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Good News!!

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1Good News!!  Empty Good News!! 2010-11-08, 12:38

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Twinkie Diet

2Good News!!  Empty Re: Good News!! 2010-11-08, 12:46



yes, well, men can eat all kinds of sugary carb filled greasy fat and calorie laden foodstuffs and still lose weight.

if i tried this twinkie diet i would gain 100 lbs. just opening the wrapper >.>

3Good News!!  Empty Re: Good News!! 2010-11-08, 12:48

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

its all about strict calorie intake..
1700 calories? ...thats my breakfast doughnut...

4Good News!!  Empty Re: Good News!! 2010-11-08, 12:52



omg, if i even so much as smelled a doughnut i would gain weight Sad

krispy creme... mmmmmm...

5Good News!!  Empty Re: Good News!! 2010-11-08, 13:02



And have a gallbladder attack. Poor Heeblies.

I don't like twinkies.

6Good News!!  Empty Re: Good News!! 2010-11-08, 13:04



me either. they're spongy and icky.

7Good News!!  Empty Re: Good News!! 2010-11-08, 13:26



At 32 my metabolism is still holding strong for the moment. I can eat anything and I really do not gain any weight. If I do a few nights of exersise and I loose 10 or so pounds.

8Good News!!  Empty Re: Good News!! 2010-11-08, 13:29



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:At 32 my metabolism is still holding strong for the moment. I can eat anything and I really do not gain any weight. If I do a few nights of exersise and I loose 10 or so pounds.


i have to exercise my ass off all week long and i will shed maybe 1 lb. if i am lucky.

9Good News!!  Empty Re: Good News!! 2010-11-08, 13:31



Sorry..... The drawback is I was lanky and goofy looking growing up. Well I'm still goofy looking but not as lanky HAHA. Constantly growing I could never get used to my body so my akward period was years not months.

10Good News!!  Empty Re: Good News!! 2010-11-08, 16:07

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Sorry..... The drawback is I was lanky and goofy looking growing up. Well I'm still goofy looking but not as lanky HAHA. Constantly growing I could never get used to my body so my akward period was years not months.

I was the same way, haha. You should see pictures of me when I was in junior high -- my arms are so skinny I'm surprised you can't see through them xD I was a total gangly, awkward, dorky looking kid. Took me a long time to grow out of that.

I should try this diet, only eat like 3,000 calories of Twinkies. Then maybe I could gain like ten pounds, that'd be sweet.

11Good News!!  Empty Re: Good News!! 2010-11-08, 16:10



People always thought I never ate, or my parents didn;t feed me. HAHA What they didn;t know was I would eat dinner, get seconds, and be raiding the fridge an hour later! HAHA My parents always said they had to work extra just to afford the grocery bills for me.

12Good News!!  Empty Re: Good News!! 2010-11-08, 16:12



I eat CONSTANTLY!!! And yet I only weigh 135ish pounds.

13Good News!!  Empty Re: Good News!! 2010-11-08, 16:17

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Haha DL, I know! People used to (and still do) think I'm anorexic. I'm like me eat sometimes. I can eat SO much food it's unbelievable.

I'm 5'10 and only weigh 120 pounds, so I don't blame them, I do realize that I am pretty underweight. But sorry, I have tried to gain weight, haha -- doesn't work!!

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