

11 games, 1W/10L, what in the actual fuck.

I was with my brother and an IRL friend as well, couldn't get anything done. I can already say i don't care for the new China Rising maps, not sure what it is, they annoy me for some odd reason.

I'm sitting around trying to laser designate targets, and either they would immediately get lost behind the numerous hills and so on, or no one would freaking shoot them. Had a guy designated for at least a full minute and a half.

So freaking irritating.



Art, you should've just jumped in the gunner seat in my tank the other night. You don't have to ask... And I'm not deaf btw (blind would've been a better word Razz), I only really read the chatbox before and after a round.

I've personally found the Christmas noobs to be excellent cannon fodder on both sides. Easy kills when they're on the other team, and guinea pigs when on mine (let them move ahead and take any potential bullets from campers, then flank.)

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Didn't mean to come off as a jerk by the way. Just can't seem to communicate with you in game whenever we play together. Never am sure if you can hear me warning you of enemies or whatever or if you need ammo or what have you.

As for Xmas noobs, it's usually my luck that I can never get on a team that know wtf they're doing. I don't really have any luck running into idiots on the other side, I'm usually stuck with all the mental care rejects on my team while we have seal team six and delta force on the other side completely destroying my team.

It's got to the point that I may join my brother and his friend who only play HC mode so that I'll be in a group with more people to talk to that can actually make a difference.



let's chump em  afro afro afro  we used to win the game single handedly lmao.

it really is sad how many useless chumps are on the game. I mean, you figure on the pc version there would actually be more competent people. There are,just always on the other team for me as well. Evil or Very Mad 



Whenever you join a game on an official server, switch sides IMMEDIATELY. Official servers are always stacked, which means when you join, 90% of the time you will be put on the losing team. I figured this out months ago and now my W/L is 2.7. Join server, switch, win.



You really cant expect randies to follow laser marks. On top of that, most people end up using RPG or SMAW, which are both non-lase rockets. Even I only pull out Jav or SRAW if I have a squadmate willing to talk to me about what he is going to laser. Had a guy in my squad that went MVP without firing a single shot since he was lasing everything and all our squad was SOFLAM/PLD + Jav/SRAW + one support for ammo.

I also have a tendency of not paying attention to chat unless I know for sure that there is something useful being chatted constantly.



I fucking love the SRAW. Sniping infantry from a mile away with it is my new favorite thing to do, and I'm getting pretty good at taking out choppers with it too.



I haven't put in enough effort to practice SRAW on air vehicles (unless lased), but what do you do?

Lead? Or just paint it?



I still want to get that remote control uav thing to troll people....but I read they increased the reload time alot on it so prob not worth it now.

what the hell happened to Second Assault coming to pc, it got delayed due to Dice supposedly fixing all the glitches? I don't crash as much (at least not in awhile) but the netcode still seems bleh, getting insta killed with about 30-40ms ping,sometimes lower(everybody in the match has an average of that or 40+) and I have 25mb internet



UCAV (support explosive gadget) is nerfed to 90 second reload from 20 second reload.

The down time is too great to camp and get decent performance.

Its basically guaranteed kill before you die (to keep KDR above 1.0, but if you are not good at it then.. jar~), or guaranteed half HP of vehicle + mobility kill. It still useful as ultimate vehicle killer if two coordinated squad using it, but its a big nerf that its almost one time use only. Unless you want to troll enemy team AND your team (for not playing).

SUAV is nerfed, actually reverted to what it should had been, that it only gets one kill before destruction. BUT the reload time is unchanged, so as long as you can get ammo, its troll time.



Depending on how the chopper is moving, you can paint it, but it's inconsistent so it's best to treat it like the AT4 and just lead. Great thing for campers/stationary vehicles is that if you ADS before firing, you can stop painting the target and the rocket will still fly to the last location you were aiming at.



I tend to pull out SRAW more often now, not because I use it stand-alone against air, but I have found some guys that always tend to join me that talk & listen to my requests. This one guy basically follows me around as a recon with PLD or at least has soflam ready in remote location, so I just fire and forget SRAW.

BTW what do you mean by ADS before firing & stop painting? Whenever I ADS, Fire, and reload/autoload, it makes the weird up and down motion (following reload motion) and goes off trajectory.



The SRAW rocket always flies towards the last painted location. At least it does for me. Just went into the test range to make sure.



Alright just went into the test range again because I had an idea and low and behold it was right. The SRAW rocket tries to fly towards the last position it was painted. However, if that target moves the rocket ends up going into the "loop of doom" that you see. If that happens and it's still flying after you reload, ADSing again will let you regain control of the rocket.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Old news if I'm understanding correctly since Matimio uses a similar technique for his "Whambo combo" where he shoots one rocket into the sky, reloads, fires a second rocket at a stationary tank and then holds his aim until both rockets hit.

Still good tip to know.



I actually think Jackfrags was the first one to popularize it, but that's just semantics.  Razz 

Seriously though, it works really well. Too well. Hopefully it gets a fix, because it's not too hard to do ~80 damage in one go with it.



I've never even tried the SRAW, but then again Engineer is my least used class. I think I only have 4 service stars with it.

How does the SRAW work? Fire and forget, but it also follows the reticule?



Metalzoic wrote:I've never even tried the SRAW, but then again Engineer is my least used class. I think I only have 4 service stars with it.

How does the SRAW work? Fire and forget, but it also follows the reticule?

It works exactly like the AT4 from BC2. There's actually a very small mechanical difference between the two that makes it much easier to hit a moving target if you have really steady aim.



So it is simply guided by the reticule like the AT4 or the mounted rocket launchers in the game? You guys made it sound like it would actually fly around to hit a target you held the reticule on.



Metalzoic wrote:So it is simply guided by the reticule like the AT4 or the mounted rocket launchers in the game? You guys made it sound like it would actually fly around to hit a target you held the reticule on.

It will. That's the difference.



Ah, well that's all the difference in the world.
I almost never use anything other than the igla with Engineer, but I'll have to try that one out.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

It will also lock onto aircraft that has been painted by a PLD/SOFLAM.

It's great for taking out snipers as well. So much rage when you counter snipe them with a rocket lol. I find it is best used from angles the tank isn't aware of or at odd positions because you're exposed for quite a while. RPG/SMAW is best used when you are actually staring down the armored snake and what have you since a it's a pop out and fire type of launcher.



Sniping bush wookies with the SRAW is so much fun. I do it with the TOW missile on the IFV too.



Sweet. Will try.



Unless trying to snipe across the map, I find SMAW to be much easier for rocket sniping. Its pretty much a bullet trajectory.



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