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so 'effing annoyed right now... RANT

Patrick Star
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okay, so, there are these two old bee-otches who walk their yappy little dogs by my mom and dad's place (where i am currently visiting), and a couple weeks ago they walked their stupid little dogs by the house and glared up at me when i went outside to tell my mom's dog, Charlie, to zip his lip because he was barking at them.

i was like, ok whatever.

then the next few days some county assholes drive up to the house and tell us we have trash at the side of our house that has to be cleaned up in like 30 days, and that we have "oil flowing out into the road". my mom's car has an oil leak that hasn't been repaired, and it's not "flowing" out anywhere, stupid fuckers.

anyway, we clean the "trash up" which was only a couple stacks of garbage bags and some folded down cardboard boxes. and we still didn't fix the car, which they didn't tell us we needed to, so we just didn't do it yet because... we just didn't.

whatever, so, the county assholes come back this morning, i am in my jammies and fuzzy slippers with my hair all messed up and i had the worst night of sleep EVAR, and they have to make me come outside and talk about the car and how the oil is flowing into the street.


so, they proceed to give my mom and dad 10 days to get it fixed, which is fine because we planned on it anyway. then they are like, maybe you guys should clean up the oil, it is a hazard when people walk by, especially when it rains.

and i was like, how do you expect us to clean oil from the street? get a bucket and a scrub brush? kiss my ass!

then all of a sudden i remembered those old ladies and their yapping dogs and how they are always telling our dog to shut up and just being a bunch of jerks, and i was like i am so going to kill those old slags when they walk by... slippery oil on the street? omg, how dramatic can people be? now i know remember why i moved to WA and got the hell away from this county, everybody in it (aside from fam and friends anyway) are a bunch of DICKS, and they act like this neighborhood is Beverly Hills or something. IT IS A CRAP TOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE! STFD!




Follow the old biddies find shit wrong at their house and call in on them.



Or I have many other methods of revenge but they may not be exactly legal HAHA


The rage is strong in this one Twisted Evil



i have lived in this town for like 18 years (well, for the last 3 in WA), and i swear to god it is the SAME ASSHOLES that gotta prove a point around here, like they think they have power in the almighty homeowner's association or something.

i want to seriously open the gate when those old chicks walk by with their stupid little dogs and let Charlie go fuck up their little pampered mutts. if only he weren't such a sissy that might work >.>



Put some crazy makeup on Then just run out the door and start screaming something weird. It will scare the shit out of them and they will likely avoid walking by the house anymore.



People are dicks everywhere you go. Sad

I live in WA too. cheers Are you another one of those Westsiders? Or are you one of the cool Eastsiders?



LOOOOOL i should do that, grab the kindling hatchet off the front porch and tell them i want to wear their faces for the evening and make crazy eyes. bet they won't walk by the house again, stupid old nags.

and i am not exactly sure what i am >.> i am like an hour from Vancouver(not Canada), so... a northerner? i dunno lol



Oh! I've been to Vancouver before, that's more like, Southwestern, WA isn't it? That's not really a true Westsider; I'm talking Seattle and such. I give Metal and Wacco crap for it all the time. xD



omg, no offense to anyone, but i am so terrified of Seattle, i will never go there again in my life D:

my BF took me there for some indie film thing that was going on, we parked the car and immediately got hustled by some crackhead who sold us a parking lot ticket, which i TOLD my BF not to do, but do men listen? NOOOOO, they don't.

so, then we got hustled yet again by some other crackhead who tried to show us how to use the parking meter thing, and there was this whole mess involved that i won't go into, then we had to walk a couple blocks and there was some skeevy lookin' dudes all around and i think we got lost...

ugh. i burst into tears and made him take me home, he was sooooo pissed. LOL! poor guy >.> cities, especially very large ones, aren't my thing at all. so, Seattle was not my favorite by a longshot.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

nothing like that in my town except people who dont watch for dogs in the street >Neutral



delicious camel wrote:nothing like that in my town except people who dont watch for dogs in the street >Neutral
I would like to say where I live is not like that but I have not been on the strip enough to know.

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Big cities are terrifying sometimes, haha. I work in downtown Columbus, luckily in the nice part of downtown, but I've gone to the bad part of downtown several times for random things and shit it is crazy. I walk super fast with my head down and a pissed off look on my face when I go there to deter anyone from talking to me or trying to sleep with me, haha.


I live in Seattle. It's not that bad. I love the city. I was born in Chicago, and lived in Paris for 2 years so cities don't scare me. I actually live outside of the city though, and I'd rather live in it. It seems to me the further you go outside of the city, the meaner people become. Dunno why. Downtown, everyone's really nice but in the suburbs, everyone is like the people you are mad about.

Plus, Seattle has that awesome indie vibe. I love it here. The music scene is amazing, everyone's really artistic, and it's an exciting city to live in. And what are you giving me and Metal crap about Bob? Being from the West?



I was in Seattle long enough to get off my plane, ride the scary tram underground to the next area and board my second plane.

Oh man, that old lady sucks. She glares are you for sitting in your own yard. And I caught her once standing in the middle if the road semi taunting these dogs, which were barking at her and her little lap dog. It was ridiculous. I told her the dogs couldn't get out and hurt her, and she claimed they had before.

Then why, lady, were you standing there egging them on since of calming walking past? I thought about running her over since I was in the big truck, but I refrained. She doesn't walk down my dad's street anymore, because my dog runs loose, and he'll try and friend you to death, buwahahaha.



When I was in New York people tried to sell me rock 3 separate times while I was in Brooklyn (school trip).

We were only there for like 3 hours, and 45 minutes of that was watching Stomp!

Apparently I'm seedy enough to sell drugs to.

Oh and the one day we didn't go to Times Square someone got stabbed there. The next day there were 500 cops in and around that area.



It's probably you're scary voice, Jev. Makes them think you're crazy like them. ^^



Well yeah that and my friend dared me to smoke a cigarette through a straw so they probably thought I was lighting up a pipe lol

I still got $20 though.



I cigarette through a straw? That must have been awkward.



Not really, I just pulled the filter out, furled the paper slightly and stuck it in there.

The awkward part was trying to do that while walking around in Brooklyn.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

HoA? We have that in my neighborhood. HoA is just a guise for Commies.



sheep wrote:Then why, lady, were you standing there egging them on since of calming walking past? I thought about running her over since I was in the big truck, but I refrained. She doesn't walk down my dad's street anymore, because my dog runs loose, and he'll try and friend you to death, buwahahaha.

you should have done me a favor and ran her over. now there are TWO instead of one. stupid bunch of old ass biddies.

i think it's funny when Blue and Charlie start barking at each other through the fence, because Charlie is such a poon that he runs underneath the safety of the deck to bark back at him LOOOOOL



I think it's really weird that Blue gets along with all dogs, but yours. We really should take them out together and see what happens without the fence between them while you're done here.

Btw, this is Blue! No one will ever have a cuter, smarter stupid dog ever. (also known as piggy nose)

so 'effing annoyed right now... RANT Blue

There actually isn't a HoA where our parents live (our 'rents live right down the street from each other) but there was an attempt at a neighborhood watch. My pops told the main guy to f off when he visited him. He's a cranky old man, and don't want you on his lawn.



your dad is epically paranoid, lol

and they act like there is a HoA, stupid jerks. this is NOT La Contenta, MMK?!?! stupid bastards.

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