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My experience with kinect and move.

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So I went to best buy today and spent about 30 minutes with both of these accessories.

Kinect: What a piece of shit. This thing would not even work with the help with an actual microsoft employee and 3 best buy ones. It did not even read me most of the time. When i was finally able to get a game of bowling it was really inaccurate and the game just auto locked me to one of the 8 arrows on the runway.

Move: This thing worked much better than kinect but not as good as wii motion +. There was only 2 demo games I could try. The first one, table tennis, worked just fine but it looked like if you swung in the general direction of the ball it would hit it. The second one, frisbee, was where I had issues. It was not able to detect where I was swinging properly but that might have been because it was strapped to a cable.

Overall if you want to play a game like this just get a Wii.



I always knew it would be a piece of shit from the day I saw it. Serves Microsoft right for trying to cash in on the only thing that keeps an inferior console like the Wii going.



Expected result.



Kitsune no Kaji wrote: inferior console like the Wii going.

You sound like you hate the Wii?

Meh on the whole motion thing in general.



I am kinda happy that I drove 10+ people watching me play from buying it.






TheGM86 wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote: inferior console like the Wii going.

You sound like you hate the Wii?

Meh on the whole motion thing in general.

Nah, I don't hate the Wii, it's just inferior to the other consoles. The only thing it has going for it is motion controls. I do like playing Brawl, and the Metroid Prime Trilogy on it once and a while though (Gamecube or Wii versions of the game)



Thanks for letting us know Tom. Now I know not to let the BF get me this for Christmas.



All things are inferrior to PC. *Evil laugh*

I only use the Wii to play gamecube games and buy old games on the VC.



I use the Wii to play Gamecube games. Some VC ones.

Like Metroid Prime. The two games I was actually looking forward to disappointed me a little - BWii had too much lag and Metroid Prime Corruption was too easy and overly simplified because it was on the Wii (beams stacking in an FP Metroid? fucking gay).

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I only want the Wii for Metroid.



I might have enough to build a system after I save up.

Wanna throw a Quadcore or Maybe a Hexacore Phenom Black Edition Processor in my build. Unlocked core = WIN.



Which Metroid are we talking about? Other M was terrible, I mean it's okay if you don't think of it as a Metroid game but it's still pretty bad.

It's 90% soap, 10% game play. You do something, get a 10 minute cutscene and then a 3 minute recap of how Samus feels about it. Really tedious after a while, and it's really easy.

The only time the game doesn't feel like it's on rails is when you're aiming in first-person but even that doesn't feel like a make-or-break addition to the game.



Brawl is pretty fun too.

I never get why people like the PC so much for gaming. I personally find a mouse and keyboard much more awkward than a controller, and I don't like having to spend a ridiculous amount of money ($700+) to play a game that costs $20-$50 without lag. That's what I find awesome about consoles, when I win, it's not because I had a better system or some bullshit like that. Everybody is on a nearly equal playing field compared to the PC, lag aside.



Also, all the Metroid Primes are VERY easy, having beat all but the second one (I got distracted by loads of new games after getting the Trilogy, but beat the first on the Gamecube and the Wii, and Corruption on the actual disc borrowed from a friend), and never died once.



No, the issue with Corruption is the HyperMode. Every enemy you kill with it drops like 20 or 30 health, and while using it you're completely invulnerable to damage and two-shot enemies.

And in all Metroid games running full equip runs is easy, the fun is sequence-breaking once-necessary equipment or playing with as little equipment as possible.

Try running a game with only 4 Energy tanks, 3 missile tanks, 1 beam ammo expansion and no Dark Suit in Echoes and see if you can even get passed the Boost Guardian.

Also in Metroid Prime you can beat the game with as few as 9% of the upgrades, two years ago someone found out how to play the game without the Space Jump but it involves a 3-hour glitch to skip Processor Core in the Magmoor Caverns.

at least I think it's 9%. somewhere around there.



