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Today...started completely shitty, but turned around (Thank God)

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Well, I wake up 5 minutes late to get ready to go to the Riverpark Square building to turn in my application and go in for the GameStop job fair. My mom got here early, but wakes me up by honking the horn, and calls on the phone and yells at me (she's angry for obvious reasons, so I'm not too stressed out yet). I open the door and let her in the house, so she waits on the couch while I go and take a shower, shave, etc. I even brushed my hair to look nice. Skipped breakfast and grabbed one of my nutrient drinks so I could actually last for the day, and headed off to town.

I get there JUST AS it starts at 11:00, and there are about 20 other people there. I find somebody who's pretty friendly and talk to them after turning in my application. It takes me until 2:00 to get called in, even though I had been there first, I just kept getting pushed further and further down the list. It seemed to have gone well when I did it. My first interview. I sat politely, nicely answered the questions to the best of my abilities, and the guy said I would be called in for the second interview; I was pretty psyched. Well, here comes 4:00, and I'm never called back, and all the interview panel comes out, and announces that they'll read a list of names of who made it. I figured I had a good chance, because of the size of the list I saw (25-30 people of 40 were getting hired). They read through the list. Nothing. My fucking name wasn't there. Nearly everybody else made it, except for a couple of people who looked like meth heads, losers, and such. There were even some people hired who looked like that. I felt like a heap of garbage.

I wandered around until about 5:15, thinking about it, until my Dad showed up, but he was nice enough to still take me to the bank to get some money out to help me get Black Ops, and on the way home, I get a call on my Mom's cell phone, from her, saying she got sprayed by a skunk in one of the traps (we've been trapping them because they're been eating chicken eggs). I couldn't help but laugh. So, we stopped by the house, I grabbed my .22, and went there. I ended up getting to have dinner with everybody else for the first time in months, and got to shoot the skunk in the head, which relieved a lot of stress (I did feel kinda bad, but there's not really much else you could do), and I got to play the piano.

I feel like a million bucks right now, compared to yesterday, despite how I was halfway debating shooting myself in the face after I didn't even get a real interview for the umpteenth time in the row. Very Happy



That's rough dude. Killing stuff does help, though, at least with guys.



I don't really enjoy killing at all, but yes, it does relieve an almost infinite amount of stress and aggression that I've been holding onto for months now.



Good to see that you had a good day. Very Happy



Thank you. I feel awesome right now, which makes me want to take everything back about what I said about BC2, and try to play again, but I think I'm just going to not. xD That's typical though; I solve my problems, but I create them again due to temptation. I would probably easily become an alcoholic/gambler.



don't feel bad, you're not a heap of garbage, it is hard to get a job right now. i went in for a job interview at a Subway (i worked at one previously, so i was a shoe in), get there, two people are interviewing me at the same time, some corporate bee-otch who is staring at me like i have suddenly sprouted two heads, and the frumpy manager, who looks like he hasn't had a vacation in like twenty years.

the guy was hella nice to me, and i answered them honestly and said all the things they like to hear (why do you want to work here? because i fuckin' LOVE SANDWICHES!!!!!! lol, j/k, but you get the idea), and the lady treats me like i am SCUM.

i say anything and she is like, "MMHMM." like she caught me in a lie or something, i was about ready to go apeshit on her. so, we get done with the whole thing, they say they will call me and i never got a call back. i was like, dude, wth? i felt like crap, then i remembered how much i hated working at Subway anyways, and felt a lot better that i didn't get hired lol

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I wish I had pests and/or lived in a rural area sometimes. My .22LR is just sitting. Haven't even got to sight in the scope yet.

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