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Games REALLY need an "auto-boot" feature.

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Just the same way you have for teamkilling, if you do poorly. If you have 5+ deaths, and a K/D of .20 or lower that match, it should boot you, and count it as a loss, as well as forfeiting any XP or credits earned that match. I'm getting irritated by getting killed by air support that I didn't earn one kill towards, and going from an acceptable, 4-1, to a very unacceptable 6-5; 4 spawn kill deaths from air support. Fucking dumbass teammates. >: ( I can feel my blood pressure raise just thinking about it.



I don't agree with this at all, how are people supposed to get better if they aren't allowed to play? And you shouldn't get mad at people because they aren't that good, they bought the game and have the right to play it. They are playing to have fun so stop complaining about them and just play the game. If you don't like it then bring the game back.



Bla125 wrote:I don't agree with this at all, how are people supposed to get better if they aren't allowed to play? And you shouldn't get mad at people because they aren't that good, they bought the game and have the right to play it. They are playing to have fun so stop complaining about them and just play the game. If you don't like it then bring the game back.

Bla makes a solid point. Me and DL earlier were having fun and stuff and couldn't care less for our k/d. anything positive = good and we all have random bad games like I did a few times because of a certain ante that thought it would be great to kill me while I drove my toy car =(



Excluding people is just bad for business, and it's something they would never do.



Somebody going 0-20 is doing nothing for their team, or probably even playing the game. >_>



I think the only thing they should auto boot for is if someone is sitting in the same spot without any movement for a long period of time. Like zero movement.



Or going something like 0-20. I mean....really? How does somebody do that poorly?



How does someone do that poorly? Bad reaction time? Physical/mental handicap? The list of legitimate reasons goes on and on. If you get matched up with a bunch of bad players, leave. Don't punish them for not being good.

Mama Luigi wrote:
Bla125 wrote:I don't agree with this at all, how are people supposed to get better if they aren't allowed to play? And you shouldn't get mad at people because they aren't that good, they bought the game and have the right to play it. They are playing to have fun so stop complaining about them and just play the game. If you don't like it then bring the game back.

Bla makes a solid point. Me and DL earlier were having fun and stuff and couldn't care less for our k/d. anything positive = good and we all have random bad games like I did a few times because of a certain ante that thought it would be great to kill me while I drove my toy car =(

I did no such thing.... >_>;;



0-20...though. Just think, if they threw a grenade every time they spawned, they're destined at least to get one kill. It's not very difficult at all. I wish people could just understand that. It's frustating to be put on a team of idiots that has 3 people like that, and feed the enemy kills so they can crank out air support. It's VERY aggravating after putting up with it for years.



Play with friends. CoD encourages pub-stomping.

I was playing with Ing's TEC friends yesterday and we raped the shit out of everyone apart from a few lucky plants in 2 rounds. They were kill-whoring most games (as with all CoD games, but they were all going negative) so we were more surprised than anything when one of them would actually plant, since we were all on the other side of the map trying to make the game last longer than 2 minutes by going for kills and letting the randies plant. sabotage btw

That's why I'd like to see kill streaks re-worked, so people would be encouraged to be a team player.



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:0-20...though. Just think, if they threw a grenade every time they spawned, they're destined at least to get one kill. It's not very difficult at all. I wish people could just understand that. It's frustating to be put on a team of idiots that has 3 people like that, and feed the enemy kills so they can crank out air support. It's VERY aggravating after putting up with it for years.

Okay so like I said, -leave-. If you don't like it, LEAVE. They shouldn't have to. I was in a match earlier today that I lost, my K/D was 3.xx and the next highest on the team was .60. What did I do? Leave.



Boot people for not being as good as others? It's a game DrBob, not the Olympics.

DL and I were discussing earlier how one game we'll be kicking complete ass with a 5.00+ Kdr and the next we'll get stomped and end up with a 0.27.



"Hey! Lets limit the playerbase so that bad people can't play!"




You have 2 choices.

1: Don't play with randoms.


2: Go ahead and do it even though you know bad shit is going to happen and NOT bitch about it.



ante87 wrote:
Kitsune no Kaji wrote:0-20...though. Just think, if they threw a grenade every time they spawned, they're destined at least to get one kill. It's not very difficult at all. I wish people could just understand that. It's frustating to be put on a team of idiots that has 3 people like that, and feed the enemy kills so they can crank out air support. It's VERY aggravating after putting up with it for years.

