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whos going with me?

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1whos going with me? Empty whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 12:03

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

2whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 12:40



can't click the link, but i see "skyline" i wanna see that movie!

3whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 13:14



I'm going to see MegaMind this weekend. =P

4whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 13:19

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

gotta date with the wife tonight so, perhaps we'll see that as well

5whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 13:21



Can I just pretend I was going to go see it and call it good? Very Happy I never go to movies Sad

6whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 13:23



Movies rock! Why wouldn't you go to the movies?

7whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 13:25



I don't know, something about being confined in a dark area with lots of people makes me feel uncomfortable, especially when babies are crying...xD

But really, I just don't really like the atmosphere, and how much it costs, but every so often I do get in the mood to go (usually meaning my parents drag me with them, lol)

8whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 13:28



Man that sucks. I love going to the movies. We have a great theatre in OKC that cost $3.50 to get in and is just as good as any of the bigger more expensive theatres.

9whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 13:28




Lucky! The cheapest around here is around $7.00 or so Sad

10whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 13:32



Most of ours is 9 to 10 bucks. =/ I only go to those if I'm invited.

11whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 13:34



Last time I went to the theatre was because I went with my friend's family to see "Predators", which actually turned out much better than I thought it would. Wasn't the best movie in the world, but MUCH better than I had anticipated. Smile

12whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 13:36



I had high hopes for that one. So it let me down. I don't get why they can't make a good Predator movie anymore. My main beef was the main character. He didn;t fit the role to me.

13whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 13:37


I like going to the movies but I won't just go see anything. It has to be something the kids want to see, or something I'm really excited for.

Otherwise I be pirating movie matey.

14whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 13:37



I had low expectations, lol. See? Being a little negative never hurts, because it can actually make you happy with something, lol.

15whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 13:44

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i love the theater...

it stems from Jurassic park...
when the tyrannosaurus came and the ground started shacking, it rattled the whole damn theater

being 8 years was AMAZING

Last edited by Awesome MD on 2010-11-05, 14:33; edited 1 time in total

16whos going with me? Empty Re: whos going with me? 2010-11-05, 14:17



Jurassic Park was great.

"That is one big pile of shit...."

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