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This Machine

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1This Machine Empty This Machine 2010-10-27, 02:54


I did Contreras' little errands for him without even realizing that's how you get the M1 Garand. I think HP ammo might be decent because it does so much damage already. Tomorrow I'm going to try and take on the super mutants at Black Mountain with it. ;o

2This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-27, 02:57



I'm currently on my way to go get it. I'm going to try it out as well. Smile

I just finished the game, so I'm finally going to turn Hardcore mode off. It was fun for a while, but it's kind of a chore, more than anything. I do like the fact that healing takes time, but other than that, it feels more of a nuisance to me, constantly having to return to my house, and check if I have enough sleep and what not.

3This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-27, 02:59


Make sure you have plenty of .308 ammo. Generally it's harder to come by since it's normally sniper and hunting rifle ammo so you might run out fast.

4This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-27, 03:01



I have lots, about 200-300 rounds, and I have plent of hulls, powder, primers, and lead to make more.

5This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-27, 13:59



Got to try it a bit; it's amazing, to say the least.

6This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-27, 17:36



I can't get it because I joined Caesar's Legion. I also found out that the NCR has 20+ side quests but Caesar's Legion only has 3+. Way to go, Obsidian.

7This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-27, 17:47



That's because they knew which side you SHOULD join, lol. Nah, that kinda sucks, well, I know never to side with Caesar's Legion.

8This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-27, 22:11



I think I'm wrong about the amount of side quests. I was going off of what was on the Fallout Wiki, but I just got a side quest for the Legion that isn't even on the site. The Wiki barely has anything on the Legion, but a ton of stuff on the NCR. I'm guessing the Legion is an unpopular choice among players.

9This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-27, 22:17



Higurashi wrote: I'm guessing the Legion is an unpopular choice among players.

I wonder why? I mean, they're only complete assholes and dress like they're from Medieval times. xD

10This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-27, 22:18



People wanted to join the Enclave in Fallout 3. Also how many times do I have to tell you, Kitsune, they are dressed like Romans!

11This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-27, 22:19



Higurashi wrote:People wanted to join the Enclave in Fallout 3. Also how many times do I have to tell you, Kitsune, they are dressed like Romans!

I know, but still, they have Chuck-E-Cheese looking tokens, so...xD

12This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-28, 00:35



I like the way they are set up but I dont like how bad they are. If they wernt going around killing innocents and such then Id definitely want to be part of them.

13This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-28, 00:38



I wouldn't call Powder Gangers or the Brotherhood innocent.

14This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-28, 00:58



Im talking about the people in nipton or w.e and a lot of other people. They take slaves, crucify people, and their women are basically sex slaves. Thats pretty bad in my book.

15This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-28, 00:59



and that book is subjective.

16This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-28, 01:01




Then again the nazis were the good guys to some also.

17This Machine Empty Re: This Machine 2010-10-28, 09:02



Nipton was a town of Powder Gangers.

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