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My cat just died :(

11 posters

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1My cat just died :( Empty My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 14:25



2 hours ago, I actually saw her die and everything. Not much else to say, just figured I would let everyone know.

2My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 14:41



My cat just died :( Praying_hands-654

3My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 14:42



I don't get it?

4My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 14:44



theyre prayer hands. sorry man Sad

5My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 14:47



Sorry to hear that Bla, I really am. Sad

6My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 14:49



Sorry to hear D:

She's probably in kitty heaven nao, playing and such.
How old was she?

7My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 14:50



4 Sad

8My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 14:51



Bla125 wrote:4 Sad

Aww, I wish I had a pet cat or dog =(

Only ever had hamsters.

9My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 14:53



Hamsters are cool. And my cat acted like a dog lol, and looked like a squirrel.

10My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 14:54



Sorry to hear that Crying or Very sad

11My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 14:57



Aww, sorry to hear that Bla. I just bought a new cat for a friend earlier today her's died Friday.

12My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 14:59



That was nice of you =]

13My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:02



It's black with light blue eyes, she named it Kigari.

14My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:02



Shojimaru wrote:Aww, sorry to hear that Bla. I just bought a new cat for a friend earlier today her's died Friday.

So you'd pay 100+ dollars for a friend to get a new cat even though you could adopt one which is better and kinder.

15My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:04



How would you adopt one? At a shelter? Because at the shelter by my house they cost 100$.

16My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:04



sorry for your loss bla.

i had a cat that acted like a dog too, well it was at least as loud as a dog. lived to be 19 but then my parents put it to sleep because they said it was in pain(but really just because it was pooping everywhere, it was a happy cat).

17My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:05



Bla125 wrote:How would you adopt one? At a shelter? Because at the shelter by my house they cost 100$.

srsly? They either don't cost anything or it's only about £40 or so. Making you pay a full price for something that may have been thrown away or mistreated is fucked up.

18My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:06



Depends on what kind of cat you want I guess. Persian/Himalayan kittens can run $400 - $800 normally (and as high as $1500 Shocked ).

19My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:07



I said bought but I adopted it, I still had to pay for the cat though. I only paid $90.

20My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:07



Mama Luigi wrote:
Bla125 wrote:How would you adopt one? At a shelter? Because at the shelter by my house they cost 100$.

srsly? They either don't cost anything or it's only about £40 or so. Making you pay a full price for something that may have been thrown away or mistreated is fucked up.

At the shelter here it's about $100. The cost is for check up, shots, spay/neuter etc... They're not free at all.

21My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:08



Shojimaru wrote:I said bought but I adopted it, I still had to pay for the cat though. I only paid $90.

You sure you adopted it?

22My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:08



Mama Luigi wrote:
Bla125 wrote:How would you adopt one? At a shelter? Because at the shelter by my house they cost 100$.

srsly? They either don't cost anything or it's only about £40 or so. Making you pay a full price for something that may have been thrown away or mistreated is fucked up.

well £40 isn't too far off from $100 at times.

either way your best bet is going to the ghetto and picking up some strays.

23My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:09



Metalzoic wrote:
Mama Luigi wrote:
Bla125 wrote:How would you adopt one? At a shelter? Because at the shelter by my house they cost 100$.

srsly? They either don't cost anything or it's only about £40 or so. Making you pay a full price for something that may have been thrown away or mistreated is fucked up.

At the shelter here it's about $100. The cost is for check up, shots, spay/neuter etc... They're not free at all.

Oh I know that but $100 doesn't sound right, sometimes spay/neuter is free anyway. atleast where I am they are.

24My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:09



I'm kind of glad my cat died, she was in pain. I took her to the vets and they didn't know what was wrong with her and thought it might be an infection but the antibiotics didn't help. Last night and today she couldn't even walk a foot without falling to the ground Sad I was going to get her put to sleep soon because she was suffering Sad

And you can't adopt at the shelter near me you have to pay them :/

25My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:11



Yes I'm sure, I went to a rescue center and got her there. Not all adoption places are free. All of the ones around where I live cost some money.

26My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:12



Oh I know that but $100 doesn't sound right, sometimes spay/neuter is free anyway. atleast where I am they are.

Last week we checked with our vet to get our cat spayed... $380-$450 is what we were quoted. We checked with the cut rate spay/neuter place and they are around $150.

27My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:15



Metalzoic wrote:
Oh I know that but $100 doesn't sound right, sometimes spay/neuter is free anyway. atleast where I am they are.

Last week we checked with our vet to get our cat spayed... $380-$450 is what we were quoted. We checked with the cut rate spay/neuter place and they are around $150.

Wow, thats a tad bit expensive.

I guess it just depends on the cat and their condition. D:

28My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:15



It's about 50$ where I live I'm pretty sure.

29My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 15:53



That is horrible at least she is not in pain anymore.

30My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 16:00



Sorry bla. I love animals,.and got two cats myself. I know how close you can get to an animal. Beter days ahead.

31My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 16:18



Yea, atleast I have one of my other cats here comforting me =]

32My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 16:42

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

That sucks Bla. I used to have a kitten that was over 3 months old. And she got really sick at one point and the vets didn't know what was wrong with her. So I stayed up for a week only getting 27 hours of sleep out of that week total. But I would stay up all day and night feeding her, making sure she was warm and giving her medicine. About day 5 she seemed like she was getting a lot better, because she actually started sucking on the food dropper we were feeding her with willingly. So we all thought she was getting better.

The morning of morning 7 though as I was feeding her she stated hacking and wheezing and was having a really hard time breathing. I tried for an hour to get her to breath. From clearing her throat with the dropper(trying to see if she was chocknig on the liquid food), and even breathing air lightly into her nose. After an hour like of this she just started getting weak, and non-responsive. So I laid her on the heating pad next to me and layed on my side petting her as I cried myself to sleep.

Its hard losing an animal you love so much Bla. So I know how you feel.

33My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 20:31



I had to have my cat put down recently, his kidneys failed. Sucks, bro. Sad

34My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-24, 21:21



At the ASPCA around where I live, you pay a deposit of like $50 and if you get it spayed/neutered you get your deposit back

And Im sorry to hear about your cat bla... one of my dogs is getting to that point. His hips are going out, hes almost completely deaf, somewhat blind and has tumors and is about 13.

35My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-25, 06:51



Damn Bla, I was just going back through the threads when I saw this. I'm sorry to hear that your cat died. Sad

36My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-25, 08:50

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Aww, I'm so sorry. We had to put one of our ferrets to sleep a couple of months ago, worst feeling ever. At least you were there with her Sad

37My cat just died :( Empty Re: My cat just died :( 2010-10-28, 05:56

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

That sucks bro. My condolences.

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