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1Tired! Empty Tired! 2010-11-05, 09:43



I am soooo tired this morning. I feel and I think I may even look like a zombie. Been one of those weeks for me =o(

2Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 09:55



That sucks DL. Have extra coffee?

It's Monday for me again. I'm not ready Sad

3Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 09:58



Yea I just finished a cup so I think I'll go for another. Thinking about taking a half day and going home at this point.

Sorry it's Monday for you. What is it you do for a living?

I am the typical M-F 8 to 5 guy. I work for a small family own company as their tech suport guy.

4Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 10:03



Oooh. I love half days. Take them when you can get them.

What kind of small company?

I'm the big kahuna at our local Subway, so I make sammiches all day, and beat the stupid employees over the head with the bread pans.. and plot mass destruction against the stupid customers lol

5Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 10:10


DL my brotha!

Sheep my sista!

Good morning to both. DL WAKE UP!!

6Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 10:22



We are a welding supply company. We sell Welders and welding equipment. In addition we also fill high pressure gas cylinders, as well as specialty gases. We have 1000 gallon tanks of liquid Oxygen, Nitrogen, and other gases, and covert them to gas form and package it into high pressure cylinders. We also have some nasty stuff in the spec gas lab and I hate even going in there. I work in the office however and try to stay under the radar and screw around on my two moniters. He who has two moniters is king of the office HAHA. Anyway if someone's computer messes up I go trouble shoot it. I also work with bar code tracking our cylinders and some other mundane boring shit. It pays the bills and TBH I enjoy the people here and they h ave taken care of me. The owner put me through college and I just earned my Degree so I am happy!

BTW I like's me some subway. Italian BMT on Italian bread toasted for the win! O yea!

7Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 10:23



BIG D IS IN DA HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!

Trying to shake it man but it's tuff.

8Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 10:24


I never knew what you did for a living DL, very informative.

I like Subway also, but I rage when I ask for light mayo and they use the mayo hose thingy and put too much on it Mad

9Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 10:27



I thought you knew D. My bad brother. I know you work at Sega, and Mills works for a pharmacutical company tracking lost shipments down ro something like tha. Hmm my bad brother!

10Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 10:29


It's all good my man.

11Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 10:31



How bout those days you wake up and your eyes and nose feels all dried out. you can't hardly breath, and just wish you'd feel better. YUP that's today!

12Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 10:32


Hate those days man. Those are the days when you want to just hit the reset button.

13Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 10:35



Yea I know because right mow my allergies are all crazy I did wake up all dried up, have a headache, didn't sleep well, I have this sore on my tongue for some reason that makes it hurt to talk or chew. Half day sounding like the win. We'll see though.

14Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 10:39



wow thought mine was bad. Sucks to be you right now DL, sorry bud! Crying or Very sad

15Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 14:50



Kenneth wrote:I like Subway also, but I rage when I ask for light mayo and they use the mayo hose thingy and put too much on it Mad

LMFAO! i used to work at Subway with Nikki (EDIT: Sheep, sorry it's hard to refer to her as such >.>), so, i know why they do that. the mayo there is "light mayonnaise", you can't get regular mayo, so when you say light mayo they are like, "duh... all the mayo is light" and SQWWWWWeeerrrr a bunch of mayo onto the sandwich.

i think Nikki and i are the only ones who knew what a customer meant by light mayo >.>

anyway, say "only a little mayo" and that will work better. Wink

16Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 14:55



*in my heaviest Bob Marley (comedian from maine) accent possible.

I alwasy say pooha dat fuggin sheeit on deh, gimme dat mayo! i can feel mah ahteries cloggin guy.

17Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 14:58



I'd love to get out of the warehouse and do some tech support. I feel like Darrell from the Office every day of my life.

18Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 14:59



Derp! WTF??? You kill me sometime LMAO!!

No subway for me. THe boss walked by when I was leaving and we went to Qdoba.

19Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 15:00




My job can get pretty boring. Hence why I mess around on the forum half the day.

20Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 15:02



Yes. As you may have noticed so is mine. However, I would be getting paid (probably more) to do something occasionally more brain intensive while getting to relax the rest of the time

21Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 15:03


Heebs wrote:
Kenneth wrote:I like Subway also, but I rage when I ask for light mayo and they use the mayo hose thingy and put too much on it Mad

LMFAO! i used to work at Subway with Nikki (EDIT: Sheep, sorry it's hard to refer to her as such >.>), so, i know why they do that. the mayo there is "light mayonnaise", you can't get regular mayo, so when you say light mayo they are like, "duh... all the mayo is light" and SQWWWWWeeerrrr a bunch of mayo onto the sandwich.

i think Nikki and i are the only ones who knew what a customer meant by light mayo >.>

anyway, say "only a little mayo" and that will work better. Wink

I actually went there this morning after I did some banking and I noticed exactly what you're saying so I'll make sure to say only a little next time.

22Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 15:08



blackholedreams wrote:I'd love to get out of the warehouse and do some tech support. I feel like Darrell from the Office every day of my life.

For me, it was nice to get an office job. But sometimes I want a more active job. However a more active job means less SeC posting...

23Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 15:12


I love my current job obviously, but my second favorite job was when I was and I & R Tech for the SBC.

I was only in the office for maybe 45 minutes a day, for remainder of the day was spent outside and at people's houses in various locations around SF.

24Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 15:32

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I know the feeling, DL. Sometimes I feel like I would love an office job! These kids are wearing me out, I'm exhausted. We went to a Veteran's Day parade this morning and they kept running in the street to get candy, haha. Gotta love them though, I do love my job.

25Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 19:21



I think I ate subway maybe half a dozen times before I started working there lol. it's not very glamorous, but it pays my bills and then some, so I'm good. Plus it's pure profit since it takes about 10 minutes to get there on a bad day.

Haha, I was gonna say what Heebs did about the mayo thing. But some Subways can/do have regular mayonnaise, I believe, since there are bottle labels available for it.

I thought about going into tech. shooting or something along those lines, but I am often easily frustrated, so it probably wouldn't work. My solution for computer problems? Kick the mother.

26Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 20:06



i dont have a job...

but i hate school. hardly any service on my phone, and all the good sites on computers are blocked

27Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 20:11



That's cause you're supposed to be learning, not dicking around! lol
- I wouldn't be in too much of a rush to be out of school and working there shooter. You don't get to spend nearly as much time doing fun things or seeing your friends when this happens.

I didn't even have a cell phone when I was in high school.

I also work with a bunch of teenage girls. >< A couple of which have babies. It's awful. I don't remember being that dramatic as a teenager. Or, you know, a mom.

28Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 20:18



argh I'm out of school and I don't think there's anywhere I've been in town that I haven't applied at. Finding a job is so hopeless here in Kelowna, my sister loses like 3 shifts a week too.

Being without work and out-of-school is just purpose-less living. I usually just do odd jobs for neighbors like cleaning up the yard - not so much for the cash but just so I can have something to do.

Occasionally one of my dad's friends needs help applying sofet so I usually have work for 2 or 3 days. Feels good man.

I don't know why but I just can't stand sitting around doing nothing. Even at my old job when I did 3 60 hour weeks helping to renovate the store I didn't even mind going to work.

29Tired! Empty Re: Tired! 2010-11-05, 20:21



but learning is so boring, and we get free time every now and then.

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