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most embarrassing moment?

Cookie Monster
Patrick Star
18 posters

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1most embarrassing moment? Empty most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-13, 13:58



my most embarrassing moment was many years previous, when i went to a hockey game and was climbing the many stairs up to our row, and i had exercised that morning like a FIEND and done so many squats my thighs were all wobbly.

i think you can see where this is heading >.>

anyways, i got up to the 2nd to last step (we were pretty far back), and my thigh decided to be all like "OH GAWD!" and crumpled out from underneath me, and i ate shit right on the stairs in front of thousands of people. it was fan-fucking-tastic. i think my face was red throughout those next couple hours. i literally wanted to crawl beneath my seat and stay there.

ok, your turn.

2most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-13, 14:33



I threw up on my crush's binder in 6th grade.

3most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-13, 14:54



D: omg that sucks man.

4most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-13, 15:01



I think one of my most embarrassing moment was when I was talking to some Japanese tourist some time ago, when I was still a kid, thinking I was saying everything correct.

They were very nice, and seemed that the conversation was going smoothly.

Later on I realized I had been saying some things not in so correct way, and I had pride in myself of being correct about cultural things.

Felt REALLY embarrassed afterward, though no-one else probably cared.


5most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-13, 15:42



When I found out picking your nose and eating is "gross"... what? Don't give me that look >_>

6most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-13, 16:07

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

threw up on a test in like fourth grade with a substitute

7most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-13, 16:42



I can't say I ever really been embarrassed all that much. I just don't care what other people think to be honest.

8most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-13, 17:25


I'm with fighter4u on this one. I don't really get embarassed. I guess my most embarassing would be getting shot down by 2 girls for homecoming, but I didn't care that much

9most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-13, 17:28



Lots of moments. Losing in front of groups of people, tripping, you name it.

HOWEVER, most embarassing award goes to:

3rd grade, went to school only in boxer shorts and a T-Shirt (woke up late, and though I had shorts on. xD)

10most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-13, 17:29



One time I wore pajama pants to a restaurant cause I thought they were sweatpants. But I was like 6

11most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-13, 21:11



My whole life. looool. I do embarrassing things all the time, I think I'm used to it by now. I can't think of a worst one.

Think of it for me Heebs. You should know. My memory is shot.

Calling a current boyfriend by an ex's name? That's pretty awful. Done that before. Ooops. lol

3rd grade, went to school only in boxer shorts and a T-Shirt (woke up late, and though I had shorts on. xD)

I don't think you can beat this though. Poor Kitty! I don't even remember 3rd grade.

12most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-13, 21:16



Yeah, it was pretty embarassing, but I didn't really care too much. That was back when I could do anything, and not really care that much. But yes, it was humiliating to remember later on; unfortunately, I have a very good memory: I can remember things back until about the time I was 2 years old.

13most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-13, 23:02



My most embarrassing moment... I can't tell it's too embarrassing!!! XD lol

14most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-14, 20:02




15most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-14, 20:09



i get really bad stage frieght everytime i go infront of people, worst time was forgetting almost all of what i wrote so i just BS'ed it the entire time, i got a decent grade though

16most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-14, 20:30



I'm not a cheater! XD

17most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-14, 21:03



I have not really been embarrassed in my life but that is most likely because I have been home schooled for a good 6 years.

18most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-14, 21:04



BlueSkittles wrote:I'm not a cheater! XD
Yes you are lol.

19most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-14, 21:54



here we are, bearing ourselves to the world, and you come in here and dangle this "too embarrassing" story in front of us. You should be ashamed Razz

20most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-14, 22:08

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Ducksaws wrote:I threw up on my crush's binder in 6th grade.
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

21most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-14, 22:11

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

I think mine is when I forgot the lyrics to a song on stage.

22most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-14, 22:18



Ducksaws wrote:here we are, bearing ourselves to the world, and you come in here and dangle this "too embarrassing" story in front of us. You should be ashamed Razz

XD It's too embarrassing to tell...

23most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-14, 22:31



Maybe when I fell through some football stands at a game, got caught at my chest, and crumpled somebody's trombone. Or marching into an ant mound during rehearsal one day (so many ants they had to throw my shoes back and forth and hold them in front of a sprinkler for about 10 minutes) and then did it AGAIN at the game that night. Luckily only one ant stuck around to bite me at the game so I just stood there and took it. >_>

Bad things happen to me a lot during band. We used to say my band shirt was cursed.

24most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-14, 22:36

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

You should have started it like this:

"Well, this one time at band practice..."

Very Happy

25most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-14, 23:23



BlueSkittles wrote:
Ducksaws wrote:here we are, bearing ourselves to the world, and you come in here and dangle this "too embarrassing" story in front of us. You should be ashamed Razz

XD It's too embarrassing to tell...
There is no way you have something more embarrassing then all the things I see on youtube.

26most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 00:11


BlueSkittles wrote:
Ducksaws wrote:here we are, bearing ourselves to the world, and you come in here and dangle this "too embarrassing" story in front of us. You should be ashamed Razz

XD It's too embarrassing to tell...

This is an accepting place. You're just leaving us hanging Sad

27most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 01:14



Hmm..probably back in freshman year, I was in the percussion in band, I had to play cymbols and a few other things at a practice at our stadium, I had forgetten my music and was off, and the directars kept calling me out when I was wrong.

Or last year at a concert for guitar class, on our last song, the one o had down the best, I started too early twice in a row, and did terrible the rest the song.

