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I make my own topic! Rawr!

Cardboard Fox
Cookie Monster
Epyk MD
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1I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-25, 21:47



I knifed someone. On accident. I was trying to rocket a tank, and I heard this guy coming up behind me, so I whip around, didn't realize he was THAT close, freaked out, and hit the stab instead of shoot button. And he died all d.e.d. like (then came back later and knifed me in return, it was awesome!).

Also managed to knife someone to death as they shot me death. Couldn't hit the broad side of a barn earlier, but was stabbing people left and right. It was ridiculous. I did bad today. >< But still managed to lead my team a couple times, which is really bad.

2I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-25, 22:30

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Knifing becomes an obsession be weary.

3I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-25, 22:35



I rarely, if ever, attempt to knife someone. If I'm behind them, I just jam my barrel into the back of their skull and pull the trigger. Every time I try to knife, IT DOESN'T WORK.

4I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-25, 22:39

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I just need 10 more to plat it....and then I'm back to c4'n and atm'n bush wookees

5I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 00:01



I used to be a knife-a-holic(2032 dogtags or so)but the amount of RKS(Rubber Knife Syndrome)has made me not do it as much.

6I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 00:03



I have a whopping 129 dogtags since the demo back in February.

7I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 00:08



Fuck knives.

I rather get the gun kill on my quest for more platinums.

8I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 00:11



TheGM86 wrote:Fuck knives.

I rather get the gun kill on my quest for more platinums.
I know after I got my platinum with the knife I really do not try to use it anymore.

9I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 00:12



Well I always use assualt and I have all but AEK plat so it doesn't matter. But I lately started using PKM and being a khult clone.

10I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 00:38



I HATE THE RUBBER KNIFE IN THIS GAME!!! /raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage

11I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 00:54



If only we could keep them out. Then those people would agree to knives only!

12I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 02:37



I think that was the most I've ever used. I only have 4-5 dogtags. The first time I got one, I actually came up behind someone, I was going to shoot him, but then I remember my bf telling me to use my knife earlier when I was out of ammo - too late then, died. So I knifed the guy. I felt kind of bad afterward.

I think just sneaking around trying to knife people would be boring.

Also, my recon skills have completely plummeted. I unlocked a new gun on there... the... 3rd one lol... I shot at several people, hit no one, so I just spotted and did other stuff until I got killed and could come back as assault. ><

Managed to plant c4 in the air right next to my face. That was awesome.

13I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 02:44

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

SV98 best gun eva

14I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 02:46



SV-98 is only good with optics and magnum ammo.

15I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 02:46



Is that whats its called? That thing is EVIL.

I want this one: VSS Snaiperskaya Special. Mainly because I'm constantly getting killed by it. lol

16I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 02:54

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I would have to disagree, 10 rounds compared to 5, fastest chamber time. And the hat of death works at all ranges

17I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 02:55



VSS is Norse God tier, I'm surprised so few people abuse it.

18I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 02:58

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Vss fires like an SMG, better used as an assault recon

Best used with ammo upgrade and Mag/body armor. Close quarters hip fire

19I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 03:04



Now you've gone and confused me.

Maybe its just me (or maybe its why not a lot of people abuse it) but I found it hell to aim with. But I also had trouble with the gun before that. Still do sometimes. All those damn arrows everywhere!

One day, one day.

20I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 03:07



No one has asked the really important question...

What were you wearing when you knifed him? Very Happy

21I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 03:08

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Make the arrow look like a hat on the person your sniping.

Or drop a red dot sight on it and mag ammo and use it like a shotgun

22I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 03:17



Clothes! Interesting concept, no? lol Probably camo ones too!

Right. A hat. I'll try again later. Maybe.

23I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 03:19




I eated the purple berries, and it tastes like burning! [sad face]
What is this from? It seems really familiar... scratch

24I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 04:09

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

The knife and being revived never seems to work in my favor at all. If I get knifed, I get knifed. No RKS on the knifer or anything. If I get revived in the midst of battle I can't live long enough to even kill anyone, but when they get revived my bullets become nerf darts when it hits them.

25I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 05:46



Metalzoic wrote:Ha!

I eated the purple berries, and it tastes like burning! [sad face]
What is this from? It seems really familiar... scratch

it's from The Simpsons, if give nthe option to stab or shoot someone, I'll stab them. I prefer blades over guns.

26I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 07:58

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

I only knife if I'm a Recon, or if it's someone from the SeC. Otherwise, I use my defib/drill/smoke.

27I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 08:20



SV98 is a beast of a sniper rifle. Just put the chevrons( I call it my death hat) over someones head and Crack! Bye bye bad guy!

28I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 08:44



Still love the Vss. I've more damage with that as a recon then all my BAs. No extra ammo, just MA, (I don't usually live that long to need extra). And getting to ninja'n tanks. Did that to a tank on MoH too, it's so much fun.

driver-"hey, did you hear something?"
gunner-"no, I don't think so. I thought you just pissed your pants again"
driver-"hey!!, that stays in the tank!!"
gunner-"sorr-" BOOOOMMMM!!!!

recon-"I thought I gave myself away taking a leak on your treads"

29I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 13:13



Ralph! I love Ralph. You know, thinking about it, I think Jake from 2 & 1/2 Men was totally based on Ralph...