But on a normal playthrough are they difficult? No. You have to discover ways to make them to be difficult, which means they aren't really mean't to be difficult. Echoes was the only one that presented an infintesimal challenge. I loved the series, I just thought that they were really easy. If I knew a way to do it without grabbing a billion items, I probably would try, but then again, I'm never in the mood to play it lately because I have too many other new games to try out. Sad



That really applies to all games though, it's not really tough until you play it on Hard.

And in a game that revolves around collecting items and exploration I'd say leaving items out makes for a pretty good challenge, same with the Legend of Zelda although that's just skipping pieces of heart/heart containers. I just wish you could 9% hard on Zero Mission with an American edition of the game.

fucking Chozodia and it's three missile blocks in one room.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

JDM_Jev wrote:Which Metroid are we talking about? Other M was terrible, I mean it's okay if you don't think of it as a Metroid game but it's still pretty bad.

It's 90% soap, 10% game play. You do something, get a 10 minute cutscene and then a 3 minute recap of how Samus feels about it. Really tedious after a while, and it's really easy.

The only time the game doesn't feel like it's on rails is when you're aiming in first-person but even that doesn't feel like a make-or-break addition to the game.

OMG It sounds like The View or some shitty lifetime/oxygen show now.



Yes, but Metroid Prime, on any difficulty, still is not difficult, lol. It's just not...the nature of the game isn't to really be difficult in the first place.

I've beat nearly every game I've gotten on the most difficult setting, and this, is definitely not one of them. Go play SOCOM, if you want to talk about difficult. Good luck making it through the 2nd playthrough.

I also LOVE how people whine and cry about WaW's campaign, yet I beat through it without getting the Purple Heart achievement. Especially the German sniper. People all glitched to get past him, but I never had problems with it, and I never glitched; it only took me 2 tries to beat him. It's all about timing and patterns, but nope, people give up when they still have an easy chance. >_>

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I wanted SOCOM, but I heard the AI is shit in single player and that's the only thing I could really play now since no one plays it online.



Cookie Monster wrote:I wanted SOCOM, but I heard the AI is shit in single player and that's the only thing I could really play now since no one plays it online.

HAHA! Enemy AI is shit? Lol...I guess in the sense that they have the ability to shoot you from so far away that you can't see you and one shot you is shit...

Your teammates are shit, and if they all die, you lose (and there's only three of them)

Taking 2 bullets on the second playthrough from nearly anything kills you.

No autoaim.

No checkpoints.

3-4 hour missions.

Have fun.

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Maybe it was squad AI. Well, shit. I loved Ghost Recon 2. GRAW2 for the PC (no 3rd person) was alright, but GR2 was the shit.

I guess I'll go buy SOCOM. Which one should I get?

Patrick Star

Patrick Star




Metroid Prime yeah.

They focused more on exploration in that game than anything. The bosses weren't exactly memorable but the game sure was, though looking back and seeing 'oh here's a ruins world, then a fire world, then an ice world then an enemy base enjoy' makes it seem sort of meh to me. They dodged a bullet though - 2003 is around the time people started getting bored of that shit.

And I never really found any challenge in Zelda or Metroid games, until I replay without upgrading my bomb bag/quiver and picking up as few hearts as possible.

I'm a masochist in that regard.



You are getting REALLY off-topic please stop.



I loved the exploration of Metroid Prime; I like it kinda for the same reason I like Fallout. I don't find either of them difficult at all, but I love the experience of playing it. I like the CoD series on Veteran. That's about what the second highest difficulty on a game should be, or mabe normal.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i dont think i would like kinect. i would want to see a FPS for it(thats good) then if they make the motion sensing better i might consider buying it.



T-800 wrote:You are getting REALLY off-topic please stop.

you're off topic you ballsass


But still I'm sick of motion control in general. Apparently Sony had it in development longer than Nintendo, which is something I find hard to believe because that would mean they're making games for a console that lacks games.

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