28most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 17:02



Haha what.. I've seen like 100 episodes of South Park and never seen him throw up wendy.

29most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 17:08



High School. We go on this trip I don’t even remember why or where but we stayed overnight. Get up and eat the hotel breakfast. Get on the bus for the 3 hour ride back. I’m flirting with this girl that is sitting in front of me. All of a sudden my stomach starts churning and before I know it I throw up and get it on her arm, and leg…….. Still have like 2 hours to get back and every time the bus would go up or down a hill my puke would slosh to the front and back of the buss down the runners of the aisle.

O what a fun moment that was!!!!

30most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 17:11


I was just telling this story to Little D the other day.

Junior High. PE Class.

We were playing kickball and the ball went over the fence.

I go to hop the fence and my gym shorts got tangled on the top of the fence leaving me exposed to everyone.

31most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 17:13



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:High School. We go on this trip I don’t even remember why or where but we stayed overnight. Get up and eat the hotel breakfast. Get on the bus for the 3 hour ride back. I’m flirting with this girl that is sitting in front of me. All of a sudden my stomach starts churning and before I know it I throw up and get it on her arm, and leg…….. Still have like 2 hours to get back and every time the bus would go up or down a hill my puke would slosh to the front and back of the buss down the runners of the aisle.

O what a fun moment that was!!!!

Dude. Dude. This one takes the cake, easily.

32most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 17:14



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:High School. We go on this trip I don’t even remember why or where but we stayed overnight. Get up and eat the hotel breakfast. Get on the bus for the 3 hour ride back. I’m flirting with this girl that is sitting in front of me. All of a sudden my stomach starts churning and before I know it I throw up and get it on her arm, and leg…….. Still have like 2 hours to get back and every time the bus would go up or down a hill my puke would slosh to the front and back of the buss down the runners of the aisle.

O what a fun moment that was!!!!

Damn, that one is pretty bad. I probably would've never showed my face at school again if that happened, personally, lol.

33most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 17:20



Well this one time I pooped on the floor in the bathroom at this nice restaurant cause i couldn't make it in time. I was like 5.

34most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 17:24




OMG! That's hilarious.

35most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 17:33



And this other time I walked outside to the highschool parking lot and was getting in my car, then this other kid walked out and noticed someone had taken a dump on the hood of his car. he got all mad and thought it was me.

Bad poop stories just follow me around Sad

36most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 17:35



Damn, that sucks. Kinda funny though. If somebody ever shit on my car, I honestly think I would literally kill them, or make them wish they were dead.

37most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 17:36



Puke sloshing up and down the aisle for 2 hours man!!!!!!

38most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 17:37



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Puke sloshing up and down the aisle for 2 hours man!!!!!!

Don't worry DL, I still vote yours the most embarassing, lol. I've honestly never had anything really embarrasing happen to me, other than the story I listed, but back then, I really didn't care. I could've gone to school naked, and it wouldn't have made a difference to me.

39most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 17:44



Oh yeah, one time I was getting off the bus at school, I was looking at a bird or something so I ran into the little plastic guard rail the extends off the front of the bus when it stops and fell flat on my ass in front of everyone.

I also fell asleep on the bus and no one woke me up, so I woke up with the bus driver like driving back to base after everyone got off at school.

40most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 17:44


Wow, I figured my story would be the most embarrassing.

41most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 19:53



Ok ok now I feel bad

But it is really embarassing! I was at the store and I was carry my little brother and he pulled my shirt down in the checkout line Embarassed it was so awful I cried!

42most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 20:01



Thats not so bad...Since it was a kid that did it it shouldnt be too embarassing.

43most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 20:04


BlueSkittles wrote:Ok ok now I feel bad

But it is really embarassing! I was at the store and I was carry my little brother and he pulled my shirt down in the checkout line Embarassed it was so awful I cried!

You made it sound a lot worse than it was haha. Although that probably wasn't fun. Were there a lot of people around?

44most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 20:07



It was pretty crowded! And I used to have a crush on the guy that was checking us out. It was really bad. Lots of people could see my you know whats!!!! And then I cried, which made it even more embarassing!

45most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 20:08


BlueSkittles wrote:It was pretty crowded! And I used to have a crush on the guy that was checking us out. It was really bad. Lots of people could see my you know whats!!!! And then I cried, which made it even more embarassing!

That is pretty bad. I don't think people would look down on you for crying though, it's understandable in that situation.

46most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 20:10



Thanks Wacco.

47most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 20:25



That had to suck skittles.

48most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 20:44

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Ducksaws wrote:And this other time I walked outside to the highschool parking lot and was getting in my car, then this other kid walked out and noticed someone had taken a dump on the hood of his car. he got all mad and thought it was me.

Bad poop stories just follow me around Sad

Should tell him to smell your ass for poop.

49most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 22:16



DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:High School. We go on this trip I don’t even remember why or where but we stayed overnight. Get up and eat the hotel breakfast. Get on the bus for the 3 hour ride back. I’m flirting with this girl that is sitting in front of me. All of a sudden my stomach starts churning and before I know it I throw up and get it on her arm, and leg…….. Still have like 2 hours to get back and every time the bus would go up or down a hill my puke would slosh to the front and back of the buss down the runners of the aisle.

O what a fun moment that was!!!!

Holy shit DL... now that is an embarrassing story.

50most embarrassing moment? Empty Re: most embarrassing moment? 2010-11-15, 22:17



It was really bad. Lots of people could see my you know whats!!!!

I'm not following you... could you give more detail?

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