Yeah, I almost always get revived only to get killed again. Last time was right in front of an enemy. You think they could have killed him first. Or at least stayed to help. But no, revived me and then ran away. Bastards.

30I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 14:31



I had that happen a couple times yesterday. The bad part for me is I haven't played in a while so I forgot how disorienting getting revived can be.

31I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-26, 17:49



Especially through a wall at that.

32I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 09:52



Wooo. I finally got to play with one.. some? of you! For like 5 seconds. Missed out on my Battlefield time due to Sims 3 distractions. Busy making a pimp house.

It was fun! And I got my repair kit finally! But I kept getting lost in the freakin' jungle. I think I saw parts of that map I've never seen before. Also, all the enemies were clustered together and I kept running into groups, killing one, and then dying most quickly. Yikes.

33I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 09:54

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

msbegotngirl wrote:Wooo. I finally got to play with one.. some? of you! For like 5 seconds. Missed out on my Battlefield time due to Sims 3 distractions. Busy making a pimp house.

It was fun! And I got my repair kit finally! But I kept getting lost in the freakin' jungle. I think I saw parts of that map I've never seen before. Also, all the enemies were clustered together and I kept running into groups, killing one, and then dying most quickly. Yikes.

i played a nelson bay and laguna round with you
i was the one with 25 kills each round

(...self gloat)

34I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 09:55



Nice to see some new blood enjoying BC2.

I understand you pain in running into groups of 3 or 4. I started using the 870 shotty and if you don;t kill someone in the first shot your pretty much screwed.

35I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 09:55



He had 25 kills because Kult or myself wasn;t there murdering everyone!!!!!

"Being an ass"

36I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 09:57

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

....khult beat me by 1-2 kills each would always be 20 me 21 khult
that an he took my flipping gold dogtags

37I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 09:57



I was shocked to realize I had 7 kills in Laguna (forgot to look on the other map lol). But I swear, I don't remember killing that many people. Thought I was tanking way worse than that. I hate that map, always kicks my ass.

I've only recently started making double digit kills. Highest was only 13 though. >< I'll get there eventually... hopefully.

38I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 09:59

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i had never played a battlefield game before this....i was absolutely horrendous when i started. there were times when you stuck with me and acted as my 6, that was a great tactic

39I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 10:01




I hear ya buddy. I've been playing alot with Kult and the dude is good! I feel like my performance has been taken up a lot though since playing with him. Now when we play about 1/4 of the time I can beat him, and I am at least right there with him.

Also Saturday morning while my girls where getting ready for soccer I jumped on and Kult joined. I killed him right off the bat, but then 2 minutes later the dude knifed me! I was like DAMN 2 minutes realy????? After than he got me one more time and I knofed him once. So Kult has 4 of my tags I have 2 of his.


If you play with the guys around here you'll get there!

40I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 10:04

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i was convinced i had knifed him back in our GFQ days on whitepass
but i was wrong apparently as we had to check to be sure

41I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 10:04



Thank you. What the hell is acting as a 6?

I don't get too down on myself, since the last shooter I played was Goldeneye James Bond game on N64. Never really been into shooters until the bf's brother brought this over earlier this year and I gave it a try. Now I'm hooked.

And I have to go to work. Blarg! I hate being a big kid.

42I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 10:07

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

watching my back

43I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 10:09




Kult is a beast to knife no doubt.


Have fun at work. I am at work HAHAHA

44I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 10:10



Ditto on the work thing.

I'm diligently typing at my desk right now!!! lol!

45I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 10:12

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i work 3rd tonight so im an hour a way from turning in for the night

46I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 10:12



Lets see coffee!! Check!

Pile of papers scattered all over so it looks like I am busy!! Check!

Plenty of work windows up on my 2 moniters to camo my explorer window!!!! Check!

K I'm good for the day!

47I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 10:13



godscouchpotato wrote:Ditto on the work thing.

I'm diligently typing at my desk right now!!! lol!

You work ? o.o Diligently typing comments on topic? Surprised Yey

48I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 10:13



SOunds not fun Awesomsauce! I work 3rds once for a month and hated it. Hope to never do it again.

49I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 10:15

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i usually work 2 first shifts, 2 second shifts and 2 thirds a week, or any combination of the 3

50I make my own topic! Rawr! Empty Re: I make my own topic! Rawr! 2010-10-27, 10:17



Mama Luigi wrote:
godscouchpotato wrote:Ditto on the work thing.

I'm diligently typing at my desk right now!!! lol!

You work ? o.o Diligently typing comments on topic? Surprised Yey

Despite posting here i just invoiced a job for 4,400 and i got another one ready to be done before my vacation for 13,000. So i still work whilst playing!

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