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Black ops gunship gameplay.

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1Black ops gunship gameplay. Empty Black ops gunship gameplay. 2010-11-06, 22:27



Looks op.



It does look OP, but how often do people get 11 kills without killstreaks?



Doesnt look too bad to me. The other team was bad enough to not spawn with rocket launchers so they deserved it. I saw atleast 3 or 4 different times where if a guy had spawned with a rocket, the heli would be down.

It does seem to kill a little too fast. Its like 2 hits and your dead and the gun fires very fast. Maybe make it 3 or 4 hits and it would be ok.



Yeah it looks exactly like the chopper gunner did on release in MW2, then everybody unlocked Cold Blooded and the Stinger.



SAMS/Launchers will probably be able to get rid of it, also, how many people do you know can get an 11 killstreak without camping and whoring other killstreaks? This may happen at the beginning, but that'll probably be it. Also, the people he was against were pretty bad, not to mention a 67-8 score isn't very good either in an objective game.



Ah the stinger, pissing off pros getting nukes was priceless.



xsilentshooterx wrote:Ah the stinger, pissing off pros getting nukes was priceless.

Lol "pros" in BIG quotations. xD



Pro-n. Person who uses the UMP .45 and thinks they are good. Killstreaks are usually harrier, chopper gunner, tactical nuke. Most effective counter is cold blooded pro with a stinger.



Yeah but the AC-130 was so much better.

I remember getting that revolving gold cross emblem legit before going into a modded lobby when I stopped caring about that game.

The AC-130 was the only thing that kept me interested after the Models were nerfed completely sodomized and made absolutely worthless.

10Black ops gunship gameplay. Empty Re: Black ops gunship gameplay. 2010-11-07, 02:41



I remember I had a friend get akimbo models when the game first came out. We woulld stalk him and take em when he died. They were fucking sniper rifles. I liked AC-130, but chopper gunner just got more kills. Modded lobbie were fun. And the never ending domination on rust.

11Black ops gunship gameplay. Empty Re: Black ops gunship gameplay. 2010-11-07, 02:44



Chopper Gunner lacked consistency, and you could take it out without it firing flares on some maps.

The AC-130 never had a shitty pilot, had a birds-eye view over the entire map (although on Wasteland and that giant snow one (name escapes me) there were a few spots you couldn't aim at that were out-doors until it moved around more) and you could actually kill people in doors with the main gun.

And destroy all the other air support, though chances are when I got one there wasn't anything to shoot down unless it came from a care package since I played with friends a lot.

12Black ops gunship gameplay. Empty Re: Black ops gunship gameplay. 2010-11-07, 02:48



Chopper Gunner > AC130 is a proven fact.

AC-130 is only better against teams that are actually trying to shoot you down. IMO, the new Gunship doesn't look nearly as OP as either of them, which is good, and getting kills with it doesn't mean the game will end because of people whoring kills in an objective game. Smile

13Black ops gunship gameplay. Empty Re: Black ops gunship gameplay. 2010-11-07, 02:49



Ya they both have pros/cons.

14Black ops gunship gameplay. Empty Re: Black ops gunship gameplay. 2010-11-07, 02:56



Yeah, except every game people would try to shoot you down, and with the CG there's only so many spawn-kills you can get before they switch somewhere else and you're defenseless because you're not-facing them.

On small, open maps and in objective modes like Demolition/CTF where there's maybe 3 potential spawn points and you're up against a completely retarded team and if the pre-mapped CG pilot was in an advantageous position the CG was better.

However the AC-130 probably averaged more kills in MW2, since it was always good, had two flares, actually reloaded flares and never had to worry about targets it couldn't hit (within reason, basically the scenarios I mentioned).

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