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Christmas, already?

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1Christmas, already? Empty Christmas, already? 2010-11-11, 17:55

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

We went to Target today, and I was blasted in the face with Christmas stuff. It's still a month and a half away! I haven't even started shopping yet! I don't want to see this stuff yet!


I love Christmas shopping, but I won't start until after Thanksgiving. Plus, I don't have a huge idea of what I'm getting anyone yet.

2Christmas, already? Empty Re: Christmas, already? 2010-11-11, 17:56



We dont have Thanksgiving in my Country

Also must think of good gift for Danielle Very Happy

3Christmas, already? Empty Re: Christmas, already? 2010-11-11, 17:59

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

I always get Ehat a big present and then a ton of little things. I love buying stuff for people xD

4Christmas, already? Empty Re: Christmas, already? 2010-11-11, 18:03



She always Trumps me though it makes me feel bad that she always gets me better presents

5Christmas, already? Empty Re: Christmas, already? 2010-11-12, 10:00



I just got told yesterday that my Christmas wish for new struts was seriously lame and I needed to think of something better. >< But I don't want or need anything else.

I'm so not ready for Christmas, I'm not even ready for Thanksgiving! I kind of want to host and cook it myself, but I'm afraid I'll ruin it.

I swear the Christmas stuff went up right after Halloween - and I really haven't seen any Thanksgiving stuff - other than food.

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