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Treyarch can actually live patch the game.

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I just found out why those numbers have changed at the top right had corner mean. Every time those change treyarch has updated the game. Here is a list of things that has already happened and what they are working on.



Wow that actually is amazing if you think about it. But I assume the patches are small and take place in very short amounts of time. Would it patch in-game or would the game finish, unpatched, then load it once someone wins/leaves?



remShotz wrote:Wow that actually is amazing if you think about it. But I assume the patches are small and take place in very short amounts of time. Would it patch in-game or would the game finish, unpatched, then load it once someone wins/leaves?
Just click my link they have already fixed a lot of things and it updates when you connect to the multiplayer or switch lobbies.


This is not anything new to call of duty

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Wow a CoD game being constanttly updated?
To quote The Heaavy, "AAUGH!! TIS NOT POSSIBLE!!"

No really, it's hard to believe



And yet CoD4 m40 acog glitch still exists... hmmmmmm....

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Exactly what Bla said



I'm actually thinking about picking this game up tomorrow and bringing back DR2. DR2 makes me reallly angry sometimes and I don't like to play games to get angry I like to play to have fun, and CoD doesn't really make me that angry unless there's lag which I don't really get that much of in CoD games. I have until this afternoon to decide though.... Hmmmmmm...



Bla125 wrote:I'm actually thinking about picking this game up tomorrow and bringing back DR2. DR2 makes me reallly angry sometimes and I don't like to play games to get angry I like to play to have fun, and CoD doesn't really make me that angry unless there's lag which I don't really get that much of in CoD games. I have until this afternoon to decide though.... Hmmmmmm...

What? It's the opposite for me. CoD games make me screaming fucking angry, way more than any other game in the history of games. Angry enough to smash things. BO makes me rage just as much as MW2.

...I can't think of anything in DR2 that made me more than slightly irritated...



Ingsmasher wrote:This is not anything new to call of duty

I thought the Live "notepad" style update ability came out around the time Monday Night Combat came out?

There was an article somewhere about how they were one of the first games to use it, but there were still glitches in it from MS so it wasn't working 100% yet...

Maybe I'm mistaken though.



Awesome, and to think that MW piece of shit 2 still has the Fuel rock glitch.



BO made me rage, usually I'm pretty calm playing anything else but the combination of horrible spawns and bad hit reg really pissed me off.



CoD always makes me rage (like every game), but nothing like BC2. It's a close match though, trust me.



To me, BC2 is like floating on a fluffy cloud while being fed grapes and shots of whiskey by several hot, naked chicks compared to BO.

BO is more like having Satan as my dentist.



Found it. CoD has not had on-the-fly updates before...

Looking over the Monday Night Combat review at Joystiq (the only one I know of, currently) there's a line tucked in near the end I wanted to know more about. Specifically, it is this line:

Uber's John Comes told me that basic balance adjustments can be made "on the fly without needing to do a patch..."

which made me very curious. I know from speaking to dudes at Infinity Ward (at a point prior to the ongoing madness) that with the balance problems they'd had out the gate on Modern Warfare 2, they'd be looking at an option aside from traditional title updates to manage this kind of thing in the future. Those updates are a huge production on Xbox Live, something Valve doesn't like about the service, which (among other things) catalyzed their alliance with Sony. Pushing a title update involves a full certification pass, which can be onerous when you've fixed the problem already but must wait for it to pass entirely through Microsoft's winding colon. I met John Comes at PAX, and he likes to talk at length, which is something we have in common. I decided to ask him what he meant by that, and the response came back almost too quick, as though it had been resident in the clipboard.

"Microsoft has storage space on the LIVE servers that allows for what they call 'Title Managed Storage', or TMS. TMS is just a place where you can put any file you want up there. So what we did is put a text file with all of our balance numbers up there and when the game starts up it overwrites the balance numbers with any numbers it pulled down off of TMS. Unfortunately, late in the process we found a bug that made about 80% of the numbers not work and were unable to fix it. But that other 20% is total fair game. Which enables us to do things like double earnings nights, extra bacon nights and a few game play balance tweaks. When we found the bug, part of our second certification patch contained some global knobs to tune the power of various things "on the fly." For example, if I found that Snipers earn juice way to fast, which is actually a concern of mine, I can make the change to the over all speed in which Snipers earn juice, upload it to TMS and the next time everyone boots the game, they'll get the new number. Now granted, if someone never boots the game and is always the host of their online sessions they won't get the change. But, that's going to be few and far between."



Quite the contrary for me; at least in CoD I'm not being killed by inferior players in OP vehicles the entire game.



And again we've decided that that's not an issue because vehicles are not overpowered, go play Battlefield 2.

You dislike them for giving Battlefield an identity, which is okay because Battlefield is the most cult-like of the big three console shooters.

On the PC its status is legendary, and for good reason. They are damn fun games.



Kitsune no Kaji wrote:Quite the contrary for me; at least in CoD I'm not being killed by inferior players in OP vehicles the entire game.

Not this again.

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