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Suggestion! FO:NV note book!!

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1Suggestion! FO:NV note book!! Empty Suggestion! FO:NV note book!! 2010-10-28, 15:48



It may sound ridiculous but i have one. Just a plain white pc of paper.

So when i find a place that has some door/computer/safe that i can't open cause it's hard. I'll note the place and come back later!

I especially do this for storage areas! I won't categorize what's in the storages but i'll note where they are just in case!

I did this with FO3 and it helped immensely!


Doesn't sound ridiculous at all.

I haven't done this for Fallout but I've done it for other games before.

I'm one of those rare dudes that actually uses that blank page in a manual to put notes in.



Look in the back of the manual now.

UGH!! surprise no blank pages!

That was the first thing i looked for when i popped in the game DAY 1!!

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