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Stupid friend [Rant]

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1Stupid friend [Rant] Empty Stupid friend [Rant] 2010-11-02, 15:08



So I have this friend, he plays games on the 360 and WoW and stoof. He's normally fine and we all play together on occasion and he started talking about people being "sad"/Having nothing better to do by sitting outside waiting for a game on release and I say "So? Many people do it because it's something to do and talk to others who like it and maybe an event is going on." He thinks i'm now "sad" because I stuck up for them and just going to point it out now, when he argues he thinks he's always right and he's one of those people who argues with you that makes you give up because he's too dumb to get it through his head that what you said makes sense.

So we were playing the MW2 for once and he gets killed he shouts "What the hell? he shot me through a wall while he was in a plane and didn't even see me" He's said that like 2194234 times once before because he can't handle being killed legitimately and calls everything hacks like when you see on killcam you know you shot but because of the sync-up of connection you really didn't. So I tell him to shut up saying every thing is a hack like how he dies because some shot him first and stuff and I complain about the UMP.45 being able 2 to 3 shot kill someone at any range and he says I am being a hypocrite and that's how it would be any way. Really now? UMP 45 would do a 2-3 shot killl from across the map no recoil WITH silencer? That's bullshit plox.

So he continues this argument that is impossible to win against because he doesn't shut the hell up and gives lame excuses that makes no sense because it's what happens in games and if you don't bother to answer he thinks he won.

He's a fucking moron and I previously posted an idea here for a game and for whatever reason now he wants to help me and he's going to learn graphic design (Yet he wants me to give him the tools I use, the compiler and stuff which isn't needed in any way shape or form for graphics) I told him fine but only if I ask (I did this with another friend he wanted to help program but if I pull this off and it becomes successful any pay that comes to me is going to me only and I don't want many contributors because they get glory for something I work extremely hard at.

So then on MSN my friend tries pressuring people to get on his team of graphic artists. One of my friends started complaining in mid convo when I got invited on MSN and he wanted to do mechanics/engineering when he's older but nooo my effing friend says he's selfish and isn't helping when graphics design is basically the same and more fun, he also tried to discourage the other guy by saying the engineering world is starting to decline but the words that came out of his mouth were "So? I enjoy it so why the fuck should I do what you want?" which made me happy on the inside.

He angers me because he's a selfish brat and treats his parents like crap even though they were KIND enough to adopt him >_> (Yes, he's adopted but I have never once said it against him because I don't think it's right). So he gets adopted given a big house, trampoline, three xboxes (one after each other that broke) a PC and WoW yearly member ship paid on credit card same with live. He treats them with disrespect and it's disgusting >_>

I don't get how he thinks he is right in saying shit about me when I don't complain about every little fucking thing in a game especially when he saw the Zombies footage of black ops it sounded like "Zombies" = the actual game when it's not and it's just a minigame sort of thing not some fucking "YEY I get to mow people down with a gun in zombies because this totally is a zombie game".

Gah, it's really dumb and I don't know how the hell I deal with him (I can't just stop being friend or ignore him because we're in a kind of group of friends and some like him and some don't but he just acts like a brat and shit.

2Stupid friend [Rant] Empty Re: Stupid friend [Rant] 2010-11-02, 15:14



Sounds familiar... Wink

3Stupid friend [Rant] Empty Re: Stupid friend [Rant] 2010-11-02, 15:15



Sounds like your friend IS a little brat after all. Well, I guess the only opitions are a couple of things:

1.) Nicely tell him that you don't want to be his friend anymore.
2.) Just slowly start talking to him less and less and quit being his friend that way.
3.) Keep being his friend and put up with him.
4.) Keep being his friend, and try to help him becomea better person.

Also, the UMP .45 is always nearly recoiless, and kills with 3 shots from any range with/without a silencer or stopping power, lol. Sad, but true.

4Stupid friend [Rant] Empty Re: Stupid friend [Rant] 2010-11-02, 15:18



Rodney "Rod" Farva wrote:Sounds familiar... Wink

Haha. Yeah I guess it does doesn't it?

No it's been like this for a while kitsune he's not always bad though it's just on games he thinks he's right but if it's real life and we're out everything is great. That's why I don't like to be online with people I know in real life because it's dumb and arguments happen because everyone seems to think they're right.

I also reckon it's MW2 getting on my Nerves because the shotgun attachment is too amazing and can beat the spas in distance (I figured this out when I got a hit marker from one side of the plane in terminal to the other with shotgun attachment),

I just hope he can sometime realize he's wrong and the game doesn't always work the way you want. >.<

5Stupid friend [Rant] Empty Re: Stupid friend [Rant] 2010-11-02, 15:20



Then maybe he should do the right thing and give up on MP games like I did?

6Stupid friend [Rant] Empty Re: Stupid friend [Rant] 2010-11-02, 15:22



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Then maybe he should do the right thing and give up on MP games like I did?

That's a joke, he plays because of people is there.

And I apologize for my excessive swearing I admit I am being a little immature about this and could come up with better solutions then ranting about some one, sorry.

7Stupid friend [Rant] Empty Re: Stupid friend [Rant] 2010-11-02, 15:23



Not like this is the first rant here at the SeC. Maybe we should create a forum for rants though.

8Stupid friend [Rant] Empty Re: Stupid friend [Rant] 2010-11-02, 15:24



Well, I don't know what to say then. I, myself, am trying to still eliminate my rage. Does he have secondary stresses in his life? How's his diet? I'm feeling loads better now that I've been taking vitamins and doing push-ups everyday. He may have a deficiency in something.

Your swearing wasn't too bad, I've been far worse, lol.

9Stupid friend [Rant] Empty Re: Stupid friend [Rant] 2010-11-02, 15:28


Mama Luigi wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Then maybe he should do the right thing and give up on MP games like I did?

That's a joke, he plays because of people is there.

And I apologize for my excessive swearing I admit I am being a little immature about this and could come up with better solutions then ranting about some one, sorry.

It's cool little homie, but you have to decide what you think is best for this situation.

**** like this is why I don't have many friends right now.

10Stupid friend [Rant] Empty Re: Stupid friend [Rant] 2010-11-02, 15:36



We did have one at one point but it got "merged" with this place so it's not a sub forum now. I don't like to rant it sounds unprofessional and the thing is he thinks he's better than most people and likes to judge people on looks which is quite stupid I think. He's got nothing bad in his life to be immature against other people and discriminate.

11Stupid friend [Rant] Empty Re: Stupid friend [Rant] 2010-11-02, 15:38



Sometimes it's just better to vent about something that's making you angry. Otherwise, it builds up inside you, and you begin to say and do things that you regret, because the hatred becomes much like nuclear fusion; it's very powerful and self-generating, as well as very hard to stop. Trust me, I know from personal experience. Smile

Last edited by Kitsune no Kaji on 2010-11-02, 15:43; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Mispelled/wrong word)

12Stupid friend [Rant] Empty Re: Stupid friend [Rant] 2010-11-02, 19:36

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i don't know how you can put up with people like if he talked to me like that i would have decked him.... but that's me and you don't want to be me.

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