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[FO:NV] My character is very good (karma wise).

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Not sure how that happened as I'm generally a bad guy.



What is bad?


I usually pick the bad options, mean to everyone, steal everything, but I think killing off fiends is keep me as a good person since you get good karma for killing them.



Karms is all bull shit anyway......I think there is 1 quest you can get off of Evil Karma.....but you could still get it off a speech cheeck with good K anyway.

And that isn't bad.

Releasing a truck full of radioactive waste on a unsuspecting town is bad.....and fun too!

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Its a lot harder to be a bad guy in this game for somereason.

In Fallout 3 I never once had a game where I had good karma unless I was going for those achievements. But in NV I have yet to have an evil playthrough despite being as much of a douche as I can.



From the style of play I expected from D, I thought you were already evil by now. LoL

Maybe you are not there yet, since you are not able to freely kill people since you play at higher difficulty, thus it is very risky move to do so.



True true, I haven't had any rampages or anything which I did all the time in FO3. I guess I ****ed up by helping Goodsprings and Primm early on since I'm a Saint according to the game.

I pick all the d-bag responses in the dialogue though.

My character is kind of like me in real life, seemingly mean, but really nice.

One thing I haven't been doing it stealing as much as I did in FO3. Maybe I need to steal more stuff.

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