Okay so like I said, -leave-. If you don't like it, LEAVE. They shouldn't have to. I was in a match earlier today that I lost, my K/D was 3.xx and the next highest on the team was .60. What did I do? Leave.

Leaving a game count as a loss in this game, as well as the fact that you lose all your experience, so they're ruining the game for other people by playing. The only reason you should leave is if you're dragging your team down or were doing good, but are starting to do worse and worse, so you should leave before it gets too bad. Maybe only FFA should be allowed unless your K/D is over a certain digit for TDM and such?

I'm serious. My K/D yesterday, was pretty bad every game; I had a game where I even went had a 1.00, but the rest of my games were between 2-7 (5-7) isn't too bad. However, most of my deaths were to killstreaks (and for Goddamn reason, getting meleed while I was shooting somebody, fucking connection. :/ ) But guess what, I won ONE game yesterday when I was playing with Higu. ONE. FUCKING. GAME.



They should have a competitive playlist and a social playlist if they don't already. If you suck to much in the competitive list, you're obviously not good enough to be competitive, and you get kicked. no such rules under the social playlist.



I don;t know about a auto boot but I will agree that it does scuk when you see you have two guys that are like 2 and 20 and the other team keeps launching those damn chopper gunnerd at you and you know its not your fault. It would get frustrting to spawn and get killed in seconds by those two chopper perks. It happened to me twice last night.



It makes me want to pull my face off though, after I've dealt with this shit for 2 years now on LIVE. I remember when I got LIVE, I was all excited, because I thought I finally thought I would have worthy opponents and teammates after fighting bots on other games all these years. At first I was only a little disappointed, but now, they REALLY are beginning to piss me off, when added to the stress of everything else that I have going on. Not even bots lost as many damn games for me as teammates have, and when they did, it wasn't such a ridiculous amount. Losing by 2,000 points when you're 42-6 will make you lose your temper very fast.



Quit playing online Fox. This is your best option.



Ducksaws wrote:They should have a competitive playlist and a social playlist if they don't already. If you suck to much in the competitive list, you're obviously not good enough to be competitive, and you get kicked. no such rules under the social playlist.

They do, it's the Prestige playlist, you have to be atleast prestige 1 and pay 50,000 cod points to get in to it.

And Bob, W/L doesn't mean shit in call of duty. It's all about the individual. The only thing people look for is your K/D for TDM, SPM and flag caps/defends for domination and CTF, plants and defuses for demo and SnD, etc etc etc. Also, if you were dying to killstreaks why didn't you pull out the trusty LAW? It's your fault unless it was dogs, but then you could have just pulled out the SPAS-12.



Well I will say last night by the time you would pull out the law the damn chopper gunner has already shot you. I think the animation for getting out your secondary takes wayyyy tooo long.



I probably will stop playing online at this rate. I can't tolerate this stupid bullshit much longer.

I have SAM turret as a killstreak, and it gets rid of things nicely, but by the time it shoots it down, I have 1-2 deaths added, which is not good. My teammates just feed them kill after kill, and also, the SAM turret cannot shoot down airstrikes and the SR-71 (fortunately, I have Ghost most of the time).



And also, I would like note that they shouldn't have a chopper of any kind shooting me, and my team losing if I'm 30-3, then I have a much worse K/D at the end (but still decent) of 42-6, then we lose. There should be NO airsupport on the battlefield if I'm 42-6, there's no excuse for that.



You're right, there shouldn't. If you're going 42-6 there will never be that much air support unless you're camping and killing the same few people over and over again. You need to travel the whole map and root out the people racking up kills. There's nothing like getting a Buzzkill medal when you know he was just short of his chopper gunner.



I usually stop them from getting a really high killstreak, but they were getting amazing care package bullshit yesterday, and there's always the one asshole in some place that I can't get to until my teammates have killed themselves by mindless running at them for about the 4-5th time in a row. 2 teammates dying 4 times is 8, and that can happen VERY fast. What usuallly pisses me off even more, is the person with the killstreak isn't that good, and I kill them without trying, like by simply throwing a grenade in their camping spot, or knifing them because they don't watch their back. Oh teammates, teammates, teammates...



Try FFA. Or trade the game in.



I'm probably just going to play against bots from now on. I had over a year I used to sit around and have a blast playing Starwars Battlefront II, back before I had high-speed, and I just played against bots all day.



All stats at are to mine anyway.

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