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Highest SPM moment.

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1Highest SPM moment. Empty Highest SPM moment. 2011-07-30, 03:40

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Mine was when i was a level 30 and i had played for an hour my score per minute was 594.

I just saw that now looking at my history and shit myself lol.

2Highest SPM moment. Empty Re: Highest SPM moment. 2011-07-30, 03:46


Holy hell man...3,285.64. Says I played for 3 minutes and got 11,000 score haha. That's insane, must've gotten a platinum in 3 minutes of playing. All my really high ones are from only like 20 minutes of playing though, so I don't know if I count them. My highest from playing for more than an hour is 569.

3Highest SPM moment. Empty Re: Highest SPM moment. 2011-07-30, 07:17



Once I intentionally got 1 kill away from both my ump platinum and my hand grenade platinum. I finished them both in like 2 minutes just so I could get one of those stupidly high spms Razz

But for anything over an hour it was probably this one time where the game kept on putting me on chopper maps against really bad people. Got like a 10 kdr and 700 spm

4Highest SPM moment. Empty Re: Highest SPM moment. 2011-07-30, 07:51

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Damn. Mine doesn't really go higher than that, or much lower. At least I'm consistent?

5Highest SPM moment. Empty Re: Highest SPM moment. 2011-07-30, 08:09



HAL 9000 wrote:265.
Damn. Mine doesn't really go higher than that, or much lower. At least I'm consistent?

naw you have to look here -

I see you got a spm of 1041 on july 20th Razz

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