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What a shitty day at work

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1What a shitty day at work Empty What a shitty day at work 2011-03-06, 20:31



Waking up this morning reminded me why I said I'd never go out drinking when I have work the next day. Coming into the shitty grocery store hungover still a little high and a little horny (went to a strip club the last night, would normally be fine the next day but when all your conversations start with do you want plastic or paper you tend to space out.).

On top of this it's god damn idiot day here I usually get horrible customers but today takes the damn cake. I had some lady argue with me about a coupons expiration date.... Is it really that fucking hard to see that it expired.

Anyway at least the horniness helped me overcome being a pussy and flirting with a few decent looking girls I work with.

2What a shitty day at work Empty Re: What a shitty day at work 2011-03-06, 20:34



I feel for you, Zack. I have hungover days at work sometimes and they suck balls.
Hey atleast you enjoyed a strip club!

3What a shitty day at work Empty Re: What a shitty day at work 2011-03-06, 20:45



We've all been there. Hangovers suck.

4What a shitty day at work Empty Re: What a shitty day at work 2011-03-06, 22:16



I've never been hungover. I win!

Got to love working with the public! Sorry about your shitty day there Zach!

5What a shitty day at work Empty Re: What a shitty day at work 2011-03-06, 22:34

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I am from a long line of drinkers so I rarely suffer from hangovers to badly, but I still feel your pain. I hate people (not you people). I don't understand the kind of person who gets their jollies from being a dick to others.

6What a shitty day at work Empty Re: What a shitty day at work 2011-03-07, 01:17



It Depends Terry did the other Person start it?

7What a shitty day at work Empty Re: What a shitty day at work 2011-03-07, 01:25



One of the things I am fearing when I get a job is dealing with idiots.

8What a shitty day at work Empty Re: What a shitty day at work 2011-03-07, 01:31



What do you think XBL was preparing you for Dark

9What a shitty day at work Empty Re: What a shitty day at work 2011-03-07, 01:34



But I can't press a button in real life to make the idiots shut up.

10What a shitty day at work Empty Re: What a shitty day at work 2011-03-07, 01:36



No but you can pull a trigger Very Happy

11What a shitty day at work Empty Re: What a shitty day at work 2011-03-07, 01:39



But unlike xbox, pulling a trigger in real life could result in lawsuits and jail.

12What a shitty day at work Empty Re: What a shitty day at work 2011-03-07, 01:45



Pffft coward

13What a shitty day at work Empty Re: What a shitty day at work 2011-03-07, 08:49



sheep wrote:I've never been hungover. I win!

Got to love working with the public! Sorry about your shitty day there Zach!

I think once I went to work after waking up drunk (still). I know I woke up once drunk, but that was on vacation.

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