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[FONV] Caesar's tent

3 posters

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1[FONV] Caesar's tent Empty [FONV] Caesar's tent 2010-11-13, 00:29



Damn that bastard Caesar hiding in his tent.

I am raiding The Fort with Boone, both in NCR Ranger Combat Armour, and killed all hostile in it EXCEPT those inside the flippin tent.

As soon as I enter I get punched in my face four times with Ballistic Fist, and is flat-lined.

Wish I could set the tent on fire, so if they decide to hole up in there, they would just BURN!

EDIT: Done it!

Took a LOT of drugs, and ate and drank TONS of food / water to accelerate the HP regeneration.

Wearing Caesar's Armour now. LoL!!!

2[FONV] Caesar's tent Empty Re: [FONV] Caesar's tent 2010-11-13, 00:38



Just bring lots of different food items, then shoot yourself full of chems, the attack. Whenever you take a little bit of damage, select to eat food items to heal that damage, and more. Pick different food items so you don't waste them, and so the healing stacks, healing you VERY quickly while you fight. That's how I did it, and never died. Smile

3[FONV] Caesar's tent Empty Re: [FONV] Caesar's tent 2010-11-13, 00:39




Thought of that after I posted, and done so.

4[FONV] Caesar's tent Empty Re: [FONV] Caesar's tent 2010-11-13, 00:41



Dick Mason eats Ballitic Fist and Craps C-Finders.

Dick Mason Punched the punchers harder for not punching him hard enough.

Dick Mason spoke The Word "PUNCHMASTER" once for every Punch.

The only side Dick Mason cares about is which side of somebody's face he is going to punch.

5[FONV] Caesar's tent Empty Re: [FONV] Caesar's tent 2010-11-13, 05:35

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I went through his tent on normal using an unarmed char and didnt have to heal once. Of course I was wearing fully upgraded power armor and was level 30 and had the dt implant and multiple DT boosting perks.

6[FONV] Caesar's tent Empty Re: [FONV] Caesar's tent 2010-11-13, 06:08



Pics or didn't happen >_>

I had to say it, and that was the first time I have ever said it =D

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